You are ready to go to the Isle of Zekki and proceed with the plan.
This quest is available if you have completed the quest The Whims of the Divine.
Starting the Quest
Talk to Alisaie in Tamamizu in the Ruby Sea to begin the quest.
Follow Alisaie
Go north to the whirlpool and go through it. Then go southwest to where the orange arrow is pointing in the minimap. Stay underwater and look for floating purple lanterns that lead into the underwater cave. Go toward the cave entrance and you will find Alisaie and Lyse. Talk to Alisaie and there will be a cutscene.
Seek Out and Slay Red Kojin
Steps to Complete this Quest Objective
- Enter the underwater cave and go west to where the orange arrow is pointing in the minimap. At the dead end, go to the surface to go above water. Go west to the orange circle on the map. Go to the north edge of the orange circle, then dismount and enter the purple circle. Kill the Spaeshell of the Red followed by the Sharpshell of the Red.
- Afterward, go north to where the orange arrow is pointing in the minimap. Go to the center of the orange circle on the map, then dismount and enter the purple circle. Kill the Softshell and Sharpshell of the Red. Afterward, kill the Spaeshell of the Red, followed by the Softshell of the Red.
Search for Lyse
Go south to the quest icon on the map and talk to Lyse to proceed.
Rendezvous with Alisaie
First, go southwest up the slope, until you can turn right to go west, then turn right again to go north to where the orange arrow is pointing in the minimap. Talk to Alisaie and there will be a cutscene.
Speak with Alisaie
Go south, then turn left and go to the quest icon on the map. Talk to Alisaie to complete the quest.
Next Main Scenario Quest
After you complete the quest, talk to Alisaie to accept the next quest: The Lord of the Revel.