The Feat of the Brotherhood - Quest Guide

Wuk Lamat is determined to find a solution for Mamook.


This quest is available if you have completed the quest Mamook Speaks.

Starting the Quest

Talk to Wuk Lamat in Yak T'el to begin the quest.

Wait at the Designated Location

Check on the sparkle. There will be a cutscene.

Speak with Erenville

Talk to Erenville.

Speak with Wuk Lamat

Go east into the village, then south, then west to the quest icon. There will be a glow around Wuk Lamat, indicating a solo duty. Check on her and there will be a cutscene, and then the duty will ensue.

Solo Duty: The Feat of the Brotherhood

Roaring Star damages all characters.

Fireballs will appear on two sides of the area. Go to the quadrant of the area that the fireballs aren't pointing at.

When Gulool Ja Ja casts Coiled Strike, there will be blue or orange rotating blade markers next to him. Stand behind a blade marker so that the rotating blade indicator is moving away from you. Gulool Ja Ja will do two very wide cone attacks, with only two safe cone-shaped areas.

When the boss casts Celestial Flame, a line of swords will fall onto the area, followed by another line, and another. Don't stand in the circle markers around the first set of swords. When one of the sets of swords has done their attack, move into the safe area that they leave behind.

When Gulool Ja Ja casts Dual Pyres, his swords will be numbered. The sword with one dot will hit everything on that side of Gulool Ja Ja, then the sword with two dots will the other side. Stand on the two-dot side first, then when the first attack goes off, move to the side where the first attack occurred.

This is followed by line attacks forming a grid of safe areas. Move to a safe area, but the first line attacks are followed by another set of line attacks that cover the safe areas, so as soon as the first attacks occur, move into the safe areas that they leave behind.

Steelfold Strike places many circle attack markers on the area, as well as line attack markers, and then another set of line attack markers. Move to a safe area where there aren't any circle attack markers or lines.

Outer Wake is a donut attack, where the only safe area is under the boss. This is followed by circle attack markers that follow all characters. Move away from other characters as soon as the donut attack has gone off.

Lay of the Sun targets Wuk Lamat with a multi-hit stack marker. Stack together with Wuk Lamat, and stay stacked until the attack finishes.

Oathbind chains four characters, and the boss will become untargetable and go to the side of the area, then begin casting Noble Trail, a large line attack targeting the four chained characters. Destroy the Oaths of Fire before the Noble Trail attack can go off.

Inner Wake is a circle attack centered on the boss, combined with fireballs on the edges of the area. Get in the safe quadrant, but all characters will be targeted by circle attacks that follow each character. Stay out of the boss's circle attack, get in the safe quadrant, then spread apart to avoid hitting other characters with your circle.

When the boss's health reaches about 20%, he will cast Battle Breaker, which temporarily stuns all characters. After a brief cinematic, get in the blue zone behind Wuk Lamat.

At that point, the boss will use his techniques from before, but with increased damage. Keep attacking the boss until he is defeated.

Speak with Wuk Lamat Again

Talk to Wuk Lamat to complete the quest. There will be a cutscene.

Next Main Scenario Quest

After you complete the quest, talk to to accept the next quest: Road to the Golden City.