Faron Temple

After you pass through the Stilled Faron Wetlands, you reach several entrances into the Faron Temple.

Add a Waypoint

In the Stilled Faron Wetlands, go into the stone building in the northern part of the area. Check on the waypoint to add it to your map. But it's a dead end, so go back outside.

Get the Dungeon Map

Go east but before you go up the ramp made of spiderwebs, press R to spin in the grass until you find a ladder going down. Go down it.

Get in the water and go down and left to where there are bubbles. Then bind to the Armos and pull on it to flip it around. Use an underwater echo or swordfighter form to defeat the Armos. Then open the chest to get 50 rupees.

Then go to the left and up, and go up the ladder.

Go north, target each of the crystals, and hold Y to create Buzz Blobs up against the crystals. When all three are glowing, get on the northeast moving platform, and from there get on the platform that goes up and down. At the top, jump to to the northwest door and go through. Open the chest to get the dungeon map. Step on the button and go through the west door.

Get a Small Key

Step on the button to remove the bars.

Go down the ladder and stand on the platform on the right. Create two boulders to make the platform move down, then go to the left. Then hold ZR until the Tri Rod starts glowing, then let go of ZR to remove both boulders. Then go to the left to reach the next room.

Drop a boulder on the Strandtula to get rid of it, then fall while pushing left to land on the platform below. Defeat the two Deku Babas. Create Strandtulas to the left until you can climb up through the hole in the middle of the ceiling. Defeat the Deku Baba up above, then create a Strandtula to go up to the chest. Open it to get 10 warm peppers.

Go back down below and create Strandtulas to the left to reach the ledge on the left. Keep using Strandtulas to go upward until you can go up the ladder on the left.

From here, you can create water block echoes to go up to the top of the wall on the right. When you get there, ignore the first door. Go to the east until you see Armos statues. Pull the second one away from the wall to reveal a door. Go in.

Hold Y to create a Buzz Blob between the two crystals in the northwest. The electricity will be big enough to hit both. Then get rid of the wooden box to the east and create an Electric Wizzrobe and hold ZL to target the northeast crystal and make the Wizzrobe hit it. A chest will appear. Open it to get a Small Key.

Use the Key

If you added the waypoint to the dungeon map earlier, warp there. Otherwise, go back outside, then go west until you can go south to the door into the stone building down below. Go through.

Go to the north wall and unlock the door and go through.

Plant Monster

The plant monster's two heads will reach out and bite, and they will also sometimes spit nuts. Ignizols work well against this boss. Or, you can create monster echoes, and when a head swallows it, it spits out some energy. You can use the swordfighter energy to hit the heads, then hit the glowing orbs on the necks, until the boss is defeated.

Add a Second Waypoint

Go south to exit the room where you fought the plant monster. Go through the southwest door. Burn the grass to reveal stairs in the northwest part of the room. Go down.

Go west and add the waypoint to your map.

Get a Second Small Key

Get rid of the Deku Baba west of the waypoint, then go north where the Deku Baba was, then go west and up the ladder in the north wall.

Go to the right and face the bars. Hold Y to create two boulders on the other side of the bars. The platform on the left will go up, so you can climb the rock wall and go beneath the platform and hit the switch.

Go up and open the chest to get a Small Key.

Use the Second Key

Teleport to the waypoint that you created recently, then go east until you're in a pool of water. There is a Deku Baba to the east. Get rid of it, then go east until you can't go farther east, then go south and open the locked door. Go through.

Open the chest to get a Golden Egg.

Go back to the pool of water and go south there, then use a light source such as an Ignizol that you carry, and go south but don't step on the spikes. Go southeast and then go south to the next room.

The leftmost Armos will start going back and forth. Bind to one of the Armos statues on the right and pull it onto the leftmost button. When the other Armos steps on the other button, both doors will open. Go through the east door.

Check on the waypoint, then go through the south door.

Get out of the water and go east, and go through the door.

Destroy the two pots, and move the two Armos statues out of the path of the two buttons. Create an Armos echo so it walks back and forth over one of the buttons, then create a second one that also walks over the button, and position a statue so that both will step on the statue at the same time. The north door will open. Go through.

Defeat the Electric Wizzrobe and Baby Gohma to proceed. Go through the north door.

Go north and add the waypoint to the map. Then go to the southwest part of the room (but watch out for the Baby Gohmas) and burn the southwest web to reveal a ladder. Go down.

Go to the southeast part of the area, then pull the boulders to the right so you can swim to the southwest part of the area. Let the current take you to the southwest corner, use Bombfish or swordfighter form or other echoes to defeat the two Biris, then go to the northwest corner and go up to the top to open the chest. It contains 50 rupees.

Swim down and bind to the Armos statue so you can pull it out of the way. Then swim through where the Armos statue was and go up the ladder.

Find and light all the torches in the room so you can see the crystals. Use Buzz Blobs or other electric monsters to light all three crystals. Both doors will open. Go through the west door.

Place one rock on each of the two platforms so it's directly south of the switch north of the platform. Then while facing north or south, create an Armos echo in line with the button, then go to the other platform and do the same thing. Both Armos statues need to step on the button at the same time, so try using bind to change the timing of the robots until they both step on the switch at the same time. Go through the west door. Open the chest to get a Small Key. Bind to the left or right side of the door in the middle of the south wall and pull on it to make an opening, but don't go through. Go back through the east door.

Go through the north door.

Check on the waypoint to add it to your map.

Warp to the southeast waypoint in the dungeon. Go north to the northeast corner, then go west and go up the ladder in the north wall.

Stand on the platform and put boulders to the left of you until the platform is as low as it will go. Then go to the right and create a Strandtula to climb up to the locked door. Go through, and go down the ladder.

Check on the waypoint, then go north through the door.

Plant Monster, Part 2

This time, the plant monster has four heads. The blue heads can spit many small nuts at a time. They can also spit out Drippitunes that will put out any fires that you create. You can burn the plant heads, but you will need to make the shiny heads swallow bombs to stun them so you can hit the glowing orb on their necks to defeat them.

Get the Big Key

Afterward, open the chest to get the Big Key.

Warp to the waypoint at the Big Door, then unlock the Big Door and go through. You will fight Gohma.