Ensnared Kiru Guru

After you get the Wave Beam in Norfair, you encounter an ensnared Kiru Guru.

Defeat Ensnared Kiru Guru

Throughout the battle, you can shoot the small green objects that the ensnared Kiru Guru shoots out, and they will drop health and missiles.

Rippers will sometimes fly around the room. Freeze one when it's in the upper half of the room on the left or right side, then jump on the frozen Ripper, and jump up from it to shoot missiles or charged shots at the tentacles above the ensnared creature. Keep freezing the Ripper that you're standing on.

Eventually you'll destroy all the tentacles on one side and you have to go to the other side to shoot the other tentacles.

After you destroy all the tentacles, the Ensnared Kiru Guru will fall through the floor, opening a new path. Go down through it, then go to the right. Go through the door and go down the elevator to reach the Ridley Region. There will be a cutscene.