New main scenario quests, new Echoes of Vana'diel Alliance Raid, and more in Patch 7.1.

Patch 7.1 Overview and Patch Notes
Patch 7.1: Crossroads, is scheduled for release on November 12, 2024. See the patch notes for patch 7.1 and the Patch 7.1: Crossroads Special Site for more information.
List of New Items in Patch 7.1
Check out the full list of new items in Patch 7.1.
New Main Scenario Quests
The Dawntrail story continues with new main scenario quests. The first new quest begins in Tuliyollal at the For'ard Cabins. These quests include a new dungeon: Yuweyawata Field Station.
New Alliance Raid Series: Echoes of Vana'diel
The new alliance raid series, based on Final Fantasy XI, begins with Jeuno: The First Walk. To unlock it, speak with the Hoobigo Messenger at the Tuliyollal Aetheryte Plaza, (X:13.0 Y:11.6). If you are interested in playing Final Fantasy XI, there is 14-day free trial for Final Fantasy XI for Windows. To continue playing past the free trial period, you need to set up a subscription within 90 days, or you will lose your free trial character data. To set up a subscription, log into the Square Enix Account Management System and select Final Fantasy XI, go to "Active Service Accounts" and choose "Transfer to Regular Service" to purchase a subscription. The full game is available on Windows and Steam.
New Allied Society: Pelupelu
A new allied society, the Pelupelu, will be added. To unlock them, speak to the Blue-garbed Pelu at Tuliyollal (X:13.6 Y:12.9). If you unlock the Pelupelu Allied Society and complete their daily quests, you will earn experience for combat jobs. You can also unlock special rewards at the Currency Exchange. Speak to Pavli in Dock Poga (X:37.1 Y:16.1) to exchange Pelu pelplumes. Dock Poga is unlocked via the Pelupelu Allied Society quests.
New Extreme Trial: Sphene's Burden
A new extreme trial, based on the final trial of Dawntrail, will be added. If you have completed the Dawntrail main scenario, you can talk to the Wandering Minstrel in Tuliyollal to unlock this trial.
New Unreal Trial: Jade Stoa (Unreal)
A new Unreal trial featuring Byakko will become available. Talk to the Faux Commander in Idyllshire to participate. If you have not yet unlocked Unreal Trials, you need to complete the Shadowbringers Main Scenario and talk to the Unctuous Adventurer to unlock Wondrous Tails in Idyllshire, then talk to the Painfully Ishgardian Man in Idyllshire to unlock Unreal Trials.
Other Updates
Patch 7.1 also includes the following updates:
- Duty Support will be added to non-MSQ dungeons, starting with Halatali.
- Hall of the Novice training will now include lessons for various game
mechanics. You must first complete the quest "Hearts on
Fire". After that, you can talk to the NPCs who have the Hall of the Novice icon
to unlock this feature and learn more. These NPCs can be found near the inns in Gridania, Limsa Lominsa, and Ul'dah, and near some of the low-level dungeon entrances in the game. The new training exercises can be accessed via Main Menu > Duty > Hall of the Novice.
- Dawntrail will now be replayable in New Game+. To unlock New Game+, you need to have completed the A Realm Reborn Main Scenario. Then you can talk to the Wistful Whitebeard in Vesper Bay in Western Thanalan to unlock New Game+.
- PvP will receive various updates, such as action and hit detection timing, improvements to Crystalline Conflict areas, and job adjustments.
- In Doman Mahjong, it will be possible to purchase voiced reaction packs with MGP if you have completed the Heavensward Main Scenario. Talk to Dibourdier in the Gold Saucer (X:7.1 Y:7.8) to purchase voice packs.
- A new "Interior Design" option will be added to the Housing menu, allowing you to select any interior style for your house, regardless of house location, as well as a new interior design that is not region-specific.