Speed Booster in Kraid

After you defeat Kraid, you make your way through Kraid's domain on your way to your next destination.

Go to the Destination

After Kraid disappears, go to the bottom left part of the room and use a bomb to break through the blocks. Go left to the next room. Shoot the egg in the Chozo Statue's hands, and take the item to get the Speed Booster. If you run a long distance, you will start to run very quickly, and you will break through Boost Blocks, which have an arrow symbol on them. If you are Speed Boosting, you can crouch to temporarily store the energy, then press the jump button to do a Shinespark, which is an uninterrupted dash upward that will break through Boost Blocks. You can also perform horizontal Shinespark by jumping then pressing left or right.

Go down below the Chozo Statue and go to the left wall. Run right and you will start Speed Boosting, running through several groups of Boost Blocks. Keep running and start shooting toward the right. This will open a door in the way. Keep Speed Boosting through the door and you will break through more Boost Blocks so you're in the bottom right corner of the tall room. If you stopped Speed Boosting before you went through the last set of Boost Blocks, you'll have to go back and try again.

Make your way upward, freezing the Rippers to jump on them. You can also shoot the blue blocks on the right side of the room and go into the gaps that you create, then use bombs to give yourself a ledge to stand on.

You'll find a door on the left. Go through. Make your way to the left, then when you reach the leftmost side of the room, use a bomb at the base of the left wall to find a Missile Tank. Take it and go back the way you came, to the tall room.

Go upward, then go through the upper right door to find a save room. Use it, then exit the save room.

Go through the upper left door, then jump and grab the rail, but start shooting missiles to the right so you can kill the monsters that start following you. Otherwise, they will knock you off, and if you fall into the acid below, you could end up in the room below and have to take the long way back to the room with the rail. When you successfully reach the left side of the rail, shoot the glowing block on the left, roll through the tunnel, and go through the door on the left.

Shoot the blue bricks in the floor and stay on the left side as you fall down below. Go through the door on the left.

Go to the left, shooting the Dessgeegas with missiles or charged shots, then go through the door on the left.

Jump onto the platform in the middle, then shoot the red door with a missile and go through. Use the map machine to get the Kraid map, then exit the map room.

Roll beneath the platform in the middle, then use a bomb to activate the device. You will be sent up through the room. Go through the door at the top.

Go to the right and kill the Dessgeegas below, then jump onto the platform to the right of where you can see a Missile Tank. Get on the platform that has a red orb on the underside, and drop many bombs at the red orb to summon the ceiling rail and try to bounce yourself up into the ceiling rail while still in Morph Ball. If you get into the rail with Morph Ball active, press the jump button when you're over the Missile Tank. If you timed it right, you'll fall through the Missile Tank and get it.

When you're done, go to the right side of the room and go through the door.

Go up the tall room by freezing the Rippers so they're slightly left of center. When you're on the uppermost Ripper, shoot the blue ceiling blocks and jump up through the left side. Keep going up the tall room. You can optionally go through the first red door on the right if you want to try to get an Energy Tank, but it's challenging. If you went through the red door, go toward the right but don't Speed Boost. Kill the monsters to the right, then go back to the door of the room but don't go through. Start Speed Boosting to the right, but before you touch the thin blocks over the acid (which are Pit Blocks which will drop you into the acid), press down to crouch, then if you're flashing, you can press jump, then right, to perform a Shinespark to the right side of the room, where you will break through some Boost Blocks and can get the Energy Tank past where the Boost Blocks were. After that, use a bomb to get out of the pit, then jump up and shoot the red orb above, get in the ceiling rail, then go through the door on the left.

Go up and use the save room if you wish, then go up and use the elevator to return to Brinstar. There will be a cutscene. Then you can go through Brinstar on your way to Norfair.