Island Sanctuary: Rank 12 to 16 Guide

With patch 6.4, you can increase your Island Sanctuary rank from 12 to 16.

How to Reach Rank 12

If you aren't already Rank 12, please read the Island Sanctuary Rank 10 to 12 guide for a guide to reach rank 12.

New Animals

Wild Boar can now be found in the northwest part of the island. You can also find Funguar and Alkonost during certain times/weather. Check the Rare Animal Tracker for more information.

New Vision

Talk to the Felicitous Furball in your cabin to begin a new vision. To complete it, go to the blue circle in the middle of the island. Go to the northeast part of the circle and check on the Point of Interest there. Then use the Isle Return duty action, and go to the quest icon and talk to the Felicitous Furball to continue.

Then go to the quest icon southeast of the highest point of the mountain, and talk to the Determined Digger. You need to craft the Mammet-sized Spelunking Tools to proceed. The required materials are:

  • 10x Island Palm Log
  • 10x Island Iron Ore
  • 10x Island Quartz
  • 10x Island Resin
  • 10x Island Wood Opal

After you craft the tools, talk to the Determined Digger and choose "Open Sesame!" to open the cave. You can then go in and gather from the mushrooms, rocks, and stalactites. The new materials you can gather are Coal, Effervescent Water, and Glimshroom.

More New Animals

After you open the caves, you can find Quartz Spriggans. You can also find Amethyst Spriggan and Weird Spriggan during certain times/weather. Check the Rare Animal Tracker for more information.

Rank 13

New Items to Gather

When you reach Rank 13, you can craft the Islekeep's Steel Hammer, which lets you gather Island Shale from Composite Rock in caves, Island Spectrine from Stalactites in caves, Island Mythril Ore from Bluish Rock nodes, such as those in the southeast part of the island, and Island Marble from Smooth White Rocks, such as those north of Pristine Pond.

Renovate Granaries

You can now renovate your granaries. Check on each granary's logboard and choose Renovate Facility. To renovate both, you will need the following items:

  • 30x Island Palm Log
  • 30x Island Coal
  • 20x Island Mythril Ore (new from Bluish Rock nodes)
  • 20x Island Marble (new from Smooth White Rock nodes)
  • 20x Island Spectrine

Renovate the Cozy Cabin

You can now renovate your Cozy Cabin. Check on the cabin's logboard and choose Renovate the Cozy Cabin. To renovate it, you will need the following items:

  • 15x Island Palm Log
  • 15x Island Iron Ore
  • 10x Island Coal
  • 10x Island Spectrine
  • 10x Islewort

Total Materials Needed

To renovate both granaries and your cozy cabin, you need:

  • 45x Island Palm Log
  • 40x Island Coal
  • 20x Island Mythril Ore (new from Bluish Rock nodes)
  • 20x Island Marble (new from Smooth White Rock nodes)
  • 30x Island Spectrine
  • 15x Island Iron Ore
  • 10x Islewort

Rank 14

Renovate Workshops

You can now renovate your workshops. Check on each workshop's logboard and choose Renovate. To renovate one workshop, you need the following items:

  • 15x Island Marble
  • 15x Island Coal
  • 10x Island Iron Ore
  • 10x Island Log
  • 10x Island Spectrine

Total Workshop Renovation Materials Needed

To renovate all three workshops, you need:

  • 45x Island Marble
  • 45x Island Coal
  • 30x Island Iron Ore
  • 30x Island Log
  • 30x Island Spectrine

New Seeds

At Rank 14, you can purchase new seeds from the Produce Producer at your cropland: Island Runner Bean, Island Beet, Island Eggplant, and Island Zucchini.

Rank 15

New Island Crafting Recipe

At Rank 15, you learn the recipe for Bestestest Mammet-sized Builder's Tools. To craft it, you need:

  • 10x Island Log
  • 10x Island Coal
  • 10x Island Marble
  • 10x Island Mythril Ore
  • 10x Island Spectrine

Expand Your Hideaway

After you craft the Bestestest Mammet-sized Builder's Tools, use Isle Return to go back to your Hideaway, then go up to the quest icon on the map and talk to the Pathological Pathfinder Mk. VI. You will need 3000 seafarer's cowries. Say "Bring down that wall!" to expand your hideaway.

Build a New Workshop and Landmark

Two new building sites have been added, one for a workshop and one for a landmark. Check on each new logboard to choose what to build. The materials for the landmark will depend on which landmark you choose to build. For the fourth workshop, you will need:

  • 10x Island Log
  • 10x Island Palm Leaf
  • 10x Island Limestone
  • 5x Island Vine
  • 5x Island Sand