Escape the Mothership

After you defeat Mecha-Ridley, a self-destruct sequence is initiated and you have 5 minutes to escape.


Go through the door on the left.

Drop a Power Bomb and go through the upper hole in the wall. Push left as you fall through the slow Pit Blocks. Then go through the door on the left. Go left through this hallway and go through the door on the left.

Use a Power Bomb to break a hole above you. Go through the tunnel to get past the shutter. Go through the tunnel on the left. Go through the door on the left.

Go down below and drop a bomb near the right side to break through the floor. Go to the bottom left of the room, then go right and roll through the tunnel. Go through the door on the right.

Go down to the bottom of the room and go through the door on the left. Go through the tunnel on the left, then shoot the ceiling and go through the door on the left.

Go down to the bottom of the room and go through the door on the right.

If you have any Power Bombs left, use one. Otherwise, shoot right and bomb your way through the tunnels. Go through the door on the right.

Go to the top of the room and go through the door on the right.

Space Jump through the room. Shoot the robot to get it moving, then go past it as soon as possible. Continue going through the room, and go through the door on the right.

Space Jump to the upper-right corner of the room and roll through the tunnel.

Go to the bottom left of the room and kill the two black Space Pirates. The door on the right will open. Go through. Kill the Space Pirate that jumps out of the hatch, then stand in front of the hatch and jump straight up to enter the ship. Congratulations! You won! Enjoy the ending and credits, and press a button to see the post-credits scene. Depending on how quickly you completed the game and what percent of items you collected, as well as the difficulty mode you played, you will unlock a different piece of artwork. Press a button after "See you next mission!" appears on the screen to unlock the Image Gallery in the Options screen, as well as the original Metroid that can be played via the Options screen.