List of Main Scenario Quests

A list of all Main Scenario Quests in Final Fantasy XIV.


A Realm Reborn Main Scenario Quests - Patch 2.0

  1. Coming to Gridania/Coming to Limsa Lominsa/Coming to Ul'dah
  2. Close to Home

A Realm Reborn - Part 1

Released August 27, 2013

A Realm Reborn - Part 2

  1. Call of the Sea
  2. It's Probably Pirates
  3. Call of the Forest
  4. Fire in the Gloom
  5. Call of the Desert
  6. Into a Copper Hell
  7. The Scions of the Seventh Dawn
  8. A Wild Rose by Any Other Name
  9. Unsolved Mystery
  10. What Poor People Think
  11. A Proper Burial
  12. For the Children
  13. Amalj'aa Wrong Places
  14. Dressed to Deceive
  15. Life, Materia, and Everything
  16. Lord of the Inferno
  17. A Hero in the Making
  1. Sylph-management
  2. We Come in Peace
  3. Sylphic Studies
  4. First Impressions
  5. First Contact
  6. Dance Dance Diplomacy
  7. Forest Friend
  8. Presence of the Enemy
  9. Brotherly Love
  10. Spirited Away
  11. Druthers House Rules
  12. Never Forget
  13. Microbrewing
  14. Like Fine Wine
  15. Sylphish Concerns
  16. Nouveau Riche
  17. Into the Beast's Maw
  18. A Simple Gift
  19. Believe in Your Sylph
  20. Back from the Wood

A Realm Reborn - Part 3

  1. Shadow of Darkness
  2. Highbridge Times
  3. Where There Is Smoke
  4. On to Little Ala Mhigo
  5. Tea for Three
  6. Foot in the Door
  7. Meeting with the Resistance
  8. Killing Him Softly
  9. Helping Horn
  10. He Ain't Heavy
  11. Come Highly Recommended
  12. The Bear and the Young'uns' Cares
  13. Wilred Wants You
  14. Big Trouble in Little Ala Mhigo
  15. Back to Square One
  16. Terror at Fallgourd
  17. Ziz is So Ridiculous
  18. Rock of Rancor
  19. Seeing Eye to Winged Eye
  20. Power of Deduction
  21. Secret of the White Lily
  22. Skeletons in Her Closet
  23. Wrath of the Titan
  24. Tales from the Tidus Slayer
  25. Hungry Hungry Goobbues
  26. The Lominsan Way
  27. Nix That
  28. A Modest Proposal
  29. Trial by Turtle
  30. The Perfect Prey
  31. When the Worm Turns
  32. There and Back Again
  33. The Things We Do for Cheese
  34. What Do You Mean You Forgot the Wine
  35. An Offer You Can Refuse
  36. It Won't Work
  37. Give a Man a Drink
  38. That Weight
  39. Battle Scars
  40. It Was a Very Good Year
  41. In the Company of Heroes
  42. As You Wish
  43. Lord of Crags

A Realm Reborn - Part 4

  1. All Good Things
  2. You Can't Take it With You
  3. Bringing Out the Dead
  4. Bury Me Not on the Lone Prairie
  5. Eyes on Me
  6. He Who Waited Behind
  7. Cold Reception
  8. The Unending War
  9. Men of Honor
  10. Three for Three
  11. The Rose and the Unicorn
  12. The Talk of Coerthas
  13. Road to Redemption
  14. Following the Evidence
  15. In the Eyes of Gods and Men
  16. The Final Flight of the Enterprise
  17. Ye of Little Faith
  18. Factual Folklore
  19. The Best Inventions
  20. Influencing Inquisitors
  21. By the Lights of Ishgard
  22. Blood for Blood
  23. The Heretic Among Us
  24. In Pursuit of the Past
  25. Into the Eye of the Storm
  26. Sealed with Science
  27. With the Utmost Care
  28. A Promising Prospect
  29. It's Probably Not Pirates
  30. Representing the Representative
  31. The Reluctant Researcher
  32. Sweet Somethings
  33. History Repeating
  34. The Curious Case of Giggity
  35. Better Late than Never
  36. Lady of the Vortex
  37. Reclamation
  38. Casing the Castrum
  39. Eyes on the Empire
  40. Footprints in the Snow
  41. Monumental Hopes
  42. Notorious Biggs
  43. Come-Into-My-Castrum
  44. Getting Even with Garlemald
  45. Drowning Out the Voices
  46. Acting the Part
  47. Dressed for Conquest
  48. Fool Me Twice
  49. Every Little Thing She Does is Magitek
  50. Escape from Castrum Centri
  51. The Black Wolf's Ultimatum
  52. Operation Archon
  53. A Hero in Need
  54. Hearts on Fire
  55. Rock the Castrum
  56. The Ultimate Weapon

A Realm Reborn - Part 5 (Patch 2.1 - A Realm Awoken)

Released December 14, 2013

  1. The Price of Principles
  2. Moving On
  3. All Things in Time
  4. Laying the Foundation
  5. It's Possibly a Primal
  6. Hail to the King, Kupo
  7. You Have Selected Regicide
  8. On the Properties of Primals
  9. The Gifted
  10. Build on the Stone

A Realm Reborn - Part 5 (Patch 2.2 - Through the Maelstrom)

Released March 26, 2014

  1. Still Waters
  2. A Final Temptation
  3. The Mother of Exiles
  4. Promises to Keep
  5. Yugiri's Game
  6. Why We Adventure
  7. All Due Respect
  8. The Sea Rises
  9. Scouts in Distress
  10. The Gift of Eternity
  11. Into the Heart of the Whorl
  12. Lord of the Whorl
  13. When Yugiri Met the Fraternity
  14. Through the Maelstrom

A Realm Reborn - Part 5 (Patch 2.3 - Defenders of Eorzea)

Released July 7, 2014

  1. The Great Divide
  2. Desperate Times
  3. Shock and Awe
  4. Reap the Whirlwind
  5. Revolution
  6. Stories We Tell
  7. Lord of Levin
  8. Levin an Impression
  9. What Little Gods Are Made Of
  10. Guardian of Eorzea
  11. Recruiting the Realm
  12. Heretical Harassment
  13. When the Cold Sets In
  14. Brave New Companions

A Realm Reborn - Part 6 (Patch 2.4 - Dreams of Ice)

Released October 28, 2014

  1. Traitor in the Midst
  2. Back and Fourth
  3. Coming to Terms
  4. The Intercession of Saints
  5. Strength in Unity
  6. Dark Words, Dark Deeds
  7. First Blood
  8. The Path of the Righteous
  9. For the Greater Good
  10. Tendrils of Intrigue
  11. Chasing Ivy
  12. In Flagrante Delicto
  13. A Simple Plan
  14. The Instruments of Our Deliverance
  15. The Road Less Traveled
  16. Eyes Unclouded
  17. The Reason Roaille
  18. Let Us Cling Together

A Realm Reborn - Part 6 continued (Patch 2.5 - Before the Fall)

Released January 19, 2015

    1. A Recurring Problem
    2. Ifrit Bleeds, We Can Kill It
    3. In For Garuda Awakening
    4. In a Titan Spot
    5. Good Intentions
  1. Bait and Switch
  2. Best Laid Schemes
  3. The Rising Chorus
  4. Aether on Demand
  5. On the Counteroffensive
  6. An Uninvited Ascian
  7. ???
  8. Mask of Grief
  9. Defenders for Ishgard
  10. The Wyrm's Roar
  11. Committed to the Cause
  12. Volunteer Dragonslayers
  13. An Allied Perspective
  14. The Steps of Faith
  15. Administrative Decision
  16. An Unexpected Ambition
  17. Ancient Ways, Timeless Wants
  18. Where We Are Needed
  19. The Least among Us
  20. Legacy of Allag
  21. Sanding it Down
  22. A Performance for the Ages
  23. Labyrinth of the Ancients
  24. For Prosperity
  25. Syrcus Tower
  26. The World of Darkness
  27. The Light of Hope
  28. A Time to Every Purpose
  29. Come, but Not Gone
  30. The Parting Glass
  31. Before the Dawn

Heavensward Main Scenario Quests - Patch 3.0

Heavensward - Part 1

Released June 19, 2015

  1. Coming to Ishgard
  2. Taking in the Sights
  3. The Better Half
  4. Over the Wall
  5. Work in Progress
  6. The First and Foremost
  7. From on High
  8. Reconnaissance Lost
  9. At the End of Our Hope
  10. Knights Be Not Proud
  11. Onwards and Upwards
  12. An Indispensable Ally
  13. Meeting the Neighbors
  14. Sense of Urgency
  15. Hope Springs Eternal
  16. A Series of Unfortunate Events
  17. A Reward Long in Coming
  18. Divine Intervention
  19. Disclosure
  20. Flame General Affairs
  21. In Search of Raubahn
  22. Keeping the Flame Alive
  23. To Siege or Not to Siege
  24. Alphinaud's Way
  25. In Search of Iceheart
  26. From One Heretic to Another
  27. Sounding Out the Amphitheatre
  28. Camp of the Convictors
  29. Purple Flame, Purple Flame
  30. Where the Chocobos Roam
  31. Worse than Dragons
  32. The Trine Towers
  33. Gifts for the Outcasts
  34. The Nonmind
  35. A Gnathic Deity
  36. Breaking into Hives
  37. Lord of the Hive
  38. Mourn in Passing
  39. Beyond the Clouds
  40. Mountaintop Diplomacy
  41. Moghan's Trial
  42. Mogwin's Trial
  43. Mogmug's Trial
  44. Moglin's Judgement
  45. Leaving Moghome
  46. The Road to Zenith
  47. Waiting for the Wind to Change
  48. Heart of Ice

Heavensward - Part 2

Released June 19, 2015

  1. The Wyrm's Lair
  2. New Winds, Old Friends
  3. A General Summons
  4. Awakening in Ul'dah
  5. A Brave Resolution
  6. Ready to Fly
  7. Into the Aery
  8. The Song Begins
  9. Unrest in Ishgard
  10. He Who Would Not Be Denied
  11. Ill-weather Friends
  12. The Spice of Life
  13. Noble Indiscretions
  14. A Child Apart
  15. Bloodlines
  16. Fire and Blood
  17. A Knight's Calling
  18. The Sins of Antiquity
  19. In Search of the Soleil
  20. Into the Blue
  21. Familiar Faces
  22. Devourer of Worlds
  23. Black and the White
  24. Bolt, Chain, and Island
  25. A Difference of Opinion
  26. One Good Turn
  27. An Engineering Enterprise
  28. Aetherial Trail
  29. Lost in the Lifestream
  30. Tataru's Surprise
  31. Onward to Sharlayan
  32. A Great New Nation
  33. Golems Begone
  34. An Illuminati Incident
  35. Leaving Idyllshire
  36. Matoya's Cave
  37. Forbidden Knowledge
  38. An Eye for Aether
  39. Hour of Departure
  40. The First Flight of the Excelsior
  41. Systematic Exploration
  42. In Node We Trust
  43. Chimerical Maintenance
  44. Close Encounters of the VIth Kind
  45. Fetters of Lament
  46. Heavensward

Heavensward - Part 3 (Patch 3.1 - As Goes Light, So Goes Darkness)

Released November 9, 2015

  1. An Uncertain Future
  2. Breaking the Cycle
  3. Another Time, Another Place
  4. In the Eye of the Beholder
  5. A Little Slow, a Little Late
  6. Dreams of the Lost
  7. Against the Dying of the Light
  8. As Goes Light, So Goes Darkness

Heavensward - Part 3 (Patch 3.2 - The Gears of Change)

Released February 22, 2016

  1. As It Once Was
  2. The Word of the Mother
  3. This War of Ours
  4. Staunch Conviction
  5. Once More, a Favor
  6. For Those We Have Lost
  7. Consequences
  8. Choices
  9. A Spectacle for the Ages
  10. For Those We Can Yet Save
  11. Causes and Costs

Heavensward - Part 3 (Patch 3.3 - Revenge of the Horde)

Released June 6, 2016

  1. The Man Within
  2. An Ally for Ishgard
  3. Winning Over the Wyrm
  4. An End to the Song
  5. Heroes of the Hour
  6. Litany of Peace

Heavensward - Part 4 (Patch 3.4 - Soul Surrender)

Released September 26, 2016

  1. Promises Kept
  2. Shadows of the First
  3. Two Sides of a Coin
  4. Unlikely Allies
  5. The Beast That Mourned at the Heart of the Mountain
  6. Beneath a Star-Filled Sky
  7. When We Were Free
  8. Honorable Heroes
  9. One Life for One World
  10. An Ending to Mark a New Beginning

Heavensward - Part 4 (Patch 3.5 - The Far Edge of Fate)

Released January 16, 2017

  1. Tidings from Gyr Abania
  2. An Envoy for Ishgard
  3. An Allied Decision
  4. Griffin, Griffin on the Wall
  5. Louisoix's Finest Student
  6. The Obvious Solution
  7. The Greater Obeisance
  8. Fly Free, My Pretty
  9. The Far Edge of Fate

Stormblood Main Scenario Quests - Patch 4.0

Stormblood - Part 1

Released June 15, 2017.

  1. Beyond the Great Wall
  2. Lyse Takes the Lead
  3. The Promise of a New Beginning
  4. A Haven for the Bold
  5. A Bargain Struck
  6. A Friend of a Friend in Need
  7. Signed, Sealed, to Be Delivered
  8. Best Served with Cold Steel
  9. Let Fill Your Hearts with Pride
  10. A Familiar Face Forgotten
  11. The Prodigal Daughter
  12. Death by a Thousand Rocks
  13. Hard Country
  14. A Life More Ordinary
  15. The Color of Angry Qiqiqrn
  16. The Black Wolf's Pups
  17. Homeward Bound
  18. Where Men Go as One
  19. Future Rust, Future Dust
  20. A Dash of Green
  21. Ye Wayward Brothers
  22. Token of Faith
  23. Crossing the Velodyna
  24. In Crimson It Began
  25. The Fires Fade
  26. Bereft of Hearth and Home
  27. Divide and Conquer
  28. Lies, Damn Lies, and Pirates
  29. Tales from the Far East
  30. Not without Incident
  31. The Man from Ul'dah
  32. Where the Streets are Paved with Koban
  33. By the Grace of Lord Lolorito
  34. A Good Samurai Is Hard to Find
  35. It's Probably a Trap
  36. Making the Catfish Sing
  37. Once More, to the Ruby Sea
  38. Open Water
  39. Boys with Boats
  40. To Bend with the Wind
  41. Confederate Consternation
  42. The Solace of the Sea
  43. The Arrows of Misfortune
  44. The Last Voyage
  45. Alisaie's Stones
  46. Under the Sea
  47. Of Kojin and Kami
  48. In Soroban We Trust
  49. Forever and Ever Apart
  50. In the Darkness the Magatama Dreams
  51. The Whims of the Divine
  52. Breaking and Delivering
  53. The Lord of the Revel
  54. Tide Goes in, Imperials Go Out
  55. A Silence in Three Parts
  56. Life after Doma
  57. A Glimpse of Madness
  58. The Stubborn Remainder
  59. The Ones We Leave Behind
  60. A New Ruby Tithe
  61. The Will to Live
  62. Daughter of the Deep
  63. Path of No Return
  64. The Time Between the Seconds
  65. All the Little Angels

Stormblood - Part 2

Released June 15, 2017.

  1. Here There Be Xaela
  2. The Search for Lord Hien
  3. A Season for War
  4. An Impossible Dream
  5. Stars in the Dark
  6. A Warrior's Welcome
  7. The Heart of Nations
  8. A Trial Before the Trial
  9. In the Footsteps of Bardam the Brave
  10. The Children of Azim
  11. The Labors of Magnai
  12. For Love of the Moon
  13. Sworn Enemies of the Sun
  14. The Undying Ones
  15. A Final Peace
  16. As the Gods Will
  17. Naadam
  18. Glory to the Khagan
  19. In Crimson They Walked
  20. The Hour of Reckoning
  21. The Room Where It Happened
  22. How Tataru Got Her Groove Back
  23. Seeds of Despair
  24. The Limits of Our Endurance
  25. Broken Steel, Broken Men
  26. The Doma Within
  27. On the Eve of Destiny
  28. The Die is Cast
  29. The World Turned Upside Down
  30. A Swift and Secret Departure
  31. While You Were Away
  32. Rhalgr's Beacon
  33. The Fortunes of War
  34. Rising Fortunes, Rising Spirits
  35. The Lure of the Dream
  36. The Lady of Bliss
  37. The Silence of the Gods
  38. The First of Many
  39. Strong and Unified
  40. Hells Open
  41. Heavens Weep
  42. The Road Home
  43. For the Living and the Dead
  44. Above the Churning Waters
  45. The Path Forward
  46. With Tired Hands We Toil
  47. Where Courage Endures
  48. The Price of Freedom
  49. Raubahn's Invitation
  50. Liberty or Death
  51. The Lady in Red
  52. Upon the Great Loch's Shore
  53. The Key to Victory
  54. The Resonant
  55. The Legacy of Our Fathers
  56. The Measure of His Reach
  57. Stormblood

Stormblood - Part 3 (Patch 4.1 - The Legend Returns)

Released October 10, 2017.

  1. Arenvald's Adventure
  2. The Darkness Below
  3. The Mad King's Trove
  4. The Butcher's Blood
  5. Echoes of an Echo
  6. A Sultana's Strings
  7. A Sultana's Duty
  8. A Sultana's Resolve
  9. Securing the Saltery
  10. A Blissful Arrival
  11. Return of the Bull

Stormblood - Part 3 (Patch 4.2 - Rise of a New Sun)

Released January 30, 2018.

  1. Tidings from the East
  2. The Sword in the Stone
  3. Hope on the Waves
  4. Elation and Trepidation
  5. Storm on the Horizon
  6. His Forgotten Home
  7. A Guilty Conscience
  8. Rise of a New Sun

Stormblood - Part 3 (Patch 4.3 - Under the Moonlight)

Released May 22, 2018.

  1. Gosetsu and Tsuyu
  2. Gone Like the Morning Dew
  3. Fruits of Her Labor
  4. Conscripts and Contingencies
  5. The Primary Agreement
  6. Under the Moonlight
  7. Emissary of the Dawn

Stormblood - Part 4 (Patch 4.4 - Prelude in Violet)

Released September 18, 2018.

  1. Sisterly Act
  2. Feel the Burn
  3. Shadows in the Empire
  4. A Power in Slumber
  5. The Will of the Moon
  6. The Call
  7. Prelude in Violet

Stormblood - Part 4 (Patch 4.5 - A Requiem for Heroes)

Released January 8, 2019.

  1. Soul Searching
  2. A Defector's Tidings
  3. Seiryu's Wall
  4. Parley on the Front Lines
  5. The Face of War
  6. A Brief Reprieve
  7. A Requiem for Heroes

Shadowbringers Main Scenario Quests - Patch 5.0

Shadowbringers - Part 1

Released July 2, 2019.

  1. The Syrcus Trench
  2. City of the First
  3. Travelers of Norvrandt
  4. In Search of Alphinaud
  5. A Still Tide
  6. Open Arms, Closed Gate
  7. A Fickle Existence
  8. City of Final Pleasures
  9. Free to Sightsee
  10. A Taste of Honey
  11. A Blessed Instrument
  12. Emergent Splendor
  13. In Search of Alisaie
  14. City of the Mord
  15. Working off the Meal
  16. A Desert Crossing
  17. Following in Her Footprints
  18. Culling Their Ranks
  19. A Purchase of Fruit
  20. The Time Left to Us
  21. Tears on the Sand
  22. The Lightwardens
  23. Warrior of Darkness
  24. An Unwelcome Guest
  25. The Crystarium's Resolve
  26. Logistics of War
  27. The Oracle of Light
  28. Il Mheg, the Faerie Kingdom
  29. Unto the Truth
  30. Courting Cooperation
  31. The Key to the Castle
  32. A Visit to the Nu Mou
  33. A Fitting Payment
  34. Spore Sweeper
  35. The Lawless Ones
  36. The Elder's Answer
  37. A Resounding Roar
  38. Memento of a Friend
  39. Acht-la Ormh Inn
  40. The Wheel Turns
  41. A Party Soon Divided
  42. A Little Faith
  43. Into the Dark
  44. A Day in the Neighborhood
  45. A Helping Hand
  46. Lost but Not Forgotten
  47. Saying Good-bye
  48. Stirring Up Trouble
  49. A Beeautiful Plan
  50. An Unwanted Proposal
  51. Put to the Proof
  52. Into the Wood
  53. Top of the Tree
  54. Look to the Stars
  55. Mi Casa, Toupasa
  56. Legend of the Not-so-hidden Temple
  57. The Aftermath
  58. In Good Faith
  59. The Burden of Knowledge
  60. Bearing with It
  61. Out of the Wood

Shadowbringers - Part 2

Released July 2, 2019.

  1. When It Rains
  2. Word from On High
  3. Small Favors
  4. The Best Way Out
  5. Free Trade
  6. The Trolley Problem
  7. Rust and Ruin
  8. On Track
  9. Down for Maintenance
  10. The Truth Hurts
  11. A Convenient Distraction
  12. A Dirty Job
  13. Have a Heart
  14. Full Steam Ahead
  15. Crossroads
  16. A Fresh Start
  17. More than a Hunch
  18. Return to Eulmore
  19. A Feast of Lies
  20. Paradise Fallen
  21. The Ladder
  22. The View from Above
  23. In Mt. Gulg's Shadow
  24. A Gigantic Undertaking
  25. Meet the Tholls
  26. A-Digging We Will Go
  27. The Duergar's Tewel
  28. Rich Veins of Hope
  29. That None Shall Ever Again
  30. A Breath of Respite
  31. Extinguishing the Last Light
  32. Reassuring the Masses
  33. In His Garden
  34. The Unbroken Thread
  35. To Storm-tossed Seas
  36. Waiting in the Depths
  37. City of the Ancients
  38. The Light of Inspiration
  39. The Illuminated Land
  40. The End of a World
  41. A Greater Purpose
  42. Shadowbringers

Shadowbringers - Part 3 (Patch 5.1 - Vows of Virtue, Deeds of Cruelty)

Released October 29, 2019.

  1. Shaken Resolve
  2. A Grand Adventure
  3. A Welcome Guest
  4. Good for the Soul
  5. Nowhere to Turn
  6. A Notable Absence
  7. For the People
  8. Finding Good Help
  9. Moving Forward
  10. Vows of Virtue, Deeds of Cruelty

Shadowbringers - Part 3 continued (Patch 5.2 - Echoes of a Fallen Star)

Released February 18, 2020.

  1. Old Enemies, New Threats
  2. The Way Home
  3. Seeking Counsel
  4. Facing the Truth
  5. A Sleep Disturbed
  6. An Old Friend
  7. Deep Designs
  8. A Whale's Tale
  9. Beneath the Surface
  10. Echoes of a Fallen Star

Shadowbringers - Part 3 continued (Patch 5.3 - Reflections in Crystal)

Released August 11, 2020.

  1. In the Name of the Light
  2. Heroic Dreams
  3. Fraying Threads
  4. Food for the Soul
  5. Faded Memories
  6. Etched in the Stars
  7. The Converging Light
  8. Hope's Confluence
  9. Nothing Unsaid
  10. The Journey Continues
  11. Unto the Morrow
  12. Reflections in Crystal

Shadowbringers - Part 4 (Patch 5.4 - Futures Rewritten)

Released December 8, 2020.

  1. Alisaie's Quest
  2. The Wisdom of Allag
  3. Reviving the Legacy
  4. Forget Us Not
  5. Like Master, Like Pupil
  6. The Admiral's Resolve
  7. The Search for Sicard
  8. On Rough Seas
  9. The Great Ship Vylbrand
  10. Futures Rewritten

Shadowbringers - Part 4 continued (Patch 5.5 - Death Unto Dawn)

Released April 13, 2021.

  1. Unto the Breach
  2. Here Be Dragons
  3. Righteous Indignation
  4. For Vengeance
  5. The Flames of War
  6. When the Dust Settles
  7. The Company We Keep
  8. On Official Business
  9. Death Unto Dawn

Endwalker Main Scenario Quests - Patch 6.0

Endwalker - Part 1

Released December 7, 2021.

  1. The Next Ship to Sail
  2. Old Sharlayan, New to You
  3. Hitting the Books
  4. A Seat at the Last Stand
  5. A Labyrinthine Descent
  6. Glorified Ratcatcher
  7. Deeper into the Maze
  8. The Medial Circuit
  9. The Full Report, Warts and All
  10. A Guide of Sorts
  11. Estate Visitor
  12. For Thavnair Bound
  13. On Low Tide
  14. A Fisherman's Friend
  15. House of Divinities
  16. The Great Work
  17. Shadowed Footsteps
  18. A Boy's Errand
  19. Tipping the Scale
  20. The Satrap of Radz-at-Han
  21. In the Dark of the Tower
  22. The Jewel of Thavnair
  23. The Color of Joy
  24. Sound the Bell, School's In
  25. A Capital Idea
  26. Best of the Best
  27. A Frosty Reception
  28. Tracks in the Snow
  29. How the Mighty Are Fallen
  30. At the End of the Trail
  31. A Way Forward
  32. The Last Bastion
  33. Personae non Gratae
  34. His Park Materials
  35. No Good Deed
  36. Alea Iacta Est
  37. Strange Bedfellows
  38. In from the Cold
  39. Gateway of the Gods
  40. A Trip to the Moon
  41. Sea of Sorrow
  42. The Martyr
  43. In Shadow's Wake
  44. Helping Hands
  45. A Harey Situation
  46. A Taste of the Moon
  47. Styled a Hero
  48. All's Vale that Endsvale
  49. Back to Old Tricks
  50. Setting Things Straight
  51. Heart of the Matter
  52. Returning Home

Endwalker - Part 2

Released December 7, 2021.

  1. Skies Aflame
  2. The Blasphemy Unmasked
  3. Amidst the Apocalypse
  4. Beyond the Depths of Despair
  5. That We Might Live
  6. When All Hope Seems Lost
  7. Warm Hearts, Rekindled Hopes
  8. Simple Pleasures
  9. Under His Wing
  10. At World's End
  11. Return to the Crystarium
  12. Hope Upon a Flower
  13. Petalouda Hunt
  14. In Search of Hermes
  15. Ponder, Warrant, Cherish, Welcome
  16. Lives Apart
  17. Their Greatest Contribution
  18. Aether to Aether
  19. A Sentimental Gift
  20. Verdict and Execution
  21. Travelers at the Crossroads
  22. A Past, Not Yet Come to Pass
  23. Witness to the Spectacle
  24. Worthy of His Back
  25. A Flower upon Your Return
  26. Hunger in the Garden
  27. Words without Sound
  28. Follow, Wander, Stumble, Listen
  29. Caging the Messenger
  30. Thou Must Live, Die, and Know
  31. As the Heavens Burn
  32. Outside Help
  33. Going Underground
  34. No Job Too Small
  35. Wise Guides
  36. Agriculture Shock
  37. Sage Council
  38. Hither and Yarns
  39. Once Forged
  40. Bonds of Adamant(ite)
  41. Her Children, One and All
  42. A Bold Decision
  43. Friends Gathered
  44. Unto the Heavens
  45. A §trαnge New World
  46. On Burdεned ωings
  47. Α Test of Wιll
  48. Roads Pαved││Sacri┣ice
  49. F//εsh AbanΔon┨Δ
  50. Where Kn∞wledge Leads
  51. Vic┨οry ̈ ̈ ̈╳, │̆││ε Lost
  52. ┣┨̈//̈ No┨ΦounΔ•••
  53. Hello, World
  54. Forge Ahead
  55. You're Not Alone
  56. Endwalker

Endwalker - Part 3 (Patch 6.1 - Newfound Adventure)

Released April 12, 2022.

  1. Newfound Adventure
  2. Bountiful Ruins
  3. Friends for the Road
  4. Alzadaal's Legacy
  5. A Brother's Grief
  6. Sharing the Wealth
  7. Bridging the Rift
  8. Restricted Reading
  9. Void Theory
  10. A Satrap's Duty

Endwalker - Part 3 Continued (Patch 6.2 - Buried Memory)

Released August 23, 2022.

  1. In Search of Azdaja
  2. Shadowed Remnants
  3. Where Everything Begins
  4. Groping in the Dark
  5. Nowhere to Run
  6. The Wind Rises
  7. Return from the Void
  8. A World with Light and Life
  9. Buried Memory

Endwalker - Part 3 Continued (Patch 6.3 - Gods Revel, Lands Tremble)

Released January 10, 2023.

  1. Once More unto the Void
  2. A Cold Reunion
  3. Kindled Spirit
  4. An Unforseen Bargain
  5. King of the Mountain
  6. A Dragon's Resolve
  7. Paths Barred
  8. Desires Untold
  9. Gods Revel, Lands Tremble

Endwalker - Part 4 (Patch 6.4 - The Dark Throne)

Released May 23, 2023.

  1. Currying Flavor
  2. Like Fear to Flame
  3. The Fallen Empire
  4. Bonds of Trust
  5. Lunar Rendezvous
  6. The Red Side of the Moon
  7. Abyssal Dark
  8. The Dark Throne

Endwalker - Part 4 Continued (Patch 6.5 - Growing Light)

Released October 3, 2023.

  1. Seeking the Light
  2. Appealing to the Masses
  3. In Defiance of Fate
  4. Back to Action
  5. Down in the Dark
  6. Reunited at Last
  7. Growing Light

Endwalker - Part 4 Continued (Patch 6.55)

Released January 16, 2024.

  1. When One Door Closes...
  2. The Game Is Afoot
  3. The Coming Dawn

Dawntrail Main Scenario Quests - Patch 7.0

Dawntrail - Part 1

Released July 2, 2024.

  1. A New World to Explore
  2. The Nation of Tuliyollal
  3. A City of Stairs
  4. A Saga in Stone
  5. The Rite of Succession
  6. To Kozama'uka
  7. A Festive People
  8. The Feat of Reeds
  9. A Well-mannered Shipwright
  10. The Lifting of Wings
  11. Knowing the Hanuhanu
  12. To Urqopacha
  13. Traders of Happiness
  14. The Feat of Gold
  15. Mablu's Dream
  16. A Premium Deal
  17. Wuk Lamat in the Saddle
  18. Knowing the Pelupelu
  19. The Success of Others
  20. For All Turali
  21. A Leaking Workpot
  22. Lending a Helphand
  23. The Feat of Pots
  24. A Father First
  25. The Shape of Peace
  26. Lost Promise
  27. A Brother's Duty
  28. Feeding the River
  29. Sibling Rescue
  30. History's Keepers
  31. The Feat of Proof
  32. The High Luminary
  33. An Echo of Madness
  34. Pointing the Way
  35. The Skyruin
  36. The Feat of Ice
  37. The Promise of Peace
  38. The Leap to Yak T'el
  39. Village of the Hunt
  40. A History of Violence
  41. The Feat of Repast
  42. A Father's Grief
  43. Taking a Stand
  44. Into the Traverse
  45. City of Silence
  46. Blessed Siblings
  47. Scale of Trust
  48. Mamook Speaks
  49. The Feat of the Brotherhood
  50. Road to the Golden City
  51. Dawn of a New Tomorrow
  52. Ever Greater, Ever Brighter

Dawntrail - Part 2

Released July 2, 2024.

  1. The Long Road to Xak Tural
  2. Saddled Up
  3. Braced for Trouble
  4. Blowing Smoke
  5. Law of the Land
  6. On Track
  7. One with Nature
  8. And the Land Would Tremble
  9. No Time for Tears
  10. Pick Up the Pieces
  11. Together as One
  12. In Yyasulani's Shadow
  13. Putting Plans into Locomotion
  14. A Hot Commodity
  15. All Aboard
  16. The Land of Levin
  17. A Royal Welcome
  18. A Day in the Life
  19. On the Cloud
  20. Gone and Forgotten
  21. Embracing Oblivion
  22. Solution Nine
  23. The Queen's Tour
  24. Her People, Her Family
  25. Scales of Blue
  26. Gives You Teeth
  27. Little Footfalls
  28. Drowned Vestiges
  29. Memories of a Knight
  30. At a Crossroads
  31. The Protector and the Destroyer
  32. A Comforting Hand
  33. Unto the Summit
  34. The Resilient Son
  35. A New Family
  36. In Pursuit of Sphene
  37. Through the Gate of Gold
  38. Those Who Live Forever
  39. In Serenity and Sorrow
  40. The Land of Dreams
  41. A Knight of Alexandria
  42. The Sanctuary of the Strong
  43. The Taste of Family
  44. Leafing through the Past
  45. An Explorer's Delight
  46. In Search of Discovery
  47. A Journey Neverending
  48. Dawntrail

Dawntrail - Part 3 (Patch 7.1 - Crossroads)

Released November 12, 2024.

  1. A Royal Invitation
  2. Alexandria Mourns
  3. In Search of the Past
  4. Among the Abandoned
  5. Guidance of the Hhetso
  6. The Warmth of Family
  7. Crossroads

Dawntrail - Part 4 (Patch 7.2 - Seekers Of Eternity)

Released March 25, 2025.

  1. A Glimmer of the Past
  2. Memories of a Bygone Age
  3. In Search of Meaning
  4. A Jewel Shattered
  5. The Meeting
  6. Descent to the Foundation
  7. Shared Paths
  8. Seekers of Eternity