← Previous Chapter Next Chapter → This chapter summary is hidden to protect from spoilers. Tallanvor returns from Caemlyn and has a heated exchange with Morgase, bitter that she must choose a political marriage over him. Morgase finally decides to no longer sacrifice love for her duty to Andor, and will have Perrin marry them. Neald has been making Power-wrought blades. Morgase asks Perrin to perform the ceremony, offering to speak to Elayne on his behalf and bestow proper titles. Faile accepts her offer to speak to Elayne, but they will discuss titles later. Morgase and Tallanvor exchange vows, and, without much formality, Perrin declares them married. Mat arrives and asks Perrin to meet him in an inn in Caemlyn, and asks to borrow an Asha'man so he can use a gateway. Mat warns Perrin that assassins will be coming for him. ← Previous Chapter Next Chapter →