The Mysterious Rifts

After Tri and Impa help you escape, you receive your next destination: a house to the south.

Exit the Castle

After Impa helps you escape, you automatically go upstairs. Go up to one of the shimmering trees and press ZR to learn the Decorative Shrub echo.

Go to the left and climb up the ladder, and walk left on top of the decorative shrubs. When you reach a dead end, switch to the Decorative Shrub echo (hold Right on the directional pad) and press Y to drop Decorative Shrubs in the gap so you can walk all the way across. At the left side, jump up to get on top of the shelves.

Don't go down the ladder yet. Instead, go to the left and drop some Decorative Shrubs in the gap so you can reach the shimmering beds. Walk up to a bed and press ZR to learn the Old Bed echo.

Jump on top of the bed on the left and stand on the right side of the bed. Switch to the Old Bed echo and press Y to create a bed on the left side of the bed that you're standing on. Keep doing this to make stairs that you can jump up to reach the door on the left. Go through the door to go outside.

Go to the left to go down to the ground. Press R to spin, and you will get rid of any grass and bushes in your way. Some of them might have rupees under them. Go to the left wall and walk up the wooden ramp, and fall into the well.

Royal Family Shortcut

Go downward into the water, but beware that you have a stamina meter that will be depleted when you're underwater. Be sure to go to the surface of the water to refill your stamina meter before it runs out.

Go down and to the left to get three green rupees. Then go up the leftmost vertical tunnel, and press B to jump out of the water. Go to the left and jump over the raised floor. Then go to the left, and you won't be able to jump high enough, so just create a bed and jump on it to go farther to the left.

Go down the ladder (or just fall) and approach the shimmering object and press ZR to learn the Boulder echo. Push the boulder to the left and it will fall into the water. Go to the bottom left of the water to get a couple of rupees.

Go to the wooden box floating in the water, and press B to jump onto it. Then create a bed to the left of the box (they float), and jump from the edge of the bed to the solid ground on the other side. Or you can create a wooden box to the left of the bed to make it easier.

Go to the left and jump up the step. Your path is blocked by wooden crates, but you can make a Boulder on top of a crate to make it sink to the bottom. Go underwater, then go to the left, then up the tall tunnel to reach a new area.

Go to the upper-left corner of the pool to get on the stairs. Go up, then go to the right and there will be a cutscene. Go to the right, then south on the bridge, and you'll have to run away. You have no choice but to jump into the water, so do that. You can't control where you go in the water. There will be a cutscene.

You'll wake up in a cave at Suthorn Beach.