A list of all Main Scenario Quests in Final Fantasy XIV.
A Realm Reborn Main Scenario Quests - Patch 2.0
A Realm Reborn - Part 1
Released August 27, 2013
A Realm Reborn - Part 2
- Call of the Sea
- It's Probably Pirates
- Call of the Forest
- Fire in the Gloom
- Call of the Desert
- Into a Copper Hell
- The Scions of the Seventh Dawn
- A Wild Rose by Any Other Name
- Unsolved Mystery
- What Poor People Think
- A Proper Burial
- For the Children
- Amalj'aa Wrong Places
- Dressed to Deceive
- Life, Materia, and Everything
- Lord of the Inferno
- A Hero in the Making
Join Twin Adder | Join Maelstrom | Join Immortal Flames |
- Sylph-management
- We Come in Peace
- Sylphic Studies
- First Impressions
- First Contact
- Dance Dance Diplomacy
- Forest Friend
- Presence of the Enemy
- Brotherly Love
- Spirited Away
- Druthers House Rules
- Never Forget
- Microbrewing
- Like Fine Wine
- Sylphish Concerns
- Nouveau Riche
- Into the Beast's Maw
- A Simple Gift
- Believe in Your Sylph
- Back from the Wood
A Realm Reborn - Part 3
- Shadow of Darkness
- Highbridge Times
- Where There Is Smoke
- On to Little Ala Mhigo
- Tea for Three
- Foot in the Door
- Meeting with the Resistance
- Killing Him Softly
- Helping Horn
- He Ain't Heavy
- Come Highly Recommended
- The Bear and the Young'uns' Cares
- Wilred Wants You
- Big Trouble in Little Ala Mhigo
- Back to Square One
- Terror at Fallgourd
- Ziz is So Ridiculous
- Rock of Rancor
- Seeing Eye to Winged Eye
- Power of Deduction
- Secret of the White Lily
- Skeletons in Her Closet
- Wrath of the Titan
- Tales from the Tidus Slayer
- Hungry Hungry Goobbues
- The Lominsan Way
- Nix That
- A Modest Proposal
- Trial by Turtle
- The Perfect Prey
- When the Worm Turns
- There and Back Again
- The Things We Do for Cheese
- What Do You Mean You Forgot the Wine
- An Offer You Can Refuse
- It Won't Work
- Give a Man a Drink
- That Weight
- Battle Scars
- It Was a Very Good Year
- In the Company of Heroes
- As You Wish
- Lord of Crags
A Realm Reborn - Part 4
- All Good Things
- You Can't Take it With You
- Bringing Out the Dead
- Bury Me Not on the Lone Prairie
- Eyes on Me
- He Who Waited Behind
- Cold Reception
- The Unending War
- Men of Honor
- Three for Three
- The Rose and the Unicorn
- The Talk of Coerthas
- Road to Redemption
- Following the Evidence
- In the Eyes of Gods and Men
- The Final Flight of the Enterprise
- Ye of Little Faith
- Factual Folklore
- The Best Inventions
- Influencing Inquisitors
- By the Lights of Ishgard
- Blood for Blood
- The Heretic Among Us
- In Pursuit of the Past
- Into the Eye of the Storm
- Sealed with Science
- With the Utmost Care
- A Promising Prospect
- It's Probably Not Pirates
- Representing the Representative
- The Reluctant Researcher
- Sweet Somethings
- History Repeating
- The Curious Case of Giggity
- Better Late than Never
- Lady of the Vortex
- Reclamation
- Casing the Castrum
- Eyes on the Empire
- Footprints in the Snow
- Monumental Hopes
- Notorious Biggs
- Come-Into-My-Castrum
- Getting Even with Garlemald
- Drowning Out the Voices
- Acting the Part
- Dressed for Conquest
- Fool Me Twice
- Every Little Thing She Does is Magitek
- Escape from Castrum Centri
- The Black Wolf's Ultimatum
- Operation Archon
- A Hero in Need
- Hearts on Fire
- Rock the Castrum
- The Ultimate Weapon
A Realm Reborn - Part 5 (Patch 2.1 - A Realm Awoken)
Released December 14, 2013
- The Price of Principles
- Moving On
- All Things in Time
- Laying the Foundation
- It's Possibly a Primal
- Hail to the King, Kupo
- You Have Selected Regicide
- On the Properties of Primals
- The Gifted
- Build on the Stone
A Realm Reborn - Part 5 (Patch 2.2 - Through the Maelstrom)
Released March 26, 2014
- Still Waters
- A Final Temptation
- The Mother of Exiles
- Promises to Keep
- Yugiri's Game
- Why We Adventure
- All Due Respect
- The Sea Rises
- Scouts in Distress
- The Gift of Eternity
- Into the Heart of the Whorl
- Lord of the Whorl
- When Yugiri Met the Fraternity
- Through the Maelstrom
A Realm Reborn - Part 5 (Patch 2.3 - Defenders of Eorzea)
Released July 7, 2014
- The Great Divide
- Desperate Times
- Shock and Awe
- Reap the Whirlwind
- Revolution
- Stories We Tell
- Lord of Levin
- Levin an Impression
- What Little Gods Are Made Of
- Guardian of Eorzea
- Recruiting the Realm
- Heretical Harassment
- When the Cold Sets In
- Brave New Companions
A Realm Reborn - Part 6 (Patch 2.4 - Dreams of Ice)
Released October 28, 2014
- Traitor in the Midst
- Back and Fourth
- Coming to Terms
- The Intercession of Saints
- Strength in Unity
- Dark Words, Dark Deeds
- First Blood
- The Path of the Righteous
- For the Greater Good
- Tendrils of Intrigue
- Chasing Ivy
- In Flagrante Delicto
- A Simple Plan
- The Instruments of Our Deliverance
- The Road Less Traveled
- Eyes Unclouded
- The Reason Roaille
- Let Us Cling Together
A Realm Reborn - Part 6 continued (Patch 2.5 - Before the Fall)
Released January 19, 2015
- Bait and Switch
- Best Laid Schemes
- The Rising Chorus
- Aether on Demand
- On the Counteroffensive
- An Uninvited Ascian
- ???
- Mask of Grief
- Defenders for Ishgard
- The Wyrm's Roar
- Committed to the Cause
- Volunteer Dragonslayers
- An Allied Perspective
- The Steps of Faith
- Administrative Decision
- An Unexpected Ambition
- Ancient Ways, Timeless Wants
- Where We Are Needed
- The Least among Us
- Legacy of Allag
- Sanding it Down
- A Performance for the Ages
- Labyrinth of the Ancients
- For Prosperity
- Syrcus Tower
- The World of Darkness
- The Light of Hope
- A Time to Every Purpose
- Come, but Not Gone
- The Parting Glass
- Before the Dawn
Heavensward Main Scenario Quests - Patch 3.0
Heavensward - Part 1
Released June 19, 2015
- Coming to Ishgard
- Taking in the Sights
- The Better Half
- Over the Wall
- Work in Progress
- The First and Foremost
- From on High
- Reconnaissance Lost
- At the End of Our Hope
- Knights Be Not Proud
- Onwards and Upwards
- An Indispensable Ally
- Meeting the Neighbors
- Sense of Urgency
- Hope Springs Eternal
- A Series of Unfortunate Events
- A Reward Long in Coming
- Divine Intervention
- Disclosure
- Flame General Affairs
- In Search of Raubahn
- Keeping the Flame Alive
- To Siege or Not to Siege
- Alphinaud's Way
- In Search of Iceheart
- From One Heretic to Another
- Sounding Out the Amphitheatre
- Camp of the Convictors
- Purple Flame, Purple Flame
- Where the Chocobos Roam
- Worse than Dragons
- The Trine Towers
- Gifts for the Outcasts
- The Nonmind
- A Gnathic Deity
- Breaking into Hives
- Lord of the Hive
- Mourn in Passing
- Beyond the Clouds
- Mountaintop Diplomacy
- Moghan's Trial
- Mogwin's Trial
- Mogmug's Trial
- Moglin's Judgement
- Leaving Moghome
- The Road to Zenith
- Waiting for the Wind to Change
- Heart of Ice
Heavensward - Part 2
Released June 19, 2015
- The Wyrm's Lair
- New Winds, Old Friends
- A General Summons
- Awakening in Ul'dah
- A Brave Resolution
- Ready to Fly
- Into the Aery
- The Song Begins
- Unrest in Ishgard
- He Who Would Not Be Denied
- Ill-weather Friends
- The Spice of Life
- Noble Indiscretions
- A Child Apart
- Bloodlines
- Fire and Blood
- A Knight's Calling
- The Sins of Antiquity
- In Search of the Soleil
- Into the Blue
- Familiar Faces
- Devourer of Worlds
- Black and the White
- Bolt, Chain, and Island
- A Difference of Opinion
- One Good Turn
- An Engineering Enterprise
- Aetherial Trail
- Lost in the Lifestream
- Tataru's Surprise
- Onward to Sharlayan
- A Great New Nation
- Golems Begone
- An Illuminati Incident
- Leaving Idyllshire
- Matoya's Cave
- Forbidden Knowledge
- An Eye for Aether
- Hour of Departure
- The First Flight of the Excelsior
- Systematic Exploration
- In Node We Trust
- Chimerical Maintenance
- Close Encounters of the VIth Kind
- Fetters of Lament
- Heavensward
Heavensward - Part 3 (Patch 3.1 - As Goes Light, So Goes Darkness)
Released November 9, 2015
- An Uncertain Future
- Breaking the Cycle
- Another Time, Another Place
- In the Eye of the Beholder
- A Little Slow, a Little Late
- Dreams of the Lost
- Against the Dying of the Light
- As Goes Light, So Goes Darkness
Heavensward - Part 3 (Patch 3.2 - The Gears of Change)
Released February 22, 2016
- As It Once Was
- The Word of the Mother
- This War of Ours
- Staunch Conviction
- Once More, a Favor
- For Those We Have Lost
- Consequences
- Choices
- A Spectacle for the Ages
- For Those We Can Yet Save
- Causes and Costs
Heavensward - Part 3 (Patch 3.3 - Revenge of the Horde)
Released June 6, 2016
- The Man Within
- An Ally for Ishgard
- Winning Over the Wyrm
- An End to the Song
- Heroes of the Hour
- Litany of Peace
Heavensward - Part 4 (Patch 3.4 - Soul Surrender)
Released September 26, 2016
- Promises Kept
- Shadows of the First
- Two Sides of a Coin
- Unlikely Allies
- The Beast That Mourned at the Heart of the Mountain
- Beneath a Star-Filled Sky
- When We Were Free
- Honorable Heroes
- One Life for One World
- An Ending to Mark a New Beginning
Heavensward - Part 4 (Patch 3.5 - The Far Edge of Fate)
Released January 16, 2017
- Tidings from Gyr Abania
- An Envoy for Ishgard
- An Allied Decision
- Griffin, Griffin on the Wall
- Louisoix's Finest Student
- The Obvious Solution
- The Greater Obeisance
- Fly Free, My Pretty
- The Far Edge of Fate
Stormblood Main Scenario Quests - Patch 4.0
Stormblood - Part 1
Released June 15, 2017.
- Beyond the Great Wall
- Lyse Takes the Lead
- The Promise of a New Beginning
- A Haven for the Bold
- A Bargain Struck
- A Friend of a Friend in Need
- Signed, Sealed, to Be Delivered
- Best Served with Cold Steel
- Let Fill Your Hearts with Pride
- A Familiar Face Forgotten
- The Prodigal Daughter
- Death by a Thousand Rocks
- Hard Country
- A Life More Ordinary
- The Color of Angry Qiqiqrn
- The Black Wolf's Pups
- Homeward Bound
- Where Men Go as One
- Future Rust, Future Dust
- A Dash of Green
- Ye Wayward Brothers
- Token of Faith
- Crossing the Velodyna
- In Crimson It Began
- The Fires Fade
- Bereft of Hearth and Home
- Divide and Conquer
- Lies, Damn Lies, and Pirates
- Tales from the Far East
- Not without Incident
- The Man from Ul'dah
- Where the Streets are Paved with Koban
- By the Grace of Lord Lolorito
- A Good Samurai Is Hard to Find
- It's Probably a Trap
- Making the Catfish Sing
- Once More, to the Ruby Sea
- Open Water
- Boys with Boats
- To Bend with the Wind
- Confederate Consternation
- The Solace of the Sea
- The Arrows of Misfortune
- The Last Voyage
- Alisaie's Stones
- Under the Sea
- Of Kojin and Kami
- In Soroban We Trust
- Forever and Ever Apart
- In the Darkness the Magatama Dreams
- The Whims of the Divine
- Breaking and Delivering
- The Lord of the Revel
- Tide Goes in, Imperials Go Out
- A Silence in Three Parts
- Life after Doma
- A Glimpse of Madness
- The Stubborn Remainder
- The Ones We Leave Behind
- A New Ruby Tithe
- The Will to Live
- Daughter of the Deep
- Path of No Return
- The Time Between the Seconds
- All the Little Angels
Stormblood - Part 2
Released June 15, 2017.
- Here There Be Xaela
- The Search for Lord Hien
- A Season for War
- An Impossible Dream
- Stars in the Dark
- A Warrior's Welcome
- The Heart of Nations
- A Trial Before the Trial
- In the Footsteps of Bardam the Brave
- The Children of Azim
- The Labors of Magnai
- For Love of the Moon
- Sworn Enemies of the Sun
- The Undying Ones
- A Final Peace
- As the Gods Will
- Naadam
- Glory to the Khagan
- In Crimson They Walked
- The Hour of Reckoning
- The Room Where It Happened
- How Tataru Got Her Groove Back
- Seeds of Despair
- The Limits of Our Endurance
- Broken Steel, Broken Men
- The Doma Within
- On the Eve of Destiny
- The Die is Cast
- The World Turned Upside Down
- A Swift and Secret Departure
- While You Were Away
- Rhalgr's Beacon
- The Fortunes of War
- Rising Fortunes, Rising Spirits
- The Lure of the Dream
- The Lady of Bliss
- The Silence of the Gods
- The First of Many
- Strong and Unified
- Hells Open
- Heavens Weep
- The Road Home
- For the Living and the Dead
- Above the Churning Waters
- The Path Forward
- With Tired Hands We Toil
- Where Courage Endures
- The Price of Freedom
- Raubahn's Invitation
- Liberty or Death
- The Lady in Red
- Upon the Great Loch's Shore
- The Key to Victory
- The Resonant
- The Legacy of Our Fathers
- The Measure of His Reach
- Stormblood
Stormblood - Part 3 (Patch 4.1 - The Legend Returns)
Released October 10, 2017.
- Arenvald's Adventure
- The Darkness Below
- The Mad King's Trove
- The Butcher's Blood
- Echoes of an Echo
- A Sultana's Strings
- A Sultana's Duty
- A Sultana's Resolve
- Securing the Saltery
- A Blissful Arrival
- Return of the Bull
Stormblood - Part 3 (Patch 4.2 - Rise of a New Sun)
Released January 30, 2018.
- Tidings from the East
- The Sword in the Stone
- Hope on the Waves
- Elation and Trepidation
- Storm on the Horizon
- His Forgotten Home
- A Guilty Conscience
- Rise of a New Sun
Stormblood - Part 3 (Patch 4.3 - Under the Moonlight)
Released May 22, 2018.
- Gosetsu and Tsuyu
- Gone Like the Morning Dew
- Fruits of Her Labor
- Conscripts and Contingencies
- The Primary Agreement
- Under the Moonlight
- Emissary of the Dawn
Stormblood - Part 4 (Patch 4.4 - Prelude in Violet)
Released September 18, 2018.
- Sisterly Act
- Feel the Burn
- Shadows in the Empire
- A Power in Slumber
- The Will of the Moon
- The Call
- Prelude in Violet
Stormblood - Part 4 (Patch 4.5 - A Requiem for Heroes)
Released January 8, 2019.
- Soul Searching
- A Defector's Tidings
- Seiryu's Wall
- Parley on the Front Lines
- The Face of War
- A Brief Reprieve
- A Requiem for Heroes
Shadowbringers Main Scenario Quests - Patch 5.0
Shadowbringers - Part 1
Released July 2, 2019.
- The Syrcus Trench
- City of the First
- Travelers of Norvrandt
- In Search of Alphinaud
- A Still Tide
- Open Arms, Closed Gate
- A Fickle Existence
- City of Final Pleasures
- Free to Sightsee
- A Taste of Honey
- A Blessed Instrument
- Emergent Splendor
- In Search of Alisaie
- City of the Mord
- Working off the Meal
- A Desert Crossing
- Following in Her Footprints
- Culling Their Ranks
- A Purchase of Fruit
- The Time Left to Us
- Tears on the Sand
- The Lightwardens
- Warrior of Darkness
- An Unwelcome Guest
- The Crystarium's Resolve
- Logistics of War
- The Oracle of Light
- Il Mheg, the Faerie Kingdom
- Unto the Truth
- Courting Cooperation
- The Key to the Castle
- A Visit to the Nu Mou
- A Fitting Payment
- Spore Sweeper
- The Lawless Ones
- The Elder's Answer
- A Resounding Roar
- Memento of a Friend
- Acht-la Ormh Inn
- The Wheel Turns
- A Party Soon Divided
- A Little Faith
- Into the Dark
- A Day in the Neighborhood
- A Helping Hand
- Lost but Not Forgotten
- Saying Good-bye
- Stirring Up Trouble
- A Beeautiful Plan
- An Unwanted Proposal
- Put to the Proof
- Into the Wood
- Top of the Tree
- Look to the Stars
- Mi Casa, Toupasa
- Legend of the Not-so-hidden Temple
- The Aftermath
- In Good Faith
- The Burden of Knowledge
- Bearing with It
- Out of the Wood
Shadowbringers - Part 2
Released July 2, 2019.
- When It Rains
- Word from On High
- Small Favors
- The Best Way Out
- Free Trade
- The Trolley Problem
- Rust and Ruin
- On Track
- Down for Maintenance
- The Truth Hurts
- A Convenient Distraction
- A Dirty Job
- Have a Heart
- Full Steam Ahead
- Crossroads
- A Fresh Start
- More than a Hunch
- Return to Eulmore
- A Feast of Lies
- Paradise Fallen
- The Ladder
- The View from Above
- In Mt. Gulg's Shadow
- A Gigantic Undertaking
- Meet the Tholls
- A-Digging We Will Go
- The Duergar's Tewel
- Rich Veins of Hope
- That None Shall Ever Again
- A Breath of Respite
- Extinguishing the Last Light
- Reassuring the Masses
- In His Garden
- The Unbroken Thread
- To Storm-tossed Seas
- Waiting in the Depths
- City of the Ancients
- The Light of Inspiration
- The Illuminated Land
- The End of a World
- A Greater Purpose
- Shadowbringers
Shadowbringers - Part 3 (Patch 5.1 - Vows of Virtue, Deeds of Cruelty)
Released October 29, 2019.
- Shaken Resolve
- A Grand Adventure
- A Welcome Guest
- Good for the Soul
- Nowhere to Turn
- A Notable Absence
- For the People
- Finding Good Help
- Moving Forward
- Vows of Virtue, Deeds of Cruelty
Shadowbringers - Part 3 continued (Patch 5.2 - Echoes of a Fallen Star)
Released February 18, 2020.
- Old Enemies, New Threats
- The Way Home
- Seeking Counsel
- Facing the Truth
- A Sleep Disturbed
- An Old Friend
- Deep Designs
- A Whale's Tale
- Beneath the Surface
- Echoes of a Fallen Star
Shadowbringers - Part 3 continued (Patch 5.3 - Reflections in Crystal)
Released August 11, 2020.
- In the Name of the Light
- Heroic Dreams
- Fraying Threads
- Food for the Soul
- Faded Memories
- Etched in the Stars
- The Converging Light
- Hope's Confluence
- Nothing Unsaid
- The Journey Continues
- Unto the Morrow
- Reflections in Crystal
Shadowbringers - Part 4 (Patch 5.4 - Futures Rewritten)
Released December 8, 2020.
- Alisaie's Quest
- The Wisdom of Allag
- Reviving the Legacy
- Forget Us Not
- Like Master, Like Pupil
- The Admiral's Resolve
- The Search for Sicard
- On Rough Seas
- The Great Ship Vylbrand
- Futures Rewritten
Shadowbringers - Part 4 continued (Patch 5.5 - Death Unto Dawn)
Released April 13, 2021.
- Unto the Breach
- Here Be Dragons
- Righteous Indignation
- For Vengeance
- The Flames of War
- When the Dust Settles
- The Company We Keep
- On Official Business
- Death Unto Dawn
Endwalker Main Scenario Quests - Patch 6.0
Endwalker - Part 1
Released December 7, 2021.
- The Next Ship to Sail
- Old Sharlayan, New to You
- Hitting the Books
- A Seat at the Last Stand
- A Labyrinthine Descent
- Glorified Ratcatcher
- Deeper into the Maze
- The Medial Circuit
- The Full Report, Warts and All
- A Guide of Sorts
- Estate Visitor
- For Thavnair Bound
- On Low Tide
- A Fisherman's Friend
- House of Divinities
- The Great Work
- Shadowed Footsteps
- A Boy's Errand
- Tipping the Scale
- The Satrap of Radz-at-Han
- In the Dark of the Tower
- The Jewel of Thavnair
- The Color of Joy
- Sound the Bell, School's In
- A Capital Idea
- Best of the Best
- A Frosty Reception
- Tracks in the Snow
- How the Mighty Are Fallen
- At the End of the Trail
- A Way Forward
- The Last Bastion
- Personae non Gratae
- His Park Materials
- No Good Deed
- Alea Iacta Est
- Strange Bedfellows
- In from the Cold
- Gateway of the Gods
- A Trip to the Moon
- Sea of Sorrow
- The Martyr
- In Shadow's Wake
- Helping Hands
- A Harey Situation
- A Taste of the Moon
- Styled a Hero
- All's Vale that Endsvale
- Back to Old Tricks
- Setting Things Straight
- Heart of the Matter
- Returning Home
Endwalker - Part 2
Released December 7, 2021.
- Skies Aflame
- The Blasphemy Unmasked
- Amidst the Apocalypse
- Beyond the Depths of Despair
- That We Might Live
- When All Hope Seems Lost
- Warm Hearts, Rekindled Hopes
- Simple Pleasures
- Under His Wing
- At World's End
- Return to the Crystarium
- Hope Upon a Flower
- Petalouda Hunt
- In Search of Hermes
- Ponder, Warrant, Cherish, Welcome
- Lives Apart
- Their Greatest Contribution
- Aether to Aether
- A Sentimental Gift
- Verdict and Execution
- Travelers at the Crossroads
- A Past, Not Yet Come to Pass
- Witness to the Spectacle
- Worthy of His Back
- A Flower upon Your Return
- Hunger in the Garden
- Words without Sound
- Follow, Wander, Stumble, Listen
- Caging the Messenger
- Thou Must Live, Die, and Know
- As the Heavens Burn
- Outside Help
- Going Underground
- No Job Too Small
- Wise Guides
- Agriculture Shock
- Sage Council
- Hither and Yarns
- Once Forged
- Bonds of Adamant(ite)
- Her Children, One and All
- A Bold Decision
- Friends Gathered
- Unto the Heavens
- A §trαnge New World
- On Burdεned ωings
- Α Test of Wιll
- Roads Pαved││Sacri┣ice
- F//εsh AbanΔon┨Δ
- Where Kn∞wledge Leads
- Vic┨οry ̈ ̈ ̈╳, │̆││ε Lost
- ┣┨̈//̈ No┨ΦounΔ•••
- Hello, World
- Forge Ahead
- You're Not Alone
- Endwalker
Endwalker - Part 3 (Patch 6.1 - Newfound Adventure)
Released April 12, 2022.
- Newfound Adventure
- Bountiful Ruins
- Friends for the Road
- Alzadaal's Legacy
- A Brother's Grief
- Sharing the Wealth
- Bridging the Rift
- Restricted Reading
- Void Theory
- A Satrap's Duty
Endwalker - Part 3 Continued (Patch 6.2 - Buried Memory)
Released August 23, 2022.
- In Search of Azdaja
- Shadowed Remnants
- Where Everything Begins
- Groping in the Dark
- Nowhere to Run
- The Wind Rises
- Return from the Void
- A World with Light and Life
- Buried Memory
Endwalker - Part 3 Continued (Patch 6.3 - Gods Revel, Lands Tremble)
Released January 10, 2023.
- Once More unto the Void
- A Cold Reunion
- Kindled Spirit
- An Unforseen Bargain
- King of the Mountain
- A Dragon's Resolve
- Paths Barred
- Desires Untold
- Gods Revel, Lands Tremble
Endwalker - Part 4 (Patch 6.4 - The Dark Throne)
Released May 23, 2023.
- Currying Flavor
- Like Fear to Flame
- The Fallen Empire
- Bonds of Trust
- Lunar Rendezvous
- The Red Side of the Moon
- Abyssal Dark
- The Dark Throne
Endwalker - Part 4 Continued (Patch 6.5 - Growing Light)
Released October 3, 2023.
- Seeking the Light
- Appealing to the Masses
- In Defiance of Fate
- Back to Action
- Down in the Dark
- Reunited at Last
- Growing Light
Endwalker - Part 4 Continued (Patch 6.55)
Released January 16, 2024.
Dawntrail Main Scenario Quests - Patch 7.0
Dawntrail - Part 1
Released July 2, 2024.
- A New World to Explore
- The Nation of Tuliyollal
- A City of Stairs
- A Saga in Stone
- The Rite of Succession
- To Kozama'uka
- A Festive People
- The Feat of Reeds
- A Well-mannered Shipwright
- The Lifting of Wings
- Knowing the Hanuhanu
- To Urqopacha
- Traders of Happiness
- The Feat of Gold
- Mablu's Dream
- A Premium Deal
- Wuk Lamat in the Saddle
- Knowing the Pelupelu
- The Success of Others
- For All Turali
- A Leaking Workpot
- Lending a Helphand
- The Feat of Pots
- A Father First
- The Shape of Peace
- Lost Promise
- A Brother's Duty
- Feeding the River
- Sibling Rescue
- History's Keepers
- The Feat of Proof
- The High Luminary
- An Echo of Madness
- Pointing the Way
- The Skyruin
- The Feat of Ice
- The Promise of Peace
- The Leap to Yak T'el
- Village of the Hunt
- A History of Violence
- The Feat of Repast
- A Father's Grief
- Taking a Stand
- Into the Traverse
- City of Silence
- Blessed Siblings
- Scale of Trust
- Mamook Speaks
- The Feat of the Brotherhood
- Road to the Golden City
- Dawn of a New Tomorrow
- Ever Greater, Ever Brighter
Dawntrail - Part 2
Released July 2, 2024.
- The Long Road to Xak Tural
- Saddled Up
- Braced for Trouble
- Blowing Smoke
- Law of the Land
- On Track
- One with Nature
- And the Land Would Tremble
- No Time for Tears
- Pick Up the Pieces
- Together as One
- In Yyasulani's Shadow
- Putting Plans into Locomotion
- A Hot Commodity
- All Aboard
- The Land of Levin
- A Royal Welcome
- A Day in the Life
- On the Cloud
- Gone and Forgotten
- Embracing Oblivion
- Solution Nine
- The Queen's Tour
- Her People, Her Family
- Scales of Blue
- Gives You Teeth
- Little Footfalls
- Drowned Vestiges
- Memories of a Knight
- At a Crossroads
- The Protector and the Destroyer
- A Comforting Hand
- Unto the Summit
- The Resilient Son
- A New Family
- In Pursuit of Sphene
- Through the Gate of Gold
- Those Who Live Forever
- In Serenity and Sorrow
- The Land of Dreams
- A Knight of Alexandria
- The Sanctuary of the Strong
- The Taste of Family
- Leafing through the Past
- An Explorer's Delight
- In Search of Discovery
- A Journey Neverending
- Dawntrail
Dawntrail - Part 3 (Patch 7.1 - Crossroads)
Released November 12, 2024.
- A Royal Invitation
- Alexandria Mourns
- In Search of the Past
- Among the Abandoned
- Guidance of the Hhetso
- The Warmth of Family
- Crossroads
Dawntrail - Part 4 (Patch 7.2 - Seekers Of Eternity)
Released March 25, 2025.