← Previous Chapter Next Chapter → This chapter summary is hidden to protect from spoilers. Mat asks Grady to open a gateway to Shayol Ghul, but Grady says he cannot, because the Pattern is so warped there that the valley is no longer in a single location. They Travel to a Seanchan scouting camp a day's hike from the valley. Shaisam is the name of the sentient mist in Thakan'dar. It now occupies, and is bound to, Padan Fain. It uses dead Trollocs, Myrddraal, and humans. It considers Rand and the Dark One to be its ancient friends and enemies. Shaisam wants to feed on Rand's soul, which is the strongest soul of all. Gaul avoids an attack by Slayer. Wolves attack Slayer until he disappears, but Slayer tricks them, stabs Gaul in the side, and kills some wolves. Then Perrin appears. Mat flies to Thakan'dar on raken with Olver bearing the Horn. Mat realises that the mist is Mashadar, which has merged with Fain. Red veils attack them and they make a crash landing. They lost the Dragon banner, but Olver points out the Aes Sedai symbol in the clouds, and blows the Horn. ← Previous Chapter Next Chapter →