This page explains how to complete the level 85 Endwalker quest "Simple Pleasures".
This quest is available if you have completed the quest Warm Hearts, Rekindled Hopes.
Starting the Quest
Talk to Estinien in Thavnair to begin the quest.
Speak with Vrtra
Go east to where the orange arrow is pointing in the minimap, or teleport to Palaka's Stand. Talk to Vrtra to proceed. There will be a cutscene.
Speak with Nidhana
Talk to Nidhana to proceed.
Deliver the Hot Chai
Steps to Complete this Quest Objective
- Go just east of the center of the orange circle on the map and talk to Nahbshayra to hand over the Hot Chai.
- Go to the southeast edge of the orange circle on the map and talk to Vishryde to hand over the Hot Chai.
- Go to the west side of the orange circle on the map and talk to the Weary Citizen to hand over the Hot Chai.
Aether Current Quests
You can now start two blue quests, each of which unlocks an Aether Current in Thavnair. The quests are as follows.
- In Agama's Footsteps
- Radiant Patrol (this quest takes you close to an Aether Current to the south)
Speak with Nidhana Again
Talk to Nidhana to complete the quest.
Unlock Flying in Thavnair
"Simple Pleasures" is the final quest for unlocking Aether Currents in Thavnair. If you have completed the other Aether Current quests and attuned to the Aether Currents in the field in this area (which you can find using the Aether Compass in Main Menu > Duty > Collection in this area) you will be able to fly in Thavnair.
Next Main Scenario Quest
After you complete the quest, talk to Matsya to accept the next quest: Under His Wing. There will be a cutscene.