Screw Attack in Norfair

After you defeat Ridley, you can leave the Ridley region and explore new parts of Norfair.

Leave the Ridley Region

Go through the rooms to the right. When your path is blocked, freeze one of the monsters that comes up out of the pipe, and jump up to the upper part of the room. Shoot the glowing block and go through the wall there. Go through the door on the right, save in the save room if you wish, and go through the door on the right.

Go through the door on the right and Speed Boost through the room to open a path to a door on the right. Go through.

Go to the right side of the room and bomb the floor to find a tunnel. Go down into the tunnel and go to the left to find an Energy Tank. Then go to the right side of the room and go through the tunnel in the wall. You'll fall through some Pit Blocks. Go through the door on the right.

Make your way up until you find a glowing block. Shoot it and go past where it was. Make your way up, and go through the door at the top.

Go left through the room until you find a pipe that monsters are coming out of. Stand to the left of the pipe, in the middle of the platform, and jump up and down to make a creature float upward before it starts moving to the left. Aim upward and freeze the creature, and jump on it, then jump up to the ledge above. Go to the right to find a Missile Tank.

Go back down and go to the left side of the room, then go up the ledges on the right. At the top, go left, shoot a regular Missile at the square block on the left side of the floor, then go down into the hole that you created, and drop a bomb. Go to the left and go through the door, optionally go through the door on the left to use the save room, then go through the door on the right and go up to use the elevator to Norfair.


The wall to the right will collapse. Go through the wall there, and shoot the red door with a normal missile to open it. Go through.

The Chozo Statue is broken, but go through the tunnel behind it, then bomb the floor to go down below. Then go to the left to the next room. Speed Boost to the left until you stop. There will be a device in the floor. Drop a bomb in it to be launched upward. Then go through the door on the left.

You can't get this Missile Tank yet. Go to the left side of the room and shoot a regular missile at the door, then go through.

Shoot the Chozo egg and take the item to get the Screw Attack. Now, whenever you jump, you will create a large energy field that will destroy enemies and Screw Attack Blocks. Screw Attack only activates when you jump at an angle, so remember not to bump into enemies whenever you jump straight up.

Go back to the previous room and use Screw Attack to kill all the enemies in the room and to break the blocks around the Missile Tank to get it.

Screw Attack through the right side of the floor to go down to the lower level. If you want to skip some difficult-to-get items, skip to Go to Tourian. If you do want to try to get the items, Screw Attack or shoot the right side of the floor here, then go down to the green door on the right. Shoot it with a Super Missile and go through.

Go through the room, using Screw Attack on enemies in the way. At the right side, shoot through the base of the wall and roll through. If there is a gap with acid below it, wait a moment for a bridge to appear. Go across and bomb through the right wall. Then go through the door on the right.

Shoot the left side of the floor to create a hole, then go down into the lava, which is fake. Use Screw Attack on the enemies, then go through the door at the bottom.

Go to the left until you see a Super Missile Tank. Go to the right to make one of the flying creatures come up out of the pipe, then turn left and freeze the creature while it's between the block above the lava and the pillar with the Super Missile on it. Stand on the block above the lava, crouch into Morph Ball and jump onto the frozen creature (if you tried jumping normally, Screw Attack would kill the creature and you wouldn't be able to use it as a platform). From the frozen creature, jump up and get the Super Missile Tank. Then shoot the left wall, and when the creature unfreezes, wait for it to be between your platform and the wall tunnel, and aim diagonally down to freeze the creature again. Walk (don't jump) to the left to land on the frozen creature, then jump left to grab the tunnel. Jump to go in, then go left to get a Missile Tank. Speed Boost to the right to break through the right wall, then go through the door on the right.

Go back the way you came, and shoot the middle of the left wall to open the tunnel. Wait for the bridge to reappear and go to the left, then through the door on the left. Screw Attack up through the right part of the ceiling.

Go to Tourian

Go through the door on the right to enter the save room. Use it if you wish, then go through the door on the right.

Screw Attack through the large Sidehoppers and go through the door on the right. Go to the right side of this large room and go through the door. Use bombs to break through the upper-right wall, roll through, and you will fall through a Pit Block on the right side. Roll to the right and heal up at the Chozo Statue. Then go through the door on the right.

Jump up and grab the left ledge, then jump to go up. At the top, Screw Attack into the right wall to break through it, then start Screw Attacking upward and to the left to break through the wall and reach the blue door on the left. If you go through that door, there are some optional, difficult-to-get power-ups. If you want to skip them, go to the next paragraph. Otherwise, go through the door, then go left until you reach the green door on the left. Shoot a Super Missile at it and go through. Shoot through the walls to the left (don't use Screw Attack or you'll fall into the lava) and try jumping left without rotating, or jump and then shoot to stop yourself from rotating. When you reach the left side of the lava pit, Screw Attack through the uppermost block of the breakable wall to find a hidden Missile Tank. Then go through the door on the left. Go to the left side of the enclosed area. Crouch into Morph Ball and jump and drop a bomb in the upper left corner of the area, then stand up before the bomb goes off, then as soon as it goes off, jump to the Super Missile Tank on the left. Then stand on the leftmost side of the platform and run to the right while shooting so you go through the door. As soon as you start Speed Boosting, crouch, then jump and press right to Shinespark through this room. Go through the door on the right. Continue going right until you're in the green bubble room.

Go up and land on the ledge just above the door. Screw Attack upward to get through the ceiling. Go through the door on the left.

Keep going left while Speed Boosting to quickly get through the large room, then go through the door on the left and save the game if you wish. Then go through the left door of the save room. Go to the left or right side of the room and Screw Attack up through the ceiling, then go up the elevator.


Go through the door on the left, then go left through the room, use bombs on the wall in the way, and go left until you reach the door. Go through.

Go up through the room and save in the save room if you wish, then exit the save room. Go up and go through the door on the left, and in the small room, go through the door on the left. Then go up to the top of the tall room and go through the door on the left. Heal at the Chozo Statue, then go through the doors and rooms on the left until you reach the room with the big statue in the middle. Approach the statue and it will open its mouths. Go through the mouths, then go through the door on the left. Take the elevator down to Tourian.