← Previous Chapter Next Chapter → This chapter summary is hidden to protect from spoilers. Bryne watches the battle through a gateway looking down from the sky. Egwene is disapproving due to the risks, but recognizes the advantages. Yukiri considers how to make a gateway that only lets light through and is not visible from the other side. Egwene criticizes Bryne for holding the Aes Sedai in reserve. He responds by showing her his plans for them. Mat enters Ebou Dar, hoping not to be recognized. He learns that General Galgan is trying to have Tuon killed. Moiraine tries to convince Rand to go to Shayol Ghul now, but he wants to wait until the Dark One's forces are committed in the south so Rand and his allies won't be overwhelmed. Rand tries to defeat the dreadlords in Tarwin's Gap but is almost defeated. He realizes that he must not go against the Shadow's armies personally. ← Previous Chapter Next Chapter →