Amidst the Apocalypse - Quest Guide

This page explains how to complete the level 85 Endwalker quest "Amidst the Apocalypse".


This quest is available if you have completed the quest The Blasphemy Unmasked.

Starting the Quest

Talk to Mihleel in Radz-at-Han to begin the quest.

Accompany G'raha Tia to Kama

Go to the 💬 on the map and you can optionally talk to G'raha Tia to ask for directions.

Go southeast to the Aetheryte plaza, then go to the 💬 southwest of the Aetheryte. You can optionally talk to G'raha Tia to ask for directions.

Go up the nearby stairs. They will take you northwest. If you stand in the glowing circle, you can optionally talk to G'raha Tia to ask for directions.

Go southeast to the glowing circle and you can optionally talk to G'raha Tia to ask for directions.

Go east to the orange circle on the map and enter the glowing circle. Talk to G'raha Tia to proceed.

Gather Information in Kama

Steps to Complete this Quest Objective

  1. Go to the orange circle on the map. Enter the room in the west side of the orange circle and talk to Mahti.
  2. Go northeast and attune to the Aetheryte Shard, then go east and go through the door there. Talk to Parigha to proceed.

Speak with Djinabaha

Go outside and use the Aethernet Shard to go to Ruveydah Fibers if you have attuned to it. If not, make your way west to the northernmost 💬 on the map. Go south to the quest icon and talk to Djinabaha to proceed. There will be a cutscene.

Speak with Kamala

Go through the door in the northeast wall, and keep going northeast to the quest icon on the map. Talk to Kamala to proceed.

Pick up the Light Crate

Go to the quest icon on the map and check on the sparkling Light Crate to pick it up.

Deliver the Crate to Nahbrifhal

Go southwest, then go to the northwest edge of the orange circle and talk to Nahbrifhal to deliver the crate.

Pick up the Ordinary Crate

Go to the quest icon on the map and check on the sparkling Ordinary Crate to pick it up.

Deliver the Crate to Mahnuha

Go southwest and you will find Mahnuha near the northeast edge of the orange circle on the map. Talk to Mahnuha to deliver the crate.

Pick Up the Weighty Crate

Go to the quest icon on the map and check on the sparkling Weighty Crate to pick it up.

Deliver the Crate to Zeymeira

Go southwest and you will find Zeymeira standing across from Mahnuha (to whom you delivered the previous crate). Talk to Zeymeira to deliver the crate.

Speak with Kamala Again

Go to the quest icon and talk to Kamala to proceed.

Speak with Djinabaha Again

Go southwest to the quest icon on the map and talk to Djinabaha to complete the quest. There will be a cutscene.

Next Main Scenario Quest

After you complete the quest, talk to G'raha Tia to accept the next quest: Beyond the Depths of Despair.