This page lists the new features, items, and content in Endwalker Patch 6.35, released on March 7, 2023.

6.35 Patch Notes
Please visit the official Patch 6.35 Notes at The Lodestone for full details.
List of New Additions in Patch 6.35
New Deep Dungeon: Eureka Orthos
The new Deep Dungeon, Eureka Orthos, has been added. It can be unlocked if you have a Disciple of War or Magic at level 81 or higher, and you have completed the quest Endwalker, and you have cleared floor 50 of Palace of the Dead. Talk to Koh Rabntah at Mor Dhona (X:21.8 Y:8.1) to start the quest "Delve into Myth" to unlock Eureka Orthos. If you are near the Revenant's Toll Aetheryte, you can talk to Burnel to quickly return to the Eureka Orthos entrance area.
Manderville Weapons Continued
Patch 6.35 continues the Manderville Weapons quests. Talk to Delion at Radz-at-Han (X:11.9 Y:11.1) to begin the quest "The Spectacle of Inspection". This quest is followed by the quest "Generational Bonding". After you complete that quest, equip a Manderville weapon and talk to Gerolt at Radz-at-Han (X:12.0 Y:7.1) to begin the quest "Well-Oiled" to continue your progress with the Manderville Weapons.
Splendorous Tools
To unlock Splendorous Tools, complete the level 90 Endwalker quest, "Endwalker", then if you have not unlocked Crystarium Deliveries, complete the quest "The Crystalline Mean". If you do not have access to the Boutique of Splendors, talk to Mowen in Eulmore (X:11.4 Y:10.7). You can then talk to Chora-Zoi at The Crystarium (X:7.8 Y:11.4) to start the quest "An Original Improvement". Complete the quests to unlock Splendorous Tools.
New Allied Society: Loporrits
Patch 6.35 adds the Loporrit Allied Society. To unlock the quests, complete the level 90 Endwalker quest, "Endwalker", then complete the series of quests beginning with "Name That Way" in Mare Lamentorum. Have at least one Disciple of the Hand (crafter) at level 80, then complete the quest "Must Be Dreaming(way)" in Old Sharlayan.
New Mounts, Minions, Orchestrion Rolls, and More
See below for the list of new mounts, minions, orchestrion rolls, and other items that have been added in Patch 6.35. More details coming soon.
- Housing items from FFXIV Furnishing Design Contest 2019
- Dorpokkur Kiln (Level 90 Goldsmith Recipe)
- New furnishings
- Allagan Terminal Alpha
- Allagan Terminal Beta
- Lalafell Lifter (Housing Merchants in residential areas, Apartment Merchants)
- Loporrit Material Supplier, Junkmonger, Mender, Servingway (Loporrit Allied Society exchange)
- Orthos Display Stand (Mor Dhona Synthesis Node - Eureka Orthos Deep Dungeon Exchange)
- Rainbow Hopping Rug (Loporrit Allied Society exchange)
- Simple Low Table (Housing Merchants in residential areas, Apartment Merchants)
- New orchestrion rolls
- Battle 1 from FINAL FANTASY IV (Loporrit Allied Society exchange)
- Crystal Rain (Accursed Hoard - Eureka Orthos Deep Dungeon)
- Dreamwalker (Loporrit Allied Society exchange)
- Forbidden Land (Endwalker) (Accursed Hoard - Eureka Orthos Deep Dungeon)
- The Promise of Plunder (Accursed Hoard - Eureka Orthos Deep Dungeon)
- New mounts
- Aeturna (Complete Eureka Orthos four times to get all four Enaretos accessories from the Mor Dhona Synthesis Node, then talk to Koh Rabntah while wearing all four accessories)
- Moon-hopper (Loporrit Allied Society exchange)
- Orthos Craklaw (Accursed Hoard - Eureka Orthos Deep Dungeon)
- New Triple Triad Cards
- (Accursed Hoard - Eureka Orthos Deep Dungeon)
- (acquire 376 unique Triple Triad cards)
- Dreamingway (chance of winning it from defeating Gamingway at Triple Triad in Mare Lamentorum)
- Suprae-Lugae (purchase for 14,400 MGP from Triple Triad Trader in the Gold Saucer after completing latest Hildibrand quests)
- New emotes
- /earwiggle (Achieve maximum rank with Loporrit Allied Society and complete all Loporrit Allied Society blue quests)
- New hairstyles
- Modern Aesthetics - A Close Shave (Accursed Hoard - Eureka Orthos Deep Dungeon)
- New chocobo barding
- Allagan Barding (Accursed Hoard - Eureka Orthos Deep Dungeon)
- New minions
- Findingway (Loporrit Allied Society exchange)
- Private Pachypodium (Accursed Hoard - Eureka Orthos Deep Dungeon)
- New fashion accessories
- Raindrop Defense System (Accursed Hoard - Eureka Orthos Deep Dungeon)
- New portrait accents
- Enaretos Framer's Kit (Mor Dhona Synthesis Node - Eureka Orthos Deep Dungeon Exchange)
- Eureka Orthos Framer's Kit (Mor Dhona Synthesis Node - Eureka Orthos Deep Dungeon Exchange)
- Loporrit Framingway Kit (Loporrit Allied Society exchange)