The Blasphemy Unmasked - Quest Guide

This page explains how to complete the level 85 Endwalker quest "The Blasphemy Unmasked".


This quest is available if you have completed the quest Skies Aflame.

Starting the Quest

Talk to Ahewann in Radz-at-Han to begin the quest.

Speak with G'raha Tia and Have Him Accompany You

Talk to G'raha Tia to proceed. Go north to the Aetheryte Plaza. You still cannot attune to the Aetheryte, so just go northeast to where the orange arrow is pointing in the minimap. Talk to Nuhadeen to proceed.

Gather Information at Balshahn Bazaar

Steps to Complete this Quest Objective

  1. Go southwest to the Aetheryte Plaza, then go north into the eastern hallway of the Bazaar. Go to the northeast part of the orange circle on the map and talk to Varsra.
  2. Go northwest, then southwest, then southeast into the western hallway of the Bazaar. Go to the west edge of the orange circle on the map and talk to Zeytahnur.
  3. Go southeast and talk to Rahdvira.

Accompany G'raha Tia to the Designated Location

Go northwest to the orange circle on the map. Enter the glowing circle and talk to G'raha Tia to proceed.

Gather Information at Mehryde's Meyhane

Go north to the orange circle on the map. Attune to the Aethernet Shard if you have not yet done so.

Steps to Complete this Quest Objective

  1. Go to the north edge of the orange circle on the map and talk to the Fearful Hyur.
  2. Go to the south edge of the orange circle on the map and talk to Rhulmeira.

Speak with Mihleel

Go to the quest icon and talk to Mihleel to complete the quest. There will be a cutscene.

Next Main Scenario Quest

After you complete the quest, talk to Mihleel to accept the next quest: Amidst the Apocalypse.