Stilled Blossu's House

In your search for a Sweet Spot membership card, you find Blossu, whose house has been swallowed by a rift.

Find Tri's Friends, Part 1

Go north and defeat the two Baby Gohmas, then defeat the Giant Goponga Flower. North of where the flower was, there is a glowing object that you can reach if you burn the spiderweb. Check on the glowing object to rescue one of Tri's friends.

Find Tri's Friends, Part 2

Climb part of the way up the rock wall until you can target the Deku Baba at the top by holding ZL. Then pull on the Deku Baba to defeat it. Afterward, burn the spiderweb on the left, then use monster echoes to defeat the dark Goponga Flower down below. When it's gone, go down and check on the glowing object to save another of Tri's friends.

Find Tri's Friends, Part 3

Climb down the rock wall from where you defeated the dark Goponga Flower, then go to the left onto the floating tree. There are three Deku Babas to the west. Defeat them, then check on the glowing object between them to save another of Tri's friends.

Find Tri's Friends, Part 4

Climb up the rock wall to reach the highest point, but be sure to bind and pull the Deku Baba to defeat it before you go to the top. Go down the ladder at the top.

Go down the ladders, then go to the left and get rid of the Strandtula, then create a Strandtula of your own and climb up the strand. Bomb the blocks to the left, create another Strandtula to climb part of the way up, then defeat the Deku Baba. Bomb the blocks on the right and check on the glowing object to rescue another of Tri's friends.

Find Tri's Friends, Part 5

Go to the right to fall down to the lower area. Then go to the right and climb up the ladders.

Go to the right to fall down to the lower part of the island. Then if you know the Ghirro echo or the Tornando echo, you can use one and target the torches to blow out the flame. Then you can jump across the torches to reach the island on the right.

Defeat the Baby Gohma and burn the spiderweb, then go into the pit and check on the glowing object to rescue the last of Tri's friends.

After the cutscene, you have to find a way to escape.

Deku Scrub Lockup

Hold ZL to target the key that the scrub left behind, then press X to bind to it. Pull it toward you through the bars and pick it up. Then check on the cell door to open it. Exit the jail cell, then go east and open that jail cell and pick up the 20 rupees that are there.

Then go north and go through the northwest door. Go to the south part of the room, and when the scrub goes east, quickly go north behind it, then west, then south to where the scrub won't see you when it comes back.

Go west to where there is a scrub who turns west then east. When it's looking west, run south behind it and hide behind the stone wall. Run and get the 20 rupees when the scrub isn't looking, then run north when the scrub isn't looking.

Go west, When the two scrubs are looking north and south, you can go south to reach the southeast boxes to hide behind. Then when they look east and west, you can go west. Even if one of the scrubs sees you, you can run north to the stairs and go down, and they won't follow. Then you can go back up, jump into a pot, and walk the pot to the lower part of the wall where there is a blue rupee, and jump out of the pot onto the ledge so you can go north and get the blue rupee. Then go west and back down the stairs.

Go east and move the middle of the three decorative shrubs away from the door in the wall, and go through that door. If you use Tri to bind to the objects in this room, you can carefully stack them to reach the top of the totem poles. Try putting the bed in front of the totem poles, then put the table on one end of the bed, put a brazier on the other end, put a decorative shrub next to the brazier (on the floor), then put a second brazier on top of the first. Jump onto the bed, then the table, then the lower brazier, then the decorative shrub, then the upper brazier, then jump onto the top of the totem poles.

Exit the room and go down into the cells to the south. Use the eastern bed to reach the west side of the cell, then take the table out of the cell and put it near the brazier northeast of the cells. Jump onto the table, then onto the brazier, and onto the ledge to the east. Go through the door. There will be a cutscene.

Create an echo or use swordfighter form to hit the switch. Go north through the door.

You can go through the northeast door and there will be a cutscene. Then create a monster echo and throw it in front of each of the scrubs so they become scared. You can safely go past the scrubs when they're scared. Make your way east through the room this way, then go through the east door.

Jump down the well. Put a boulder on a wooden crate and swim through the water, then get past the Hydrozol to the right. Keep going to the right, and go down below to where there are wooden boxes blocking your path to 50 rupees. Bomb the boxes or move them with bind.

After you get the rupees, you can use water block echoes to go over the two water spouts.

Go east, past the first water spouts, then go to where there is a second set of water spouts. Create a Platboom echoand float above it, and it will push you up through the flowing water so you can get the Might Crystal.

Then go back and make another Platboom to lift you up past the other water spouts, then go up the ladders.

Afterward, there will be a cutscene.

Now that you have the Sweet Spot Membership Card, go north from Scrubton and talk to the scrubs in front of the door of the Sweet Spot. After they open the door, go through.

After the cutscene, defeat the dark monster. After the next cutscene, go north and check on the glowing spot, then check on the entrance to go into the Stilled Faron Wetlands.