Alisaie asks you to return to Noumenon, where you will share what you learned about the gleaners.
This quest is available if you have completed the quest A Seat at the Last Stand.
Starting the Quest
Talk to Alisaie in Old Sharlayan to begin the quest.
Speak with Krile
Go south to the Aethernet Shard and use it to go to The Studium, then go south to where the orange arrow is pointing in the minimap, and talk to Krile. There will be a cutscene.
Speak with Alisaie
Go northeast to the quest icon in the minimap and talk to Alisaie. She will begin walking, so be sure to follow her. Eventually, she will run, so adjust your pace accordingly. Eventually, she will stop, and a glowing spot will appear around her. Stand in it, and after some dialogue, Alisaie will depart.
Speak with Krile Again
If you haven't attuned to the Aethernet Shard that you and Alisaie passed by, be sure to do so now. Then go northwest from that Aethernet Shard and go through the door there. Go north down the stairs and follow the path to where the orange arrow is pointing in the minimap. Talk to the Chocobokeep if you wish, then talk to Krile to proceed. There will be a cutscene.
Gather Information
You can use your mount in this area. Go to the three quest icons in the minimap and talk to the people there: Erenville to the southeast, Tieve to the south, and Dobbin to the west.
Share Your Findings With Krile
Go to the quest icon in the minimap and talk to Krile to hand over the three notes and complete the quest.
Next Main Scenario Quest
After you complete the quest, talk to Krile to accept the next quest: Glorified Ratcatcher.