How to clear Awesome in Super Mario World for the Super Nintendo Entertainment System and Game Boy Advance.

How to Clear Awesome
Most of the ground in this level is slippery ice.
Go to the right and jump over the Flashing Shell or have Yoshi eat it to grow wings. If Yoshi grows wings, you can fly over much of the level.
To the right, there are Stretch Blocks that alternate between horizontal and vertical. Jump on them to reach the upper ledge.
Go to the right, stomp the Rex, but stay near the middle and watch out for the shell that the unshelled Koopa Troopa kicks from the right.
In the next pit, there are two Rexes, coins, and a Dragon Coin, and another shell kicked from the right, so stay near the middle to help you dodge the shell.
Go right and there is a Prize Block you can hit to get a Fire Flower, but beware of the Flashing Shell that comes from the right and chases you.
After that, there is a Dragon Coin over a water pit, but watch out for the shell kicked from the right.
Go right, then try to pick up and carry the P Switch, beware of the shell kicked from the right, and there are three Rexes, another kicked shell, a yellow Koopa Paratroopa, a green Paratroopa, three Rexes, and a Flashing Shell.
Jump onto the column platform (which is slippery) and use the P Switch to make a platform above you, then hit the Prize Block to get a Super Star. Watch out for the Cheep Cheeps that keep jumping across the screen here. There are also Banzai Bills that shoot from right to left, so be careful.
The next column platform has a Fire Flower and Rex, followed by a Dragon Coin. Carefully jump on the blocks on the right, which are slippery. There is a Rex and some coins, then a small slippery ice block with a Dragon Coin above it.
The next column platform has a Rex, and is followed by two icy pipes and two ice blocks. After that, there is another Banzai Bill. If the Super Star is still making you invincible, wait for the effect to wear off, then jump on the red Koopa Paratroopa to get the Dragon Coin and reach the ice block on the right. Jump from the ice block to the ledge above and to the right, then go to the right and go through the Giant Gate to complete the level.
After the Level
The path to the east will unlock and you will go around to the top row, and you will be asked to save the game. Then you can go to Groovy.