How to unlock and upgrade Splendorous Tools, a new set of tools for crafters and gatherers.

How to Unlock Splendorous Tools
To unlock Splendorous Tools, complete the level 90 Endwalker quest, "Endwalker", then if you have not unlocked Crystarium Deliveries, complete the quest "The Crystalline Mean". If you do not have access to the Boutique of Splendors, talk to Mowen in Eulmore (X:11.4 Y:10.7), or follow the steps on How to Unlock the Scrip Exchange and Collectables if Mowen does not have a blue quest. You can then talk to Chora-Zoi at The Crystarium (X:7.8 Y:11.4) to start the quest "An Original Improvement". Complete the quests to unlock Splendorous Tools.
How to Obtain Splendorous Tools
You will receive a splendorous coffer the first time you complete the quest "An Original Improvement". After that, you can purchase the base splendorous tools for other classes from Quinnana in The Crystarium (X:10.4 Y:7.7), in exchange for white scrip.
How to Upgrade Splendorous Tools
To upgrade your splendorous tools, equip a base splendorous tool, then talk to Chora-Zoi at The Crystarium (X:10.5 Y:7.7) to begin the quest "A Dedicated Tool".
How to Upgrade a Crafter Tool
For crafters, you can find the list of items to craft in your Crafting Log in the Special Recipes tab, under Sidequests > Splendorous Tools. "Select" materials need to be purchased from Quinanna, or may also be available on the market board. Other materials can be gathered normally or purchased from the market board. When crafting the items, you need to have your splendorous tool equipped.
After you craft the required materials, talk to Quinnana at The Crystarium (X:10.4 Y:7.7) to receive items for exchange, then talk to Chora-Zoi to upgrade your tools in exchange for those items.
How to Upgrade a Gatherer Tool
For gatherers, you can find the list of items to gather in your Gathering Log in the Special tab, under Sidequests > Splendorous Tools. When gathering the items, you need to have your splendorous tool equipped.
After you gather the required materials, talk to Quinnana at The Crystarium (X:10.4 Y:7.7) to receive items for exchange, then talk to Chora-Zoi to upgrade your tools in exchange for those items.
Where to Get Select Bait Balls
You can purchase Select Bait Balls from Quinnana at The Crystarium (X:10.4 Y:7.7). You will need to use Select Bait Balls to catch the collectable fish that Quinnana requires for the fishing tool upgrades.
Step 2
If you have completed the "An Adaptive Tool", you can talk to Grenoldt at The Crystarium (X:10.5 Y:7.7) to start the quest "The Joy of Zoi". Complete the series of quests to unlock the ability to upgrade your Splendorous Tools. Make sure to have the appropriate tool equipped or in your inventory or Armoury Chest to proceed. The upgrade quests are "A Tool of Her Own" and "A Tool without Compare". After you complete these two upgrade quests, you can start the quest "La Vie Mowen".
Step 3
After you have completed "La Vie Mowen" (see above) you can talk to Grenoldt at The Crystarium (X:10.5 Y:7.7) to start the quest "Dance Like Mowen is Watching". Make sure to have a Brilliant tool equipped or in your inventory or Armoury Chest to proceed. You can then start the upgrade quest "A Tool for the Ages".