Pointing the Way - Quest Guide

Erenville is ready to send his aether-seeking device in pursuit of Valigarmanda.


This quest is available if you have completed the quest An Echo of Madness.

Starting the Quest

Talk to Erenville in Urqopacha to begin the quest.

Speak with Erenville

Go to the quest icon and talk to Erenville. If you're ready, say Yes to follow the Aether Seeker.

Follow the Aether Seeker

You can target the Aether Seeker and type /lockon followed by /automove on and you will automatically follow it. When you reach your destination, there will be a cutscene.

Defeat the Fire Sprite

Dismount and enter the purple circle, and defeat the Fire Sprite.

Speak with Erenville Again

Talk to Erenville to proceed.

Follow the Aether Seeker Again

You can target the Aether Seeker and type /lockon followed by /automove on and you will automatically follow it. When you reach your destination, there will be a cutscene.

Defeat the Molten Phoebad

Dismount and enter the purple circle, and defeat the Molten Phoebad.

Speak with Erenville Once More

Talk to Erenville to proceed.

Follow the Aether Seeker Once More

You can target the Aether Seeker and type /lockon followed by /automove on and you will automatically follow it. When you reach your destination, there will be a cutscene.

Speak with Erenville a Fourth Time

Talk to Erenville to complete the quest.

Next Main Scenario Quest

After you complete the quest, talk to Erenville to accept the next quest: The Skyruin.