Once More, a Favor - Quest Guide

Emmanellain asks you to secure the route to Falcon's Nest by culling packs of wild wolves.


This quest is available if you have completed the quest Staunch Conviction.

Starting the Quest

Talk to Emmanellain in the Coerthas Western Highlands to begin the quest.

Stand Watch

Go north to where the orange arrows are pointing in the minimap. Check on the purple Destination in each of the two orange circles on the map and kill the Ghostwolves and Alpha Ghostwolves that attack.

Report to Emmanellain

Go south to where the orange arrow is pointing in the minimap. Talk to Emmanellain to proceed.

Search for Thancred

Go northwest to where the orange arrow is pointing in the minimap. Talk to Thancred.

Speak with Emmanellain

Go southeast to where the orange arrow is pointing in the minimap. Talk to Emmanellain to complete the quest.

Next Main Scenario Quest

After you complete the quest, talk to Emmanellain to accept the next quest: For Those We Have Lost. There will be a cutscene. This one is important, so it is recommended to watch it either now or via the Unending Journey in an inn room.