This page explains how to complete the level 82 Endwalker quest "Tracks in the Snow".
This quest is available if you have completed the quest A Frosty Reception.
Starting the Quest
Talk to Emmanellain in Garlemald to begin the quest.
Optional: Garlemald Aether Current 1
You can optionally go east to find a nearby Aether Current. You can use the Aether Compass (found in Main Menu > Duty > Collection) to help you pinpoint its location. Check on the Aether Current to attune to it.
Speak with Emmanellain
Go to the quest icon on the map and talk to Emmanellain. There will be a cutscene.
Search for Footprints in the Snow
Go east to the orange circle on the map. Go slightly southwest of the center of the orange circle and check on the sparkling Footprints in the Snow.
Search for More Footprints in the Snow
Go to the east edge of the orange circle on the map and check on the sparkling Footprints in the Snow.
Speak with Alisaie
Go to the quest icon on the map and talk to Alisaie.
Survey the Designated Location
Go to the quest icon and check on the sparkling Destination. There will be a cutscene.
Approach the Girl in Green
Follow at a safe distance, but when you are close to the chunk of ice, hide behind it. The girl will stop and turn around, then will move on.
When the girl goes through the trees, hide behind the southwestern tree. The girl will stop and turn around, then will move on.
When the girl goes past a rock, hide behind the rock. She will stop to catch her breath, then will turn around, then will move on.
Hide behind the tree. She will stop and turn around, then move on.
Run to the southwestern pillar that is holding up the pipes and hide behind it.
After this, she will run the rest of the way and will not turn around again, so just sprint to keep up with her. When a glowing circle appears around her, check on her.
Speak with the Girl in Green
Talk to the Girl in Green to complete the quest. There will be a cutscene.
Next Main Scenario Quest
After you complete the quest, talk to Licinia to accept the next quest: How the Mighty Are Fallen.