A Purchase of Fruit - Quest Guide

Having completed your patrols and the thinning of the ranks of Sin Eaters, you and Alisaie meet back up with Tesleen.


This quest is available if you have completed the quest Culling their Ranks.

Starting the Quest

Talk to Tesleen in Amh Araeng to begin the quest.

Tend to Pawnil

Go to the quest icon on the map and talk to Pawnil.

Tend to Todden

Go to the quest icon on the map and talk to Todden.

Tend to Halric

Go to the quest icon on the map and talk to Halric. There will be a cutscene.

Speak with Tesleen

Go to the quest icon on the map and talk to Tesleen.

Speak with Rhon Ron

You can either teleport to Mord Souq, or you can go northeast until you can go northwest to where the orange arrow is pointing in the minimap. Talk to Rhon Ron and there will be a cutscene.

Speak with Alisaie

Go west to the quest icon on the map. Talk to Alisaie to proceed. There will be a cutscene.

Speak with Alisaie Again

Talk to Alisaie to proceed.

Give the Nectarine to Tesleen

You can either teleport to the Inn at Journey's Head, or you can go southeast until you can go southwest to where the orange arrow is pointing in the minimap. Talk to Tesleen to hand over the Nectarine and complete the quest.

Next Main Scenario Quest

After you complete the quest, talk to Tesleen to accept the next quest: The Time Left to Us. There will be a cutscene.