Hyrule Castle

After you pass through the Stilled Hyrule Castle Town, you reach Hyrule Castle.

Add a Waypoint

Check on the waypoint to add it to your map.

Learn a New Echo

Go up the stairs and through the door in the north wall.

To the north, defeat the Darknut to learn the Darknut Lv. 2 echo.

Find a Passage

Before you go through the north door, you can optionally go through the east door, then the north door in the hallway to find Zelda's room. There is nothing to do here, so just go back to the main hallway and go north.

Go north and approach the frozen king. There will be a cutscene.

Then bind to the throne and move it to the side to reveal a ladder leading down. Go down it. Go to the left through the passageway, then go down the ladder at the end.

Add a Second Waypoint

Check on the waypoint to add it to your map.

Get Past the Guards

Go to the northeast part of the room and bind to a handle on the north wall. Pull it downward to rotate the wall, then go north through either of the two openings.

If you get caught by a dark soldier here, you will be sent to an underground room where you have to defeat a dark monster to create an exit portal. Just stand on the swirling portal after you defeat the monster, and you will be sent back to the room with the dark soldiers.

Wait for the first soldier to turn his back before you go past. Then watch the next soldier to see how he loops around. Go north of him when he is walking south.

The next soldier walks left and right. Wait for him to be on the left side, then go southeast past him. Stay south of the two southern wooden boxes so he won't see you when he goes back to the right. Then wait for the next soldier to turn to the left before you go east past him.

Don't go on top of the shelves here, because there is a soldier up there. Instead, bind to the southeast wooden box and push it down, then push it to the right so it's in front of the rightmost decorative shrub. Then pull on the leftmost decorative shrub so you can climb up the ladder. Go up.

Push the two rightmost boxes up and to the left to block the view of the soldier on top of the bookshelf.

Next, you can move boxes into the path of the two circling soldiers so that they can't keep going around. When the soldiers are out of the way, go east, and push up a decorative plant to go north.

Push a couple of decorative plants in front of the soldier to the north. Then jump on the table and create old beds to reach the northern shelves.

Go to the right and carefully create an old bed on the right edge of the shelf, above the soldier. Don't drop it on the soldier! Then while standing on the right side of the bed, create decorative shrubs to the south and east of the soldier, then quickly go east and through the door before the other soldier can come over and investigate.

Add a Third Waypoint

Go into the first jail cell and use echoes, such as water blocks, to reach the gap in the wall on the right where you escaped from jail earlier in the game. Go to the right and there will be a cutscene. Afterward, you can read the book in the corner.

Go north, then east, and check on the waypoint to add it to your map.

Get the Dungeon Map

Go down the ladder, then go to the left to reach the next room. You can create a Darknut Lv. 2 to fight the Darknuts, or just use swordfighter form. At the bottom, there is an enemy Darknut Lv. 2. You can stay on the ladders to stay safe, and create Darknut Lv. 2 echoes below you to fight it.

Then go to the left side of the room, go up the ladder, and go through the opening in the left wall.

Go to the left and defeat the dark monster, then go down the ladder. First, go to the left and down the ladder, and defeat the two dark monsters here. Walk in front of the chest and open it to get a Monster Stone. Then go up the ladder and go to the right, and defeat the dark monster if it flies up through the wall. Go to the right and go down the ladder, defeat the monster if it's still there, then walk in front of the chests and open. The rightmost chest contains 3 twisted pumpkins, and the leftmost chest contains 5 jars of floral nectar.

Go down the ladder and go to the left, and go down the ladder to reach the next area.

Go to the right and there will be a brief cutscene. Defeat the dark Keese in this room. Then face the leftmost torch, select a fire echo such as a Brazier or Ignizol and hold the Y button until a longer line points from the Tri Rod to the torch behind the metal wall. If it doesn't light the torch, bind to it and move it around until it lights the torch.

Then go to the southeast part of the room and hold the Y button until a longer line comes out, to create a fire-based echo on the small platform in the southeast corner. Then bind to the echo and move it north until it lights the torch there.

Then climb up the ladder and make a fire echo to light the unlit torch.

Then stand to the left of the torch and hold the Y button to make a longer line so it reaches the torch on the left.

When all the torches are lit, go through the north door.

There is an object in the middle of the room that pushes air away from it. If you try to walk past, the air will push you off of the platform. You can hold ZL to target it, then press X to bind to it, then move it over the pit and release it to drop it into the pit. Do the same with the second object.

The third object can't be reached to bind to it. But you can shoot it with arrows or send a flying monster echo to attack it. When it's defeated, learn the Gustmaster echo.

After that, you can use echoes to reach the ledge on the right.

To the north, there are some Ignizols. If you haven't learned the Ignizol echo, you can defeat one and learn it now.

Go east from the Ignizols and create a Wind Cannon to blow away the sand, then bind to the buried treasure chest and pull on it. Open it to get the Dungeon Map.

Add a Fourth Waypoint

Go west, then north, but beware of three dark Zols that pop out of the ground.

Use echoes, such as a few Old Beds, to reach the north ledge. Go through the north door.

Check on the waypoint to add it to your map.

Go west to the next room. Create some boulders to walk across the fast water, but watch out for the dark Tektites. Go down the ladder.

Go down into the water. You can look at your map if you get lost in the maze. Start by going down and left until you find a Bio Deku Baba. You can bind to its head and pull on it until it's defeated, or you can just use Swordfighter Form. Then go left and down to the treasure chest. Swim in front of it and open it to get 20 rupees.

Then go down and left until you reach some bubbles and a glowing crystal. Use the bubbles to refill your meter, then go left and down, defeat the Bio Deku Baba, and go left and down, and follow the path to another treasure chest. Swim in front of it and open it to get 100 rupees.

Now go up, and when the path splits, go to the left. Then just follow the path until you reach the top. Go up the ladder.

Get Past the Guards, Part 2

There are dark guards to the east. If you get caught, you'll be sent to an underground room where you have to defeat monsters until the exit appears. Stand on the exit to be returned to the beginning of the room with the guards.

Follow the northern guard at a safe distance, then go east as soon as you can. Wait for the northeast guard to be walking away, and walk behind him until you're east of the southern platform. Go southeast from there to reach the ladder. Go up.

Use echoes, such as two Old Beds, to reach the button on the left. Step on it to make a treasure chest appear behind the guard in the middle. You can use echoes to reach the chest, but you might alert a guard with the sound. Open the chest to get a Small Key. Then warp to the waypoint in front of the Big Door (to the east of where you are now).

Get the Big Key

Go east and defeat the Arurodas in the sand. Then go east to find a broken part of the wall. Create a Bombfish and pick it up and hold it in front of the broken part of the wall. Then create a couple of Old Beds to reach the hole in the wall. Go through and open the chest to get 50 rupees.

Then go south and unlock the door down below. Go through.

If you didn't learn a Gustmaster echo earlier, you can defeat the Gustmaster (the thing that opens up and pushes out air) to learn it. Then go to the right and go down the ladder.

There is another Gustmaster here. You can either defeat it with a flying monster echo, or with arrows as swordfighter form, and use an echo to go across the gap. Or you can go down below and create a Strandtula to your left and go down the strand of silk, then get on the silk to the right, and create water block echoes to the right to reach the eastern silk. Then create a Strandtula next to the right side of the rock wall above so you can climb up the silk to reach the rock wall. Then go up the ladders on the right to reach the next room.

Go through the north door.

There are three armored enemies here, one in gold armor that spins a spiked ball. Sometimes it stops and throws the spiked ball at you or your monster echoes. You can use monster echoes and/or swordfighter form to defeat them. Then learn the Ball-and-Chain Trooper echo.

Go north and open the chests. The one on the right contains a golden egg, the one on the left contains a Frog Ring, and the middle chest contains the Big Key. The Frog Ring lets you jump higher if you're wearing it.

Go through the Big Door

Warp to the waypoint in the room with the Big Door (west of where you are now). Then go up to the Big Door, unlock it, and go through. There will be a cutscene. Then you will fight Ganon.