Their Greatest Contribution - Quest Guide

This page explains how to complete the level 86 Endwalker quest "Their Greatest Contribution".


This quest is available if you have completed the quest Lives Apart.

Starting the Quest

Talk to Emet-Selch in Elpis to begin the quest.

Speak with Hermes

Go to the quest icon on the map and talk to Hermes to proceed.

Optional: Elpis Aether Current

You can optionally go southeast to find a nearby Aether Current. You can use the Aether Compass (found in Main Menu > Duty > Collection) to help you pinpoint its location. Check on the Aether Current to attune to it.

Speak with Hermes Again

Go west to the base of the stairs, then go northwest to where the orange arrow is pointing in the minimap. Talk to Hermes to proceed. There will be a cutscene.

Speak with Hythlodaeus

Talk to Hythlodaeus to proceed.

Ask Emet-Selch for a Favor

Go west to where the orange arrow is pointing in the minimap. While standing near Emet-Selch, you can optionally click the 💬 to the left of the chat input box and choose Say to switch to Say mode (which will persist until you change the chat mode again). Then, if you have Direct Chat disabled, you can either click the message entry field or press Enter to enable text entry. If you have Direct Chat enabled, you can just start typing. If you did not switch to Say mode by clicking the 💬, you can either type /say before your message, or type /say by itself and press Enter to switch to Say mode (which will persist until you change the chat mode again). Then enter any phrase containing "I have a favor to ask". Make sure that you enter it exactly as it is displayed in the quest objective, with the same capitalization.

Ask Again

Follow the above steps to enter any phrase containing "Please, Emet-Selch". Make sure that you enter it exactly as it is displayed in the quest objective, with the same capitalization. There will be a cutscene.

/wave to Emet-Selch

Go northwest to the orange circle on the map and stand in the glowing spot. Then dismount and type /wave or /wave motion (the second one will not display a chat message). There will be a cutscene.

Speak with Emet-Selch

Go southeast to where the orange arrow is pointing in the minimap. If you did not attune to the Aether Current north of Anagnorisis before, you can do so now. Then go to the quest icon on the map and talk to Emet-Selch to complete the quest.

Aether Current Quest

With the completion of this quest, you can now start the blue quest "Touring Anagnorisis, Part I" in Elpis. Completing that quest will attune you to an Aether Current in this area.

Next Main Scenario Quest

After you complete the quest, talk to Hermes to accept the next quest: Aether to Aether. There will be a cutscene.