What's New in Patch 7.2

New main scenario quests, PvP updates, Duty Support, and more in Patch 7.1.

New main scenario quests, PvP updates, Duty Support, and more in Patch 7.1.

Patch 7.2 Overview and Patch Notes

Patch 7.2: Seekers of Eternity, is scheduled for release on November 12, 2024. See the patch notes for patch 7.2 and the Patch 7.2: Seekers of Eternity Special Site for more information.

List of New Items in Patch 7.2

Check out the full list of new items in Patch 7.2.

New Main Scenario Quests

The Dawntrail story continues with new main scenario quests. The first new quest begins in Solution Nine in The Backroom. These quests include a new dungeon: The Underkeep, and a new trial: Recollection.

New Extreme Trial: Recollection (Extreme)

A new extreme trial, based on the new main scenario trial Recollection, will be added. If you have completed a certain Dawntrail main scenario quest, you can talk to the Wandering Minstrel in Tuliyollal to unlock this trial.

New Raid Dungeons: AAC Cruiserweight Tier

Patch 7.2 adds new 8-player raids to the AAC raid series. To unlock the new raids, you first need to complete the Dawntrail main scenario, then complete the sidequest series that starts with "A New Challenger Appears" in Solution Nine. Then you can talk to Yaana at Solution Nine (X:22.2 Y:16.6) to begin the quest "Souls Under Siege".

New Tomestone: Allagan Tomestones of Mathematics

If you have reached level 100 with at least one Disciple of War or Magic, you can receive Allagan Tomestones of Mathematics from different types of content. You can only obtain up to 450 Allagan Tomestones of Mathematics a week, and can only hold up to 2000 total at a time. Talk to Zircon in Solution Nine to purchase gear with Allagan Tomestones of Mathematics, and talk to Theone in Solution Nine to enhance that gear.

PvP Updates

PvP Series 7 will end and Series 8 will begin. Crystalline Conflict Season Thirteen will end and Season Fourteen will begin. Adjustments have been made to Frontline: The Borderland Ruins (Secure) has returned, with many adjustments to arena layout and mechanics.

New Movement and Action Features

Sprint, Use (Meal), and Use (Medicine) can now be queued, preventing them from being interrupted.

You will now be able to mount while moving. There will still be a mount cast bar, but it will not be interrupted by movement.

When Sprint wears off, you will receive the Jog buff, which gives you a faster movement rate than normal. Jog will remain in effect until an enemy is engaged or until you manually deactivate it.

New Unreal Trial: Hells' Kier (Unreal)

A new Unreal trial featuring Suzaku will become available. Talk to the Faux Commander in Idyllshire to participate. If you have not yet unlocked Unreal Trials, you need to complete the Shadowbringers Main Scenario and talk to the Unctuous Adventurer to unlock Wondrous Tails in Idyllshire, then talk to the Painfully Ishgardian Man in Idyllshire to unlock Unreal Trials.

Other Updates

Patch 7.2 also includes the following updates:

  • Duty Support will be added to the Sunken Temple of Qarn.
  • More gear has two dye channels
  • There is a new filter to search for Outfit Glamour-eligible items in the Glamour Dresser
  • Buttons can be clicked to batch select materials in the Crafting Log
  • Graphical updates have been made to character models, and a free Fantasia will be available from the Wandering Moogle in Old Gridania until patch 7.3.
  • Graphical updates have been made to certain gear, NPCs, and more.
  • New features and adjustments, such as depth of field adjustment, have been made to Group Pose
  • All information registered on the Mute List has been deleted and must be re-entered. The names of characters blacklisted prior to patch 7.2 will not be displayed in the blacklist, but those characters will still be blacklisted. They can be removed and re-blacklisted to make their names display in the blacklist once more.
  • Looping emotes for tomestone scrolling and reading a book are now available.
  • Data Center Travel destination worlds will be listed in a random order.