A Realm Reborn Main Scenario Quests

This page lists the main scenario quests for part one of the base game, A Realm Reborn, covering quests released during patches 2.0 through 2.5.

A Realm Reborn Main Scenario Quests - Patch 2.0

  1. Coming to Gridania/Coming to Limsa Lominsa/Coming to Ul'dah
  2. Close to Home

A Realm Reborn - Part 1

Released August 27, 2013

A Realm Reborn - Part 2

  1. Call of the Sea
  2. It's Probably Pirates
  3. Call of the Forest
  4. Fire in the Gloom
  5. Call of the Desert
  6. Into a Copper Hell
  7. The Scions of the Seventh Dawn
  8. A Wild Rose by Any Other Name
  9. Unsolved Mystery
  10. What Poor People Think
  11. A Proper Burial
  12. For the Children
  13. Amalj'aa Wrong Places
  14. Dressed to Deceive
  15. Life, Materia, and Everything
  16. Lord of the Inferno
  17. A Hero in the Making
  1. Sylph-management
  2. We Come in Peace
  3. Sylphic Studies
  4. First Impressions
  5. First Contact
  6. Dance Dance Diplomacy
  7. Forest Friend
  8. Presence of the Enemy
  9. Brotherly Love
  10. Spirited Away
  11. Druthers House Rules
  12. Never Forget
  13. Microbrewing
  14. Like Fine Wine
  15. Sylphish Concerns
  16. Nouveau Riche
  17. Into the Beast's Maw
  18. A Simple Gift
  19. Believe in Your Sylph
  20. Back from the Wood

A Realm Reborn - Part 3

  1. Shadow of Darkness
  2. Highbridge Times
  3. Where There Is Smoke
  4. On to Little Ala Mhigo
  5. Tea for Three
  6. Foot in the Door
  7. Meeting with the Resistance
  8. Killing Him Softly
  9. Helping Horn
  10. He Ain't Heavy
  11. Come Highly Recommended
  12. The Bear and the Young'uns' Cares
  13. Wilred Wants You
  14. Big Trouble in Little Ala Mhigo
  15. Back to Square One
  16. Terror at Fallgourd
  17. Ziz is So Ridiculous
  18. Rock of Rancor
  19. Seeing Eye to Winged Eye
  20. Power of Deduction
  21. Secret of the White Lily
  22. Skeletons in Her Closet
  23. Wrath of the Titan
  24. Tales from the Tidus Slayer
  25. Hungry Hungry Goobbues
  26. The Lominsan Way
  27. Nix That
  28. A Modest Proposal
  29. Trial by Turtle
  30. The Perfect Prey
  31. When the Worm Turns
  32. There and Back Again
  33. The Things We Do for Cheese
  34. What Do You Mean You Forgot the Wine
  35. An Offer You Can Refuse
  36. It Won't Work
  37. Give a Man a Drink
  38. That Weight
  39. Battle Scars
  40. It Was a Very Good Year
  41. In the Company of Heroes
  42. As You Wish
  43. Lord of Crags

A Realm Reborn - Part 4

  1. All Good Things
  2. You Can't Take it With You
  3. Bringing Out the Dead
  4. Bury Me Not on the Lone Prairie
  5. Eyes on Me
  6. He Who Waited Behind
  7. Cold Reception
  8. The Unending War
  9. Men of Honor
  10. Three for Three
  11. The Rose and the Unicorn
  12. The Talk of Coerthas
  13. Road to Redemption
  14. Following the Evidence
  15. In the Eyes of Gods and Men
  16. The Final Flight of the Enterprise
  17. Ye of Little Faith
  18. Factual Folklore
  19. The Best Inventions
  20. Influencing Inquisitors
  21. By the Lights of Ishgard
  22. Blood for Blood
  23. The Heretic Among Us
  24. In Pursuit of the Past
  25. Into the Eye of the Storm
  26. Sealed with Science
  27. With the Utmost Care
  28. A Promising Prospect
  29. It's Probably Not Pirates
  30. Representing the Representative
  31. The Reluctant Researcher
  32. Sweet Somethings
  33. History Repeating
  34. The Curious Case of Giggity
  35. Better Late than Never
  36. Lady of the Vortex
  37. Reclamation
  38. Casing the Castrum
  39. Eyes on the Empire
  40. Footprints in the Snow
  41. Monumental Hopes
  42. Notorious Biggs
  43. Come-Into-My-Castrum
  44. Getting Even with Garlemald
  45. Drowning Out the Voices
  46. Acting the Part
  47. Dressed for Conquest
  48. Fool Me Twice
  49. Every Little Thing She Does is Magitek
  50. Escape from Castrum Centri
  51. The Black Wolf's Ultimatum
  52. Operation Archon
  53. A Hero in Need
  54. Hearts on Fire
  55. Rock the Castrum
  56. The Ultimate Weapon

A Realm Reborn - Part 5 (Patch 2.1 - A Realm Awoken)

Released December 14, 2013

  1. The Price of Principles
  2. Moving On
  3. All Things in Time
  4. Laying the Foundation
  5. It's Possibly a Primal
  6. Hail to the King, Kupo
  7. You Have Selected Regicide
  8. On the Properties of Primals
  9. The Gifted
  10. Build on the Stone

A Realm Reborn - Part 5 (Patch 2.2 - Through the Maelstrom)

Released March 26, 2014

  1. Still Waters
  2. A Final Temptation
  3. The Mother of Exiles
  4. Promises to Keep
  5. Yugiri's Game
  6. Why We Adventure
  7. All Due Respect
  8. The Sea Rises
  9. Scouts in Distress
  10. The Gift of Eternity
  11. Into the Heart of the Whorl
  12. Lord of the Whorl
  13. When Yugiri Met the Fraternity
  14. Through the Maelstrom

A Realm Reborn - Part 5 (Patch 2.3 - Defenders of Eorzea)

Released July 7, 2014

  1. The Great Divide
  2. Desperate Times
  3. Shock and Awe
  4. Reap the Whirlwind
  5. Revolution
  6. Stories We Tell
  7. Lord of Levin
  8. Levin an Impression
  9. What Little Gods Are Made Of
  10. Guardian of Eorzea
  11. Recruiting the Realm
  12. Heretical Harassment
  13. When the Cold Sets In
  14. Brave New Companions

A Realm Reborn - Part 6 (Patch 2.4 - Dreams of Ice)

Released October 28, 2014

  1. Traitor in the Midst
  2. Back and Fourth
  3. Coming to Terms
  4. The Intercession of Saints
  5. Strength in Unity
  6. Dark Words, Dark Deeds
  7. First Blood
  8. The Path of the Righteous
  9. For the Greater Good
  10. Tendrils of Intrigue
  11. Chasing Ivy
  12. In Flagrante Delicto
  13. A Simple Plan
  14. The Instruments of Our Deliverance
  15. The Road Less Traveled
  16. Eyes Unclouded
  17. The Reason Roaille
  18. Let Us Cling Together

A Realm Reborn - Part 6 continued (Patch 2.5 - Before the Fall)

Released January 19, 2015

    1. A Recurring Problem
    2. Ifrit Bleeds, We Can Kill It
    3. In For Garuda Awakening
    4. In a Titan Spot
    5. Good Intentions
  1. Bait and Switch
  2. Best Laid Schemes
  3. The Rising Chorus
  4. Aether on Demand
  5. On the Counteroffensive
  6. An Uninvited Ascian
  7. ???
  8. Mask of Grief
  9. Defenders for Ishgard
  10. The Wyrm's Roar
  11. Committed to the Cause
  12. Volunteer Dragonslayers
  13. An Allied Perspective
  14. The Steps of Faith
  15. Administrative Decision
  16. An Unexpected Ambition
  17. Ancient Ways, Timeless Wants
  18. Where We Are Needed
  19. The Least among Us
  20. Legacy of Allag
  21. Sanding it Down
  22. A Performance for the Ages
  23. Labyrinth of the Ancients
  24. For Prosperity
  25. Syrcus Tower
  26. The World of Darkness
  27. The Light of Hope
  28. A Time to Every Purpose
  29. Come, but Not Gone
  30. The Parting Glass
  31. Before the Dawn