A Premium Deal - Quest Guide

Wuk Lamat has her eye on a jug of premium mezcal.


This quest is available if you have completed the quest Mablu's Dream.

Starting the Quest

Talk to Wuk Lamat in Urqopacha to begin the quest.

Speak with Mablu

You can teleport back to Wachunpelo or just go east to where the orange arrow is pointing in the minimap. Then go to the quest icon and talk to Mablu to proceed.

Gather Information

Go to each quest icon and talk to Bebeel Ja, Raplu (behind the carriage), and Tsuvli.

Speak with Mablu Again

Go to the quest icon and talk to Mablu to proceed.

Speak with Gobli

Go up the road behind this building to go up the slope and reach the millstone building at the top. Go to the quest icon and speak with Gobli. There will be a cutscene. Choose the following dialogue:

Speak with Wuk Lamat

Go northwest to the quest icon and talk to Wuk Lamat.

Survey the Designated Area

While you're in this area, use the Aether Compass to find a nearby Aether Current and attune to it. Then go to each quest icon and check on the purple Destinations. Defeat the Prickly Barbmoles that attack at each location.

Speak with Wuk Lamat Again

Go to the quest icon and talk to Wuk Lamat.

Hand the Leaves to Mablu

Go back to the village and talk to Mablu to hand over the sacks of Top-Grade Mate Leaves and complete the quest. There will be a cutscene.

Next Main Scenario Quest

After you complete the quest, talk to Wuk Lamat to accept the next quest: Wuk Lamat in the Saddle.