Unknown Item in Kraid

After you defeat Mua, you can explore more of Kraid's domain.

Explore Kraid's Domain

You defeat Mua, bomb the floor in the middle of the room and go down below. Go to the left, shoot the highest block of the wall, and roll through the tunnel. Bomb the blocks in the way, then get the Missile Tank, and go back to where you fought Mua.

Go up through the middle of the floor, then go through the door on the left.

Go to the left side of the room and use a bomb in the device to be sent back up to the top of the room. Go through the upper right door.

Shoot the red ball in the ceiling to make the rail arrive. Jump up to grab it. At the right side of the room, shoot the blocks at the top of the pillar, get on top of the pillar, and roll to the right. Go through the door.

Go downward and use the tunnel to get the Missile Tank. Then go down and go through the door on the left. Go left through this room, then use the save room on the left if you wish.

Leave the save room. Go down to the blue door on the left, and go through.

Shoot the block at the upper left, jump to grab that ledge, then roll into the tunnel and use bombs to go through. Keep using bombs to make your way through the tunnel, then use the rail at the end, but shoot toward the left as you go, or you'll be pushed off of the rail by the blocks in the way. At the end, go through the door.

Go up and go through the door on the right. Kill the giant Sidehopper with missiles or charged shots, then go to the right, jump up the ledges, drop bombs in the tunnel and kill the giant Sidehopper. Then go through the door on the left. Roll through the tunnel on the left to get the Missile Tank, and you'll fall through some Pit Blocks.

Go down to the bottom of the room, and bomb the blocks above the acid. This acid is secretly just an illusion and you can safely go down through it, so do that. Go through the door at the bottom.

From the first small room, go through the door on the right. In the second small room, the floor on the left side is cracked, so bomb it and fall into the pipe beneath the hole you made. Bomb the floor beneath that to fall through another pipe. Go through the left door and use the save room if you wish, then exit the save room and go to the right. Don't go through the door. Instead, shoot the blocks in the ceiling, jump up and shoot the right wall to the right of the tunnel to open it, and jump up to grab the edge. Jump to enter the tunnel, and roll through.

Shoot the Chozo's egg and take the Unknown Item. Use the Chozo Statue to heal and restore weapons. Shoot the block that is now glowing, and go through the door.

Go up into the ceiling tunnel on the left, bomb the block in the way, keep going left, and go through the door at the top.

Try using charged shots or missiles on the enemies in this room. Go to the right, and go through the door. Save the game, then go through the door on the right.

Bomb the floor slightly to the right of center, and fall through the hole. You'll fall through a pit block and pass by some glowing blocks. Go to the right, then jump up onto the left ledge, and go left to shoot through the two glowing blocks. Go through where the glowing blocks were, and go through the door.

Approach the Gadora on the left, and when it opens its eye, shoot it with a missile or charged shot. Collect the items it drops, shoot the door with a missile, then go through the door, where you will battle Kraid.