Patch 7.2 List of New Items

A list of new items in Patch 7.2, including new mounts, new minions, new orchestrion rolls, and more.

A list of new items in Patch 7.2, including new mounts, new minions, new orchestrion rolls, and more.

New Mounts

Eggeater Purchase with Faux Leaves (talk to Painfully Ishgardian Man in Idyllshire to unlock) or a Khloe's Gold Certificate Of Commendation (talk to Unctuous Adventurer in Idyllshire to unlock, then get 3 lines in Wondrous Tails to get Gold Certificate)
Wings of the Knighthood Recollection (Extreme)
Air-wheeler C9 Identification Key AAC Cruiserweight M4 (Savage)
Magitek Slasher PvP Series 8 - Level 25

New Minions

The Deathservant Complete the sidequest "When Death Comes to Dinner", part of the Cornservant quest series
Royal Hound Underkeep (patch 7.2 main scenario dungeon)
Clockwork Oppressor PvP Series 8 - Level 15

New Orchestrion Rolls

Mog House Purchase from Jonathas in Old Gridania with Achievement Certificates
Roses of May (Dawntrail) Crafted with material that can drop in Recollection (Extreme)
Find the Princess (Dawntrail) Underkeep (patch 7.2 main scenario dungeon)
Ride the Rhythm AAC Cruiserweight M1
Back to the Drawing Board AAC Cruiserweight M2
Not Afraid AAC Cruiserweight M3
Unleashed AAC Cruiserweight M4
Peerless AAC Cruiserweight M4 (Savage)
Todoroki Purchase with Faux Leaves (talk to Painfully Ishgardian Man in Idyllshire to unlock) or a Khloe's Gold Certificate Of Commendation (talk to Unctuous Adventurer in Idyllshire to unlock, then get 3 lines in Wondrous Tails to get Gold Certificate)
Sunset Purchase with Faux Leaves (talk to Painfully Ishgardian Man in Idyllshire to unlock) or a Khloe's Gold Certificate Of Commendation (talk to Unctuous Adventurer in Idyllshire to unlock, then get 3 lines in Wondrous Tails to get Gold Certificate)
In Dawn's Embrace Subaquatic voyages
Fun and Games Can drop from the Cenote Ja Ja Gural. Enter the Cenote Ja Ja Gural via Timeworn Br'aaxskin Treasure Map portals

New Triple Triad Cards

Valia Pira Underkeep (patch 7.2 main scenario dungeon)
Ollier Defeat the Malevolent Weasel in the Gold Saucer
Zelenia Recollection or Recollection (Extreme)
Howling Blade AAC Cruiserweight

New Furnishings

Recollection Sword Stand Crafted with material that can drop in Recollection (Extreme)
Herringbone Interior Wall Level 100 Crafting Recipe
Teal Carpet Level 100 Crafting Recipe
Gardener's Gate Level 100 Crafting Recipe
Hingan Dresser Level 100 Crafting Recipe
Hingan Event Partition Level 100 Crafting Recipe
Decorative Hingan Window Level 100 Crafting Recipe
Simple Hingan Pillar Level 100 Crafting Recipe
Hingan Wall Shelf Level 100 Crafting Recipe
Hingan Wall Cabinet Level 100 Crafting Recipe
Hingan Floor Cabinet Level 100 Crafting Recipe
Wooden Frame Partition Level 100 Crafting Recipe
Lattice-windowed Cabinet Level 100 Crafting Recipe
Leg of Prosciutto Level 100 Crafting Recipe
No-entry Door Partition 6000 MGP from Gold Saucer Prize Exchange (Music/Furnishings)
East End Tree Housing Merchants in residential areas
Hedge-trimmed Flower Bed Housing Merchants in residential areas
Vault Rib 6000 gil from Housing Merchants, Estate Maidservants/Manservants, Apartment Merchants, etc.
Blank Minimalist Partition 9000 gil from Housing Merchants, Estate Maidservants/Manservants, Apartment Merchants, etc.
Minimalist Partition Door 9000 gil from Housing Merchants, Estate Maidservants/Manservants, Apartment Merchants, etc.
Job Display Crystals 3000 gil from Housing Merchants, Estate Maidservants/Manservants, Apartment Merchants, etc.
Mantelshelf 5000 gil from Housing Merchants, Estate Maidservants/Manservants, Apartment Merchants, etc.
Fluorescent Tube Chandelier
Round Stepping Star
Chocobo Chick Fountain
Hewn Stone Circle

New Glamour Gear

Neon Street Set Crafted; Requires Master XI Books
Bouncer's Set Crafted; Requires Master XI Books

New Facewear

Shaded Spectacles 1000 Trophy Crystals from Crystal Quartermaster
Eyepatch (Left) and Eyepatch (Right) 3000 gil from Maisenta in New Gridania, Bango Zango in Limsa Lominsa, Roarich in Ul'dah - Steps of Nald
Metallic Eyepatch (Left) and Metallic Eyepatch (Right) 30000 MGP from Gold Saucer Prize Exchange (Registrable Miscellany)
Groovy Glasses AAC Cruiserweight M4
Coeurl Eyeglasses
Tinted Goggles

New Chocobo Bardings

Queen's Knight Barding Crafted with material that can drop in Recollection (Extreme)

New Emotes

/dazed (Ballroom Etiquette - Feigning Fainting) PvP Series 8 - Level 5
/tomescroll Obtained automatically if you have the /tomestone emote, which is obtained if you use the FFXIV Companion App
/study Obtained automatically if you have the /read emote, which is obtained from Ballroom Etiquette - Intelligent Impressions, purchased from Enie in the Firmament for 1800 or win from a Fête Present. Complete the Heavensward Main Scenario Quest "Litany of Peace" and complete the sidequest "Towards the Firmament" in Ishgard to unlock The Firmament

New Framer's Kits

Crystalline Conflict Season Thirteen Framer's Kits PvP
Fields of Glory Framer's Kit PvP
Onsal Hakair Framer's Kit PvP
Deadly Welcome Framer's Kit 5 Gelmorran Potsherds, South Shroud Potsherd Exchange
Deadly Descent Framer's Kit 10 Gelmorran Potsherds, South Shroud Potsherd Exchange
Victory-on-High Framer's Kit 5 Empyrean Potsherds, Ruby Sea Artifact Exchange
Ascension-on-High Framer's Kit 10 Empyrean Potsherds, Ruby Sea Artifact Exchange

New Aquarium Fish

First Feastfish
Iq Rrax Leaffish
Oho Hunu
Welkin Catfish
Windspath Eel
Yellow Peacock Bass
Copper Shark
Iris Wrasse
Stardust Sleeper

New Seeds for Gardening

Paperflower Seeds Purchase from:
  • Mist (X:11.0 Y:11.4) - Material Supplier
  • The Lavender Beds (X:11.9 Y:8.3) - Material Supplier
  • The Goblet (X:10.9 Y:8.9) - Material Supplier
  • Shirogane (X:10.5 Y:12.1) - Material Supplier
  • Empyreum (X:10.2 Y:12.2) - Material Supplier
  • Apartments - Apartment Merchant
  • New Gridania (X:11.0 Y:11.2) - Tanie