You have arrived at what appears to be a Confederate settlement, possibly their headquarters.
This quest is available if you have completed the quest To Bend with the Wind.
Starting the Quest
Talk to Alisaie in the Ruby Sea to begin the quest.
Look for a Familiar Face
Go east to the quest icon on the map. You may wish to attune to the Aethernet at this time. Then talk to Tansui to proceed.
Speak with Rasho
Go up the nearby stairs and continue making your way upward until the path splits. Go to the right and go up the stairs, and you will reach the quest icon on the map. Talk to Rasho and there will be a cutscene.
Speak with Lyse
Go south and down the stairs to reach the quest icon on the map. Talk to Lyse to proceed.
Gather Information
Steps to Complete this Quest Objective
- Go down the stairs, then go east to the small orange circle on the map. Check on the sparkling Arms Crate.
- Go west to the large orange circle on the map. Go to the southeast edge of the large orange circle (onto the ship at the end of the pier) and talk to Nawashiro.
- Go to the western edge of the large orange circle on the map and check on the sparkling Stacked Crate.
Speak with Alisaie
Go northeast to where the orange arrow is pointing in the minimap. Go up the stairs to reach the quest icon on the map. Talk to Alisaie to complete the quest. There will be a cutscene.
Next Main Scenario Quest
After you complete the quest, there are three quests that you have to do in order to proceed in the story:
- Talk to Afumi (on one of the wooden platforms up the stairs) to accept The Solace of the Sea
- Talk to Kajika to accept The Arrows of Misfortune
- Talk to Aranami to accept The Last Voyage