← Previous Chapter Next Chapter → This chapter summary is hidden to protect from spoilers. Egwene writes a letter for Rand urging him not to break the seals. She asks Elayne for her opinion. Elayne asks why they don't just let Rand break the seals, but Egwene says that if they must be broken, it shouldn't be at the start of the Last Battle. They learn that Caemlyn is under attack. Egwene sends Gawyn to gather aid from the Tower for Caemlyn. Nynaeve Heals Talmanes. Elayne will Travel to the outskirts of Caemlyn to assess the situation. Leilwin pledges her service to Egwene, who has guards take Leilwin and Bayle Domon to a safe area under observation. After Nynaeve is done Healing Talmanes, Egwene links with her so she has the strength to tend to the other wounded. Rand vows to unite the armies before the Last Battle. He learns that Caemlyn has fallen and will send Ashaman and the Aes Sedai loyal to him to keep the Trollocs trapped in Caemlyn. ← Previous Chapter Next Chapter →