Hyrule Castle Town

After Link disappears into a mysterious rift, Zelda returns to Hyrule Castle Town.

Visit the Castle

Although there is much to explore in Hyrule Castle Town, your first task should be to go north and enter the castle. Keep going north and you will meet Impa. There will be a cutscene. Go north again and there will be another cutscene.

Meet Tri

You can just stand around and wait for a bit, or you can walk and jump around. After a short time, there will be a cutscene. You will meet Tri, who creates something to help you. Press A to receive the Tri Rod.

You can walk up to anything that is shimmering, and press ZR to learn the echo. Then you can press Y to echo the object that you learned. If you want to erase an echo that you created, stand near the echo and press ZR. If you want to erase all nearby echoes, press and hold ZR.

You can re-read the explanation of echoes in the pause menu by pressing +, then go to System and choose Play Tips.

Your current echo will be displayed in the upper-right corner.

If you haven't already done so, stand near the shimmering table and press ZR to learn the table echo. Then jump onto the table, and from there jump onto the shelf on the left. Then stand on the northern part of the shelf and face south, and press Y to make an echo of the table. There will be a cutscene.

Jump onto the echo that you created, and jump from there to the hole in the wall on the left. Go into the cell to the left of the hole in the wall, and your table echo will automatically disappear. There will be a brief cutscene.

Exit the cell and go west, and go through the door there.

Avoid the Guards

If you get caught by the guards in this area, they will put you back in the jail cell. Just escape from it like before, then go west and try again.

Create a table echo next to the nearby shelves, then create another table echo on top of the first. Then create a table echo next to the stack of two tables, and jump on the tables to reach the top of the shelves.

To the left, you see shimmering wooden crates. Go up to one and press ZR to learn the Wooden Box echo. You can press + to view the notebook where all your learned echoes are displayed. You can also hold Right on the directional pad to display your learned echoes and use the right control stick to select the one you want.

Each echo costs a certain number of triangles, and Tri only has three triangles right now. The oldest echo will flash, and if you create another echo, the flashing one will disappear.

You can create wooden boxes to block the path of the guards that are going in a circle, the create tables to be able to jump on top of the wooden boxes. Do this to jump on top of the things in the middle that the guards are walking around. Then go west.

There are two soldiers with their backs turned. Go west and there will be a cutscene. You can safely walk west behind them. They won't turn around.

Climb up the ladder and go to the north wall, then west on the tops of the barrels, then go to the shimmering pots. Press ZR to learn the Hyrule Castle Pot echo.

Pick up one of the pots on the left side, then turn to the right and press B to put it down. Then fall off of the left side of the shelf.

Go south and pick up a pot (or just create an echo), and throw it south of the soldier so he goes south to investigate, then use the north path to walk behind the soldier and reach the area that the soldier isn't watching. Go west and use a similar strategy to make the next soldier walk away from you, then go behind him to reach the west door. Go through.

There aren't any more guards to avoid, so you don't have to sneak around anymore. Go west, then north, and there will be a cutscene. You will gain the ability to spin by pressing R.

The cutscene will continue, and you will get a log with a map inside. Impa will mark a location on the map that you should go to. You can press the - button to open the Adventure Log, and press L or R to see the map.

You'll automatically go upstairs. This starts the next main story quest: The Mysterious Rifts.