You have proven yourselves to be allies of Ronka, and will be shown around the village of Fanow.
This quest is available if you have completed the quest Into the Wood.
Starting the Quest
Talk to Cymet in the Rak'tika Greatwood to begin the quest.
Speak with Almet
Go northwest up the stairs, then go counterclockwise around the platform until you can go northeast across the bridge. Go to the quest icon on the map and talk to Almet to proceed. There will be a cutscene.
Speak with the Residents of Fanow
Go southwest into the orange circle on the map. Go just south of the center of this orange circle and talk to Nymet to proceed.
Go northwest and down the stairs that lead to the Aetheryte. Attune to it if you have not yet done so, then go southwest down teh stairs to the eastern of the two orange circles that are side-by-side. Go to the west edge of this orange circle and talk to Korille.
Go east and then northeast up the stairs to the Aetheryte Plaza, then go southwest up the stairs to the westernmost orange circle on the map. Go to the south edge of the orange circle and talk to Shoina.
Go northeast down the stairs to the Aetheryte Plaza, then go east down the stairs to the final orange circle on the map. Just south of the center of the orange circle, talk to Loymet.
Speak with Almet Again
Go east up the stairs to the Aetheryte plaza, then go southeast to the quest icon on the map. Talk to Almet to hand over the Happenings in the Rak'tika Greatwood and complete the quest. There will be a cutscene.
Aether Current Quest
With the completion of this quest, you can now start the blue quest "Suit Up" in the Rak'tika Greatwood. Completing that quest will attune you to an Aether Current in this area.
Next Main Scenario Quest
After you complete the quest, talk to Almet to accept the next quest: Look to the Stars.