Return of the Bull - Quest Guide

Now that the Ananta have been dealt with, Raubahn has a few more words for you.


This quest is available if you have completed the quest A Blissful Arrival.

Starting the Quest

Talk to Raubahn in The Lochs to begin the quest.

Join Your Fellow Scions

Go southeast to where the orange arrow is pointing in the minimap. Check on the sparkling Destination to proceed. There will be a cutscene.

Speak with the Resistance Guard

Go northeast to where the orange arrow is pointing in the minimap. Talk to the Resistance Guard and say Yes to enter the Royal Palace. There will be a cutscene.

Speak with Arenvald

There will be a glow around Arenvald, indicating an instanced battle.

Note: During the upcoming battle, you will need to use the Duty Action frequently. If you are playing on controller, you can press L2 + R3 or R2 + R3 to use the Duty Action. Players using keyboard and mouse may find it helpful to assign the Duty Action to the hotbar (but be sure not to replace an action that you need during combat.) To do this, go to Main Menu > Character > Actions & Traits > General and drag Duty Action I into your hotbar. Alternatively, you can assign a keyboard key to Duty Action I by going to Main Menu > System > Keybind > Hotbar and scroll to the bottom, where you can assign a key to Duty Action I.

If you are ready, check on Arenvald and the battle will ensue.

Solo Duty: Return of the Bull

Phase One

You can use the Duty Action, Deflect, to destroy nearby Aether Spheres. If any of the Aether Spheres reach any of your allies, the duty will fail. If this occurs, the next time you attempt the battle, you will have the option to select an easier difficulty level, where there will be fewer spheres, and your Duty Action will have a larger area of effect.

You do not need to attack Lakshmi during this phase.

First, there will be two Aether Spheres. Ignore the one that Arenvald goes to, and use Deflect on the one that he does not go to.

Next, there will be three spheres. Again, focus on the spheres that Arenvald does not go to.

Lakshmi will cast Hand of Grace, which places two sets of cross-shaped line attack markers on the floor. Deflect the Aether Sphere in the center, then when the line markers disappear, deflect the Aether Spheres nearest to your allies.

At this point, groups of two and three Aether Spheres will appear near Lakshmi throughout the remainder of the battle. Always Deflect the ones nearest to your allies first, and keep an eye on Arenvald to make sure that you aren't both trying to Deflect the same spheres.

After a while, there will be a cutscene, then the second phase will begin.

Phase Two

Unlike in the previous phase, you do need to attack Lakshmi throughout this phase.

Hand of Beauty will mark you, Arenvald, and Fordola with circle attack markers that follow you. Move to the center of the room to ensure that you are not overlapping the others with your circle marker.

When Lakshmi casts The Pall of Light, move to the center to allow Arenvald and Fordola to stack together with you to reduce the damage.

Lakshmi will switch places and there will be some dialogue. Eventually, Lakshmi will move to the center of the room. Resume your attacks on her at this time.

She will cast Hand of Grace, placing multiple line attack markers on the floor. Then she will cast The Pall of Light, marking Fordola with a stack marker. Stack together with Fordola to reduce the damage.

You will be chained, and there will be an Active Time Maneuver. When the Active Time Maneuver begins, you can quickly type randomly on the keyboard or quickly press random buttons on the controller to fill the gauge.

As soon as you are free, use the Duty Action, Deflect, to destroy the spheres that are nearest to your allies until all of the spheres are gone.

When Lakshmi begins casting Divine Denial, stand under the shield that Fordola creates.

When Lakshmi casts Alluring Arm, move to a safe spot in the room where you will not be standing on the line attack markers and you will not overlap your allies with your circle marker. She will finish this attack with an unavoidable cone attack, The Path of Light.

Lakshmi will cast Hand of Grace, then Fordola will be marked with a stack marker. Stack together with Fordola again to reduce the damage of the attack.

This is followed by another Divine Denial. Stand under the shield that Fordola creates.

Lakshmi will cast Chanchala, and then she will begin casting Divine Denial repeatedly. Stand under the shield that Fordola creates, and stay there while you continue your attack. Eventually, the battle will end, and there will be a cutscene.

Speak with Lyse

Talk to Lyse and there will be a cutscene. This one is important, so it is recommended to watch it either now or via the Unending Journey in an inn room.

Speak with Lyse Again

Talk to Lyse and there will be another cutscene. This one is also important, so it is recommended to watch it either now or via the Unending Journey in an inn room.

Speak with Lyse Once More

Talk to Lyse again to proceed.

Speak with Lyse in Rhalgr's Reach

Teleport to Rhalgr's Reach and use the Aetheryte to go to Northeastern Rhalgr's Reach. Go east to where the orange arrow is pointing in the minimap and talk to Lyse to complete the quest. There will be a cutscene.

Next Main Scenario Quest

After you complete the quest, talk to Lyse to accept the next quest: Tidings from the East. There will be a cutscene.