Hi-Jump in Norfair

After a brief trip through Brinstar, you continue on to your destination in Norfair.

Continue to Your Destination

At the top of the Brinstar elevator, the wall on the right will collapse. Jump up onto the fallen rocks and go to the right through the new opening. Go to the right and shoot the red door and go through. Stand in the Chozo Statue's hands and use Morph Ball to learn your next destination.

Go to the left, past the room with the elevator, and go up the tall room. At the top, go through the door on the right.

Go to the right, recharge at the Chozo Statue, and keep going to the right. Use the save room on the right if you with, then exit the save room. Go up the room until you have gone up past a Ripper (the brown creature that goes side to side). Jump onto the ledge to the right of the Ripper, then go to the right wall. Jump up against that wall and you will grab an invisible ledge. Jump to roll through the hidden tunnel.

Go to the right and bomb the wall, then go down into the hole that opened. Use a bomb to go up one step on the right, then stand up and freeze the Rippers. Jump up and get the Missile tank. Then roll through the tunnel on the right, go right to fall through the Pit Block, then go right and use a bomb at the end to get out of the tunnel. Go through the door on the right. Keep going right until there is a pit of acid with a ledge over it. Get on the ledge, then drop a bomb against the right wall. Keep going to the right until you reach the elevator back down to Norfair. Go down.

Get a New Ability

Get off the elevator and get down onto the ground to the left or right of the elevator. Go through the door on the left, then go to the left edge and start running to the right while shooting. You should start Speed Boosting through the rooms on the right. But before you fall into the acid, press down to crouch, then press jump, then right to Shinespark through the walls on the right. You'll hit a slope, causing you to Speed Boost again. Shoot to the right to open the door in your path, and you should Speed Boost over some Boost Blocks in the green bubble room, opening a path down below.

Go down to the bottom, then go through the left door. Go left through this room until you're at the left edge, then start running to the right while shooting toward the right to open the door. Back in the green bubble room, you'll break through another set of Boost Blocks. Go down and go through the door on the left.

Jump and shoot missiles or charged shots to get rid of the monsters on the ceiling, then go left through the room, shoot the red door, and go through.

Shoot the Chozo's egg and take the object to get the Hi-Jump ability. Not only does it make you jump higher, it also lets you jump while in Morph Ball mode.

Recharge your health and weapons with the Chozo Statue, but don't go into the tunnel below. It leads to a super-heated room where you will constantly take damage. Instead, go through the door on the right.

Go through the room with the ceiling monsters and go through the door on the right.

With Hi-Jump, you can now jump up and grab the ledge above you on the right. Roll through the top tunnel, then fall down while up against the right wall to get the Missile Tank. Then fall down below. At the bottom, shoot the wall to the left, then jump up to reach the blue door above you. Go through.

Use the Chozo Statue to learn your next destination. Then go to the upper part of the room, go through the door there, then go to the right until you see a partially hidden device in the ground. Place a bomb on the device to launch yourself upward. When you stop, go down and use the door on the left. Run left and you'll quickly Speed Boost through the room. Go through the left door, save the game, then go through the left door.

Freeze the Rippers to reach the top of the room, then use the elevator to go to Brinstar.