Space Pirate Mothership

After you go back through Chozodia with the help of your new suit, you infilitrate the Space Pirate Mothership.

Infiltrate the Space Pirate Mothership

Go to the right and go through the glass tunnel. Go through the door at the end.

Space Jump up through the room, killing the Space Pirates as you go. At the top, bomb the left wall, then Space Jump up and go through the tunnel in the upper left.

Shoot the Space Pirate, then Space Jump up and go through the upper right door.

You will encounter a black Space Pirate, which you will have to shoot or Screw Attack multiple times to defeat. When it's gone, go through the bottom right door.

Space Jump to the right through this room and go through the upper-right door.

If the Save Room is not active, go back to the previous room and kill all the Space Pirates, then go back and use the save room. Then go through the door on the right.

Use bombs on the walls until you can reach the upper-right door. Go through.

Kill the Space Pirate, then go to the right side of the room and Screw Attack through the ceiling (part of the ceiling is a false wall that you can go straight through). Kill the Space Pirate that comes out of the tunnel, then either use a bomb on the upper-right ceiling or use a Missile on the upper-left ceiling. Go up, then shoot a missile at the cracked ceiling and Screw Attack through the block above that. Go through the tunnel, then shoot the metallic object and it will start walking. Shoot it again to make it stop and turn around. Shoot it again to make it start walking away. Shoot it once more to stop it. Then go up and get the Super Missile Tank. Go down to the first blue door on the right and go through.

There is a black Space Pirate here. Jump onto the ledge above it, and shoot at it from above. Then go up the room, killing Space Pirates. At the right side of the room, you can go down to the bottom and go through the tunnel if you want to use the save room. When you're done, exit the save room and go up to the red door on the right. Shoot it with a missile and go through.

Space Jump to the upper-right part of the room, then go through the tunnel in the upper left.

Kill the two black Space Pirates in this room and go through the door on the left.

Kill the Space Pirates that follow behind you into this room, if any. Then make your way through the room, killing Space Pirates. When your path is blocked by a metallic object, shoot it to make it start walking. When it has walked far enough to allow you to get out on the other side, shoot the robot again to stop it. Then continue through the room, killing Space Pirates, and go through the door on the left.

Go down through the room killing Space Pirates. Ignore the yellow door on the right. Go through the door on the left.

Kill the Space Pirates in front and behind you, if any, then shoot left, then bomb your way through the tunnel. After the first tunnel, drop a bomb to destroy the blocks above you, shoot left, then bomb your way through the second tunnel. Go through the door on the left.

Kill the Space Pirates that attack, go up through the room, and go through the door at the top.

You can Screw Attack through the cracked blocks on the floor and use the tunnel to avoid the enemies above, or just kill the enemies and go to the right side of the room where you will fall through Pit Blocks. Then go through the door on the right.

Kill Space Pirates, go up the room, and go through the door at the top.

You will now be in a room that looks a bit different. There is a glass window on the left. Go as close to the window as you can, where you will fall through the floor.

Go down through the tunnel.

You will see a Space Pirate carrying an object. Bomb your way to the left side of the tunnel, and bomb through the floor to go below. Go through the door on the right.

Don't go straight to the object, because there are lasers on both sides of it. Instead, Space Jump up and stand on top of the laser platform, then fall straight down to get the object. It's a Power Bomb Tank. You can use Power Bombs by holding R when setting a bomb. Use one now to open the door on the right, then carefully Space Jump up between the lasers, then go down to the door and go through.

In this empty room, use a Power Bomb to open holes in the ceiling. Space Jump up to there, kill the Space Pirates, and take the Power Bomb Tank. Then go back down and go through the door.

Go back the way you came. On the bridge of the ship, Space Jump up, and go through the blue door in the upper-right. Go right again and use the Save Room. Then go back to the bridge of the ship.

Get on the platform above the door you just came out of, and use a regular bomb to break open the ceiling. Go through the upper right door.

Go to the right and use a Power Bomb to break open the tunnel. Go through, and use normal bombs at the other side to get out. Go through the door on the right.

Go to the right through this room, and go through the door on the right. There is a wall between you and the red door. Use a Power Bomb to destroy a block in the top and bottom of the wall. Then roll into the tunnel, go to the right, and push right as the slow Pit Blocks collapse beneath you. You will roll out through the bottom-right hole. Shoot the red door with a missile and go through. Now you must battle Mecha-Ridley.