Facing the Truth - Quest Guide

This page explains how to complete the level 80 post-Shadowbringers quest "Facing the Truth".


This quest is available if you have completed the quest Seeking Counsel.

Starting the Quest

Talk to Lyna in Lakeland to begin the quest.

Speak with Alphinaud

You can either teleport to the Crystarium, or you can go south past Fort Jobb and go southeast through the gate to reach the Crystarium. Use the Aetheryte or an Aethernet Shard to go to the Dossal Gate. Go east up the stairs, talk to the Crystarium Gatekeep, and say Yes to enter the Ocular. Talk to Alphinaud to proceed. There will be a cutscene.

Speak with the People

Use the Exit to the Crystarium and say Yes to go outside.

Go west down the stairs, then go west until you can go northwest through one of the archways into Spagyrics. Talk to Chessamile to proceed.

Go to the Crystarium Aetheryte Plaza and use the Aetheryte to go to the Cabinet of Curiosity. Go north through the nearby door, then go up the spiral staircase to the top level and talk to Moren.

Go back down to the lower level and go south through the door. Use the Aethernet Shard to go to the Crystalline Mean. Go to the quest icon and talk to Katliss to proceed.

Go northwest to the Aethernet Shard and use it to go to the Musica Universalis Markets. Go northwest and talk to Bragi to proceed.

Go back to the Aethernet Shard and use it to go to the Pendants, then go northwest and up the stairs, and go to the quest icon. Talk to Glynard to proceed.

Speak with Alphinaud Again

Go east to the Aethernet Shard and use it to go to the Dossal Gate. Go to the quest icon and talk to Alphinaud to complete the quest. There will be a cutscene.

Next Main Scenario Quest

After you complete the quest, talk to the Crystal Exarch to accept the next quest: A Sleep Disturbed. There will be a cutscene.