Bombs in Brinstar

After you defeat Deorem and get the Charge Beam, you can continue on to the second part of Brinstar.

Get an Energy Tank

Go to the right to find an Energy Tank. This increases your total energy capacity by 99.

Get Bombs

Keep going to the right and shoot through the walls in the way, then go through the door on the right.

Go up this room until you see a door on the left. Go through it, then kill the Geemers that are walking along the platforms and walls. The lower left door goes to a save room, so save if you wish, then exit the save room and go up to the top half of the room, then go through the door on the left.

Jump onto the upper ledge, then use Morph Ball to roll through the left tunnel. Hold R to shoot the red door with an arrow, and go through.

Hit the egg that the statue is holding, then touch the item it is holding, and you will get Bombs. You can switch to Morph Ball and press B to drop a bomb. The bomb won't damage you if it explodes on you. You can use the bomb blast to launch you upward if you're still in Morph Ball.

Get a Missile Tank

Use Morph Ball to roll into the tunnel beneath the Chozo Statue, then press B at the blocks with dots in them. Bombs will destroy those blocks. Go to the left and you find a hidden area. Use a bomb to destroy the first block with a dot in it, then stay beneath the opening that you created, and drop another bomb. You'll be launched upward through the hole. Push left to end up in the middle tunnel. Do the same to get past the block with the dot in it, then jump up through the hole to get the Missile Tank there.

Get the Map

Go back the way you came and you will find that the door is locked. Go down to the bottom half of the room and go next to the pillar of blocks. Drop a bomb there, and several blocks will break, causing a bunch of Parasites to come down from above. Destroy them with a bomb. The door will unlock, so go through.

Keep going to the right to reach the tall room. Make your way down to the bottom of the room and use the Map Station to reveal the map of this area.

Get Your Next Destination

Exit the map room and go up to the next door. Go through.

Make your way to the left, and you'll end up in a small room with three broken blocks in the middle. Drop bombs next to those broken blocks and they will disappear. Go down through the hole where they were, and go down to the bottom of the room. Go through the door there.

There are several Wavers in this room. Get past them and open the red door on the left with a missile. Go through.

Stand in the Chozo Statue's hands and use Morph Ball to receive your next destination.

Go to Your New Destination

Exit this room and go to the right through the room with the Wavers, and go through the door on the right. Go up through the tall room, use a bomb to get rid of the broken blocks in the ceiling, jump up through the hole, then go through the door on the left.

Go left through the room, destroying the Hive in the way, then go through the bottom left door.

In this small room, if you don't want a missile tank, just go through the left door. If you do want a missile tank (which can be difficult to reach) you can drop a bomb to the left of the middle of the room to break a hole in the floor. Go down, and you will see a missile tank on the right. To get it, get on top of the platform above it, then use Morph Ball and roll to the left, and drop a bomb as you fall past. Then get on the platform on the left and use a bomb to propel yourself to the hole before it can close up. Then you can roll in and get the missile tank. When you're done, go back to the top of the room and go through the door on the left.

Go left through this room to reach the tall room. Go down and you can optionally go through the door on the right to save. Exit the save room and keep going down until you're at the bottom of the tall room. Go through the door.

Go to the right, and you can kill the Zebs that pop up from the acid to recharge your health and missiles if needed. Keep going to the right, then jump on the ledge at the upper right and drop a bomb at the end to break through the blocks. Keep going to the right and go through the door at the end. Stand on the elevator and press down to go to Norfair.