Crater Shortcut

After you rescue the two Goron Elders, you return to Goron City to discuss the whereabouts of the Crater Shortcut.

Learn about the Crater Shortcut

When you return to Goron City after you clear the Lizalfos Burrow and the Rock-Roast Quarry, there will be a cutscene. Go up a ramp to the upper level and go through the middle door in the north wall. Then hold ZL to target the bolt on the right side of the portrait, press X to bind to it, and move away from it to pull it out. After the cutscene, go north through the door and there will be a cutscene.

If you don't know the Keese echo you can learn it in this room. Create a Keese and pick it up, and glide to the northwest part of the room. There will be a cutscene. Go north to the next room.

Use another Keese echo and float up on the air vents to go northeast, then north to the ledge. There is a lava rock to the left, so if you haven't learned the lava rock echo, you can do so now. Then go northeast and create a lava rock to get past the large gap. Go west and jump onto the lava rock that is going up and down in the lava, then create a lava rock on the lava spout to the north, and jump on it to go up to the ledge above. Go through the door at the top.

Create a lava rock on top of the lava spout, then get on top of it, wait for it to go up, then jump to the platform on the left.

Create a lava rock to the right of the lava spout, then bind to the lava rock on the left and pull it to the right so it's on the other lava spout. Jump onto it, wait for it to go up, then jump onto the left platform.

Create a lava rock, then jump onto the next one. Then target the next lava rock and pull it onto the nearer lava spout. Then create a lava rock to the left so you can walk onto the next lava rock. Then bind to the lava rock on the left and pull it onto the nearer lava spout. Jump onto it, but before you let it take you to the top of the room, go to the left and walk in front of the chest and open it to get 50 rupees.

Then go to the right and create a lava rock so you can jump onto the lava rock on the tall spout. Let the spout take you up to the top, then jump up to the ledge above, and climb up the ladder.

To be continued...