How to clear Way Cool in Super Mario World for the Super Nintendo Entertainment System and Game Boy Advance.

How to Clear Way Cool
If you have a Yoshi when you enter this level, you can get most of the Dragon Coins in the level.
Yoshi Path
If you don't already have a Yoshi, one way to complete this level is to get a Yoshi in this level and finish the level with him, but if you do this, you will miss four Dragon Coins. In addition, if you don't have a Yoshi, there is a risk of being unable to complete the level because some of the platforms and ropes later in the level may not appear because of too many sprites on screen. If you already have a Yoshi, there is no need to go get one, so skip to Track Path on this page.
To go get a Yoshi, go to the right and jump on the lift on the track. Don't hit the first or second ON/OFF Switches. Hit the one after the Fuzzy on the oval-shaped track, then hit the next one that the lift goes under, and the lift will take you to a pipe. Go down it and hit the Prize Block to get a Yoshi, then go up the next pipe.
You can now choose whether you want to complete the level with Yoshi's minigame or just complete the level normally. To complete it normally, skip to After the Pipe on this page. Otherwise, hit the Prize Block here to make Yoshi Wings appear. Take the Wings and you will fly to an autoscrolling area with coins and Dragon Coins. At the end, fall down where the arrow of coins is pointing to complete the level. The path to the east will unlock and you can go to Awesome.
Track Path
Go to the right and jump on the lift on the track. Hit the first ON/OFF switch, jump over the Fuzzy, get the Dragon Coin, then jump over the chainsaw, then hit the ON/OFF Switch to change the track so the lift won't fall off.
Then try to jump between the two spinning Fuzzies on the circular track, hit the Prize Block to get a Cape Feather, and ignore the ON/OFF Switch after the Prize Block, and ignore the one after that. Get past another pair of spinning Fuzzies, get the Dragon Coin (notice the Gray Blocks and pipe above you), and jump over the Chainsaw. Then ignore the ON/OFF Switch and get past two more Fuzzies to get one more Dragon Coin. The lift will fall off and you can land on a Mushroom Platform.
If you're Caped Mario, you now have the option to get a Yoshi if you don't have one. If you get a Yoshi, you will get four more Dragon Coins, instead of getting just one more, and you can avoid the risk of not being able to complete the level due to missing platforms and ropes. If you don't want to go get a Yoshi, skip this paragraph. If you do want to go get a Yoshi, you can try to carefully fly to the left to reach the pipe that you passed when you got one of the Dragon Coins earlier. Go down that pipe and hit the Prize Block to get a Yoshi, then go up the next pipe.
You can now choose whether you want to complete the level with Yoshi's minigame or just complete the level normally. To complete it normally, skip this paragraph. To complete the level with Yoshi's minigame, hit the Prize Block here to make Yoshi Wings appear. Take the Wings and you will fly to an autoscrolling area with coins and Dragon Coins. At the end, fall down where the arrow of coins is pointing to complete the level. The path to the east will unlock and you can go to Awesome.
To complete the level normally, then go to the right, past a pipe.
After the Pipe
Ignore the Prize Block, because it contains Yoshi Wings, and if you have Yoshi and take the wings, you will be transported to Yoshi's minigame. Instead, jump on the two Flimsy Lifts on the right, and you reach an area with ropes, and Fuzzies on tracks.
Be warned that the ropes and platforms in this area might not appear if there are too many sprites on screen, so you might want to just have Yoshi jump on the Fuzzies to get the Dragon Coin and reach the Giant Gate on the right. If you want to try the ropes, jump off of Yoshi, then stay near the top of the first rope, then stay near the bottom of the second rope, then try to jump on the lift on the oval track while avoiding the Fuzzy there. Then get on the next rope, and after the Fuzzy, go down to the middle of the rope to get the Dragon Coin, then go back up to the top while avoiding the next Fuzzy. Get on the Lift at the end while avoiding the Fuzzy on the circular track.
Then jump onto the Mushroom Platform on the right, and jump past the two Fuzzies to get on the rope. Go up and down as needed to avoid the Fuzzies on the circular tracks, then go through the Giant Gate. The path to the east will unlock and you can go to Awesome.