Kraid Boss Strategy

After you make your way through Kraid's domain and find some upgrades, you must battle Kraid himself.

Defeat Kraid

Shoot Kraid's head with a missile or charged shot to make him roar, then shoot into his mouth with missiles or charged shots. Shoot the claws that Kraid throws at you to get health and missiles.

After you have hit Kraid enough times, large projectiles shoot out of his chest and stomach, destroying the blocks beneath you and lodging in the wall. Don't let these projectiles hit you, but if you fall below, you can jump on the projectiles after they stick in the wall.

If you have to stand on the stone platform to the left of the door, be prepared to jump away to safety if Kraid raises his claw, because he is about to swipe at you.

After you hit Kraid more times, he will destroy the stone platform to the left of the door as well. At this point, you need to stand on the uppermost projectile that came out of Kraid's chest, and jump up from there to hit Kraid's head and mouth. Keep hitting Kraid until he is defeated.