
The path to your destination in Norfair is blocked, but you find a tunnel to Crateria.

Explore Crateria

Go to the right and shoot through the wall. Keep going right and go through the door.

Go to the right, jump on the first metal platform, then go to the right and jump on the platform there. Then jump onto the upper left platform and drop a bomb next to the rocks to make them disappear. Go to the left and jump onto the left ledge. Go onto the first metal platform, stand at the right side and shoot straight up to get rid of the rocks in the way. Jump onto the ledge where they were, then roll through the left tunnel, then jump up and move toward the right to reach the area above.

When your path in the tunnel is blocked, use bombs to proceed. Go through the door on the right. Go to the right side of the room, shoot the egg that the Chozo Statue is holding, and touch the item to get an Unknown Item. Heal up at the Chozo Statue.

The mysterious blocks to the left have started glowing. Shoot them to make them disappear. Shoot the block above the Missile Tank and go down below to get it, then shoot the left wall and jump up to the left to go through the door.

Go to the end of the tunnel and stand up, then shoot to the left to open the tunnel there. Use Morph Ball and a bomb to launch yourself up into the tunnel, then do the same to enter the tunnel above that. Go to the right and use a bomb to destroy the glowing block above you. Jump up and onto the ledge on the left. Go left and jump up the stone platforms, then jump up into the beak and go through the door there.

Walk to the left and you'll fall through a Pit Block. Jump and shoot the left wall, go into the hole you opened, then use a bomb to break the blocks near where you opened the hole. Stand where the blocks where, and shoot straight upward. Jump up and to the left, and roll into the tunnel but keep pushing to the left to go into the next room.

Collect the glowing item to get the Power Grip. This allows you to grab and hang from ledges and corners.

Go to the right and jump up while moving right. You will automatically hold onto the ledge. You can then jump or press up to get up onto the ledge. Roll to the right to go to the previous room.

The center statue will start rising. Go to the right and use bombs to get through the barrier. Wait for the statue to stop moving, and several platforms will appear. Make your way up the platforms using your new ability. Go through the door on the left.

Go to the left, past each pillar, shooting the rocks on top of pillars. At the left side of the room, there is a pillar with rocks at the very top. To get rid of those rocks, jump onto the platform to the right, then jump left so you're spinning against the wall, then push right as you fall so you grab the left side of the platform and hang down from it. Then you can press left to aim your arm cannon at the rocks on top of the pillar on the left. When the rocks are gone, quickly jump and grab the top of the pillar where the rocks were, press the jump button to get on top of that pillar, roll left, and go through the door on the left.

Go to the left and you'll find your ship. You can stand on top of it to recharge your energy and weapons, and you can save your game.

Exit your ship and go to the right. Go through the door there.

Jump up the ledges on the right and place a bomb next to the glowing block to make it disappear. Roll right and you'll fall through a Pit Block. Go to the right and go through the door. Now go back down the elevator to Norfair (Part 2).