
After you defeat Mother Brain, you end up in Chozodia with nothing but your Zero Suit and auto-charging pistol.

Survive Chozodia

Press a button when you're done reading the text during the cutscene. You will be shown that all you have for a weapon is your auto-charging pistol. After you exit the status screen, the charging status is in the upper left of the screen. It automatically fills up, so there is no need to hold a button to charge it. When it starts flashing, you can shoot a charged shot.

You no longer have most of your previous abilities, such as Screw Attack, bombs, and so on, but you can still grab ledges like before. Also, you will automatically crawl through narrow spaces.

Go to the bottom left of the area and go left to the next area. Keep making your way left, and approach the tunnel. You will automatically crawl into it. Keep going left.

You will see some Space Pirates in the metal structure above you. Go to the bottom left, crouch and shoot the base of the wall, then go left while shooting to crawl through. You will enter the Space Pirate Mother Ship.

Space Pirate Mother Ship

Crawl left, then jump up to grab the ledge on the left. Crawl left through the tunnel. Shoot the ceiling and go up to use the map machine. Go through the door on the left. Use the save room, which also restores your health, then go through the left door.

Jump up and crawl into the tunnel above the left door. Go left into the tunnel to exit the save room.

The Space Pirate below will notice you as soon as you go down to its level, so make sure to wait for your pistol to charge before you go down. Stun the Space Pirate, then go to the left and jump up through the false ceiling, and grab the ledge on the left. Climb up and crawl through the tunnel on the left, then go up the platforms while avoiding the Space Pirates, stunning them if needed. At the top, go to the right and go through the door.

Go through the tunnel on the right and jump up onto the ledge. Wait for the Space Pirate to go away. The shutter on the right will open. Go through.

Go upward, but don't trip the lasers. Jump up onto the block next to the upper part of the laser, and go to the right. Crawl through the tunnel. You have to shoot the block at the end, but this will trip the laser below. When this happens, jump onto the ledge on the right and go up through the door there.

Stun the Space Pirates as needed, then make your way up the room, crouch and shoot the block at the base of the floor, crawl through the tunnel, and go through the door.

Go to the right and you will fall through Pit Blocks. Stun the Space Pirate, then jump up the platforms on the right. Go through the door at the top.

Jump up the ledge, then fall down on the left side. When the Space Pirate goes away, the shutter will open. Crawl through the tunnel on the left. The path is straightforward and you will see some of the Space Pirate ships. In the next room, go left to fall through some Pit Blocks. Go through the door on the right to save the game and get healed up, then exit the save room.

Crawl through the tunnel on the left, then go up through the room (you can't open the red door with your pistol). Jump up to the ledge on the left and climb up. There are no enemies in the room, so just go left and make your way down, then go through the door.

Press L then down to shoot the floor, or jump and press down to shoot down at it. Go down and shoot left to stun the Space Pirate that is hiding there. Then crawl through the tunnel on the right.

Shoot the floor on the right and go down. Keep shooting the broken parts of the floor to make your way down, then when you go right and fall down, try to grab the left ledge on your way down so you won't fall into the area with two Space Pirates below. Go left and through the door.

Go left and you will fall through some Pit Blocks. Eventually the alarm will stop and the shutter on the left will open. Go through the door on the left.

Go up through the room but don't let the spotlights see you, or the alarms will start again. Go up to the top of the room and go through the door there.

Shoot the cracked ceiling blocks, jump up, go to the left, and shoot the cracked ceiling blocks here. Go through the left door.

Shoot the cracked walls, then go through the left door and save the game and heal up. Go through the left door.

Go down to the bottom of the room, then when you see horizontal lasers on the left, grab the left ledge just before the lasers and climb up. You will have to try to carefully jump left without falling through the lasers or jumping through the lasers above. If you do, Space Pirates will enter the room and you will have to stun them and run away from them while also jumping up the platforms through the room. Either way, after you jump to the leftmost laser platforms, go upward, but beware of the slow Pit Blocks that you land on. Jump up onto the solid platform above. The blocks to the right are also slow Pit Blocks, so you will need to run to the right, do a short jump to avoid the laser above, then immediately go to the right so you can crawl through the tunnel before the slow Pit Blocks collapse beneath you. On the other side of the tunnel, jump and grab the upper laser platform, then jump onto the left platform. Jump left again to grab the low platform, which is also made of slow Pit Blocks, so quickly jump onto the platform and run left, then jump onto the upper laser platform on the left. Go left while pushing toward the left so you don't fall through the laser on the right, then go through the door.

There is a false wall in the upper right of this room if you need to hide. Otherwise, go through the door on the left.

Down below, there is a Space Pirate hiding in the wall on the right. Try stunning it as you fall, then go down to the bottom of the room and crawl through the tunnel.

Shoot the cracked floor, but stay to the left as you fall, because there are more Space Pirates hiding in the wall to the right. When you reach some platforms down below, try to stay on the left side of the room as you go downward. Go through the door on the left.

Go left through this tunnel.

Fall to the bottom of the large room and crawl through the tunnel at the bottom left. Go through the door at the end, then shoot the square block in the ceiling, jump up through it, shoot to the left to break through the wall, then crouch and shoot the small block in the tunnel. Crawl through.

Jump up onto the ledge and stay on the right side to hide in the shadows. Wait until the coast is clear, then go through the left door and use the Save Room to heal up and save. Then go through the door on the left.

Avoid the spotlights in this room and go through the tunnel on the left, then make your way up. There aren't any collapsing floors or anything, so just go to the upper-right door and go through.

Go to the bottom of this room and go through the door on the right.

You can either crawl through the tunnels in this room or shoot the blocks out of the way. Go through the door on the right.

Ignore the square blocks on the right wall. They open a path to a hidden item below, but you can't get that item with your current equipment, and there is a Space Pirate down there anyway. Instead, go through the upper-left door, then go up and through the door there.

This room has moving eyeballs that will shoot beams at you if they see you, and will also summon Space Pirates to attack you. When the beam is moving upward, jump up to catch the right side of the platform, where you can hide in the shadows until the beam moves down again. When the beam is blocked by the blocks you're hanging from, jump to go up. Keep making your way up this room, trying to avoid the beams. Be aware that your foot hangs down out of the shadows, so be sure to press jump if a beam is about to see your foot. At the top, go through the door.

There are slow Pit Blocks to the left. Before you step on them, crouch and shoot the block in the tunnel. Then go left without stopping, except to shoot the blocks in the tunnel. Then go left to fall through Pit Blocks, but there is a Space Pirate that will see you as you fall, so run left through the door. Don't be fooled by the shadowed ledge. The Space Pirate will know you're there, so instead, run through the left door, shoot the left wall, go through the left door, shoot to the left, then jump into the shadowed pit in the lower left, and crouch. This time, the Space Pirate won't know you're there. Wait for it to go away, then shoot the ceiling above and slightly right of the shadowed pit, and go up and through the door at the top.

Go through the tunnel on the right, then make your way up the room. You will see a statue holding an item. Go through the left door.

The floor to the left is Pit Blocks, but there is no other way to go, so go left and fall through the Pit Blocks, then crawl through the tunnel on the left. Go up the platforms, and go through the left wall to find a Save Room where you can heal and save. Exit the save room and go through the door on the right. You may notice that the item the statue was holding is gone. Go to the right, then go up and you will see a Space Pirate taking the item that the statue was holding. Go left through the tunnel, then go up, and go through the door on the right.

Go down into the lower part of the shadowed area to avoid the beam. When the beam is going back downward, jump up onto the ledge on the right. Wait for the beam to be below the next block, then go down into the shadowed area. The lower eye can't go far up enough to see you in your shadowed area, so just wait for the lower eye to go down far enough that you can drop down into the next shadowed area. Quickly go into the tunnel on the right and go through. Stay in the right side of the tunnel until the eye starts going up again, then wait until you can go up to the next shadowed area. When possible, jump and hang from the next block, then as soon as the beam is just past the top of the block, jump to climb on the block. Go through the door on the right.

There are Space Pirates ahead, and it will be difficult to hide from them. You have to wait for them to be on the other side of their ledge before you go past. Go to the right and go through the door, then go upward and go through the tunnel on the left. If you were spotted, stun the Space Pirate that follows behind you, and immediately go to the left. If you're lucky, the alarm will stop and you can go through the door on the left without being followed.

Go up the platforms and go through the door on the left.

Fall down below, but if you're not still being chased, wait for the Space Pirate above you to be on the right side, then run past. Do the same with the Space Pirate on the next several ledges. At the left side of the room, jump and climb up the small blocks. At the top, jump up to the ledge on the right. Don't shoot the floor. Just shoot the blocks that block your way. Go to the right and go through the door at the end.

Go to the right to fall through Pit Blocks, then use the save room to save and heal. Go through the door on the right.

You will see some water below you. Go to the right and make your way up through the room, and jump up to grab the ledge on the left. Go through the door on the left. There will be a cutscene. After the cutscene, move left or right and you will see yourself reflected in the mirror above. This begins the battle with the Chozo Warrior Engraving.