A list of new content and features in the Dawntrail Expansion (Patch 7.0) for Final Fantasy XIV.

Dawntrail Patch Notes and Special Site
Please visit the official Dawntrail Patch Notes at the Lodestone for full details about Dawntrail, and visit the Dawntrail Special Site for more information about the Dawntrail expansion.
How to Get Dawntrail
If you don't already have the game, please read Getting the Game for information about getting the free trial or purchasing the full game. If you already own the game and have an active subscription, you can order Dawntrail now.
New Main Scenario Quests
To start the first quest of the Dawntrail main story, A New World to Explore, talk to Ojika Tsunjika in Old Sharlayan. If you have trouble seeing quest NPCs as you go through the new story, there is a new feature to hide players near quest NPCs by going to Character Configuration > Control Settings > General and choosing one of the options under "Quest Progression Settings".
New Jobs: Viper and Pictomancer
Two new jobs have been added in Dawntrail: Viper and Pictomancer. To unlock these new jobs:
- Viper can be unlocked by the quest "Enter the Viper" at Ul'dah - Steps of Nald (X: 9.3 Y:9.2) if you are level 80 or higher
- Pictomancer can be unlocked by the quest "The Joy of Pictomancy" at Old Gridania (X:8.0 Y:10.3) if you are level 80 or higher
Female Hrothgar
Female Hrothgar will be available as a new race starting with Dawntrail. Watch the female Hrothgar showcase video.
Graphical Update
Dawntrail introduces an updated graphics engine, with higher-resolution textures, more detailed character models, and more. Please visit the official Dawntrail Patch Notes for more details about the Graphical Update.
Two Dye Channels
Gear will now have two dye channels available, allowing for much greater customization of clothing. Watch Yoshi-P demonstrate this new feature (in Japanese with English interpreter).
Job Adjustments
Watch the Dawntrail Job Adjustments segment from the Live Letter (in Japanese with English interpreter).
New Fantasia Feature: Unlimited Appearance Changes for 60 Minutes
When using a Fantasia, which allows you to change your character's appearance, you can re-edit your character as many times as you like within 60 minutes. The 60 minutes are based on playtime and don't count down when you're logged out.
Free Fantasia
A quest, "Bottled Fantasy", is available at Ul'dah - Steps of Thal (X:13.4 Y:9.2) with the reward of a free Fantasia. The quest is available after completing the quest The Scions of the Seventh Dawn, a quest in A Realm Reborn.
Facewear is a new feature that adds a facewear slot, separate from headgear, allowing players to wear glasses at the same time as headgear. "Headgear that looks like glasses" is not the same as Facewear, and cannot be placed in the Facewear slot. For each Facewear, you can choose from 12 colors.
How to Re-Acquire Your Existing Facewear
If you already acquired the Fashion Accessories False Oval Spectacles, False Shaded Spectacles, False Classic Spectacles, or Rose-colored Spectacles prior to Dawntrail, you will need to speak to a Calamity Salvager to reacquire them as Facewear. Choose "Spectacles Exchange" at the bottom of the list to do so. Calamity Salvagers can be found at the following locations:
- Limsa Lominsa Upper Decks (X:11.3 Y:14.3)
- Old Gridania (X:10.0 Y:8.4)
- Ul'dah - Steps of Thal (X:12.6 Y:13.1)
Blacklist Updates
The blacklist feature has been expanded. There will be two separate lists: mute list and blacklist.
Mute List
If you place a character on the mute list, you won't be able to see what they say. During duties, muted characters' messages will be obscured, with the option to temporarily view them.
If you place a player on the blacklist, their chat messages and character model will no longer be visible. This applies to all characters in the blacklisted player's account. During duties, the blacklisted player's name will be displayed as "unknown" and their messages will be obscured, with the option to temporarily view them.
Term Filter
You can specify terms that you don't want to be displayed in chat. Up to ten words can be registered.
Estate Expulsion
Estate owners can bar characters from the estate for up to 10 days by adding them to the Barred Character List. To add a character to the Barred Character List, target them and select "Bar from Property" in the subcommand menu, then choose "Register as Barred Character."
Free Company owners can give Estate Holder Rights to up to four members of their FC. If an estate owner is on their own property, or an FC member who is a rightsholder is on their FC property, any players they have blacklisted will also immediately be expelled from their estate.