This page explains the steps to receive Manderville Weapons, the relic weapons added to the Endwalker expansion in patch 6.25.

How to Begin the Manderville Weapon Quests
Before you can begin the Manderville Weapon quests, you must complete all of the "Hildibrand Adventures" quests. If you have not done any of the Hildibrand quests, you can start them by talking to Wymond at Ul'dah - Steps of Nald ( X:10 , Y:9 ) to start the quest "The Rise and Fall of Gentlemen".
If you have completed all of the Hildibrand quests prior to patch 6.25, talk to Nashu Mhakaracca in Radz-at-Han at (X:11.8 Y:11.2) to start the quest "Lunar Conspiracy". This quest is followed by "The Imperfect Gentleman".
After you have completed "The Imperfect Gentleman", you can begin the Manderville Weapon quests.
Overview: Weapon Progression
- Manderville Weapon (Item Level 615)
- Amazing Manderville Weapon (Item Level 630)
- Majestic Manderville Weapon (Item Level 645)
- Mandervillous Weapon (Item Level 665)
Step 1: How to Obtain an Item Level 615 Manderville Weapon
Make it a Manderville
After you follow the above steps to unlock Manderville Weapons, switch to the class that you wish to receive a Manderville Weapon for, then talk to the House Manderville Manservant near the Radz-at-Han Aetheryte to begin the quest "Make It a Manderville". (You will have the option to cancel and switch to a different class before you start.)
How to Obtain Chunks of Manderium Meteorite
Manderium Meteorites be purchased from Jubrunnah at the Radz-at-Han Aetheryte plaza at a cost of 500 Allagan Tomestones of Poetics each, for a total of 1500 Allagan Tomestones of Poetics.
Make Another Manderville
After you receive one of the Manderville Weapons, you can talk to the House Manderville Artisan near the High Crucible of Al-Kimiya Aethernet Shard in Radz-at-Han to begin the quest to receive another. As before, you will need 1500 Allagan Tomestones of Poetics to complete the quest and receive the weapon.
Step 2 - The Hammering Continues: How to Obtain an Item Level 630 Amazing Manderville Weapon
The Spectacle of Inspection; Generational Bonding
If you have completed the "The Imperfect Gentleman", you can talk to Delion at Radz-at-Han (X:11.9 Y:11.1) to start the quest "The Spectacle of Inspection", which is followed by the quest "Generational Bonding". After you complete those quests, equip a Manderville weapon and talk to Gerolt at Radz-at-Han (X:12.0 Y:7.1) to start the quest "Well-Oiled", which will unlock the next step of the Manderville Weapons.
How to Obtain Chunks of Complementary Chondrite
Complementary Chondrite be purchased from Jubrunnah at the Radz-at-Han Aetheryte plaza at a cost of 500 Allagan Tomestones of Poetics each, for a total of 1500 Allagan Tomestones of Poetics.
The Next Mander-level
After you receive one of the Amazing Manderville Weapons, you can talk to the House Manderville Artisan near the High Crucible of Al-Kimiya Aethernet Shard in Radz-at-Han to begin the quest "The Next Mander-level" to receive another. As before, you will need 1500 Allagan Tomestones of Poetics to complete the quest and receive the weapon.
Step 3: How to Obtain an Item Level 645 Majestic Manderville Weapon
By Agents Unknown; Not from Around Here
Talk to Delion at Radz-at-Han (X:11.9 Y:11.1) to begin the quest "By Agents Unknown". This quest is followed by the quest "Not from Around Here". After you complete that quest, equip a Manderville weapon and talk to Gerolt at Radz-at-Han (X:12.0 Y:7.1) to begin the quest "A Spirited Reforging" to continue your progress with the Manderville Weapons.
How to Obtain Chunks of Amplifying Achondrite
Amplifying Achondrite can be purchased from Jubrunnah at the Radz-at-Han Aetheryte plaza at a cost of 500 Allagan Tomestones of Poetics each, for a total of 1500 Allagan Tomestones of Poetics.
Select your Weapon's Properties
You can select a first, second, and third attribute to assign points to. The first two attributes will receive the maximum number of points, while the third will receive a smaller amount of points.
How to Readjust your Weapon's Properties
If you wish to change how you allocated the points to your weapon, you must purchase one chunk of Amplifying Achondrite, then talk to the House Manderville Alchemist at the High Crucible of Al-Kimiya to make the changes.
Step 4: How to Obtain an Item Level 665 Mandervillous Weapon
Of Duplicity and Duplication; Gentlemen at Heart
Talk to Delion at (X:11.4 Y:11.5) to begin the quest "Of Duplicity and Duplication". This quest is followed by the quest "Gentlemen at Heart". After you complete that quest, equip a Manderville weapon and talk to Gerolt at Radz-at-Han (X:12.0 Y:7.1) to begin the quest "Resonating with Perfection" to continue your progress with the Manderville Weapons.
How to Obtain Chunks of Cosmic Crystallite
Cosmic Crystallite can be purchased from Jubrunnah at the Radz-at-Han Aetheryte plaza at a cost of 500 Allagan Tomestones of Poetics each, for a total of 1500 Allagan Tomestones of Poetics.
How to Readjust your Weapon's Properties
If you wish to change how you allocated the points to your weapon, you must purchase one chunk of Cosmic Crystallite, then talk to the House Manderville Alchemist at the High Crucible of Al-Kimiya to make the changes.