A guide to completing World 1-6 in Super Mario Bros 3 for the Nintendo Entertainment System.
How to Clear World 1-6
Jump up the wooden platforms, and you reach a platform with a Red Koopa Troopa and some coins.
Next, you can jump down to a platform with another Red Koopa Troopa, and a ? block that contains a Super Mushroom or Super Leaf. Jump onto the ? block to reach the wooden platform above.
To the right, carefully jump onto the moving platform, and from there, jump on a Note Block, and then jump on the platform to the right of that.
Stomp the Red Paratroopa if you wish, then go to the area with the Green Koopa Troopa. Try to stomp it and kick its shell. It should break the two bricks, then fall off an edge. The bricks above the ones that the green shell broke contain some coins, and if you're Raccoon Mario, you can hit them with your tail. If you're not Raccoon Mario and you're not small, you can hold the run button and run and crouch underneath the bricks, but be careful not to slide too far underneath the left brick or you will slide out of the wrong side when you try to stand up, and fall off the edge.
Before you move on, jump up to hit the third brick from the left and get a 1UP mushroom.
From the area with the bricks, go to the right and jump on top of the green hill, then jump onto the wooden block hanging from wires. If you're Raccoon Mario, you can run to the right to build up your P-Meter a tiny bit, then quickly jump to the higher platform and keep running to the right (you automatically jump over the small gap) and your P-Meter should fill just before the end, and you can fly to get a bunch of coins. There are seven groups of three coins. After the final group of coins, try to land on the wooden platform on the zig-zagging path.
If you're not Raccoon Mario, then fall through the small gap to land on the small wooden block below. Jump onto the wooden platform and you can get a few coins along the path, but be careful to dodge the Red Paratroopa.
When the wooden platform is about to fall off of the path, jump onto the three wooden blocks, then wait for the wooden platform to appear from the right. Jump on it, then jump from there to the wooden platform that is on a zig-zagging path.
Then jump to the right to stomp on the Red Paratroopa and bounce onto the solid ground on the right. Run to the right but beware that there is a Green Koopa Troopa just beneath the Goal Block. Hit the Goal Block to get a symbol and complete the level.
Next, you can visit the second Toad House for a chance to get a Super Mushroom, Fire Flower, or Super Leaf.
Then you can visit castle, where the king has been transformed into a dog, and Toad asks you to help. You'll automatically enter the World 1 Airship.